PHP Classes

Classes: Email

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Email sending and receiving.

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  1 - 20   ...   81 - 100   101 - 120   121 - 140   141 - 160   161 - 180   181 - 200   ...   300 - 304  
  Files folder image MailCrypter  
Author: Pablo Gazmuri <e-mail contact>
Easily scramble mailto links to avoid harvesting.

  Files folder image Maildir To Mailbox  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2008
Number 6
Author: Charalampos Pournaris <e-mail contact>
Convert messages from maildir to mbox format

  Files folder image Mailer Class  
Author: JJ Harrison <e-mail contact>
Compose and sent text and HTML e-mail messages

  Files folder image MailHeaderClass  
Author: Achim Schmidt <e-mail contact>
Class for parsing emailheaders

  Files folder image mailLogger  
Author: solomongaby <e-mail contact>
Log information to files and send by e-mail

  Files folder image mailMine  
Author: Ivan Markovic <e-mail contact>
Compose and send e-mail messages

  Files folder image Mailto  
Author: Debugged Interactive Designs <e-mail contact>
Obfuscate e-mail links using ROT13

  Files folder image Mailto Encoder  
Author: Konstantinos Dafalias <e-mail contact>
Encode email address links with character entities

  Files folder image mail_class  
Author: Garefild <e-mail contact>
Send e-mail messages to many users using templates

  Files folder image Making VCARD from a CSV file  
Author: James Murathimi <e-mail contact>
Generate VCARD contact files from CSV file data

  Files folder image MaskMail  
Author: Lennart Pedersen <e-mail contact>
Hide you email from crawlers

  Files folder image mezon PHP POP3 Client  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2020
Number 8
Author: Alexey Dodonov <e-mail contact>
Retrieve email messages from a mailbox using POP3

  Files folder image Mht File Maker  
Author: Wudi <e-mail contact>
Build MHT MIME archives from lists of files

  Files folder image MicroPHP Mail Checker  
Author: Rashad Aliyev <e-mail contact>
Check e-mail messages in IMAP or POP3 mailboxes

  Files folder image Mime Decode  
Author: Richard Heyes <e-mail contact>
This class will enable you to decode mime email.

  Files folder image MIME E-mail message sending  
Author: Manuel Lemos <e-mail contact>
PHP mailer to compose and send MIME messages

  Files folder image Mime Mail  
Author: Jhaura Wachsman <e-mail contact>
Generate RFC MIME email message headers and bodies

  Files folder image MIME Mail and SMTP  
Author: Devin Doucette <e-mail contact>
Send HTML or plain text emails with attachments

  Files folder image MIME Mail Decoder  
Author: Paul Scott <e-mail contact>
Retrieve and decode messages from a POP3 account

  Files folder image MIME mail parser  
Author: Peter Kahl <e-mail contact>
Parse and extract contents of MIME email message

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