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1201. How to Benefit from the PHP Composer Install Provided by The Site to Attract More Developers to Use Your PHP Packages

Updated on: 2024-08-08

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The site has supported the PHP composer tool since 2013. Recently we made a small user interface improvement to make this PHP composer tool support more obvious.

Read this article to learn more about the support of the PHP composer tool and how you can benefit from this site feature to get more exposure to your PHP packages so more developers can use your packages.

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1200. PHP Classes 25th Anniversary

Updated on: 2024-06-27

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The PHP Classes site just completed 25 years of existence.

Read this short article to learn more about the plans for the next year.

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1160. PHP Classes Site 24th Anniversary and Future Plans

Updated on: 2023-06-26

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The PHP Classes site completed 24 years of existence.

We are swamped working on new developments that will benefit the site community.

Please read this article to learn more about the upcoming developments that will help you have a better life as a developer.

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1132. How to Participate in the PHP Classes Market For You to Sell Your Products to Other PHP Developers and Make More Money Doing What You Love

Updated on: 2023-01-27

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The PHP Classes is in the final steps of implementing a marketplace for any developer to sell their products.

This is a way to help developers like yourself do more of what you love and make more money so you can spend more time on your product development and better quality of life.

Now we need your input to sort the priorities to implement the last steps of the marketplace.

Please read this short article to understand better the PHP Classes marketplace and how you can participate or help the PHP Classes continue supporting all PHP developers.

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1129. How Would You Like that PHP Events Online Happen in the Future

Updated on: 2023-01-20

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Many developers like to attend events where they can learn from other developers.

Since the pandemic, many in-presence events have been suspended to protect the health of people that want to participate.

Recently we talked with some developers that expressed an interest in participating in PHP online events.

Therefore we need to research your needs and desires, so we can plan to organize the PHP online events of your dreams.

Please read this short article, so you can learn more about how you can participate in a short research survey, and we can learn what the PHP online events of your dreams should have.

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1119. Fulfilling PHP Developer Wishes in 2023

Updated on: 2022-12-23

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2022 was an excellent year for the PHP Classes site, with many improvements being developed discretely.

In 2023 we will continue to develop these improvements, and many new features will be announced.

Read this short article to learn about the essential features that many PHP developers will benefit from and have been developed in 2022, as well as some of the new features to be launched in 2023.

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1053. How to Find PHP Popular Libraries That You Can Learn From

Updated on: 2021-05-20

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The PHP Classes launched a new initiative to promote PHP classes and libraries to become more popular by encouraging their authors to write useful tutorial articles.

PHP Development Master Award is the name of this initiative that has as its main goal to promote the work authors of packages that have published useful tutorial articles.

Read this article or watch the tutorial video to learn how you participate in this initiative to get more exposure to your articles. You can also learn how to find the most popular tutorial articles published on the PHP Classes site since 2016.

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1048. PHP News Partnership Announced Between the PHP Classes Site and for Our PHP Newsletter

Updated on: 2021-01-27

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The PHP Classes just established a partnership with the site to lead the some of the latest more relevant news in the PHP community throughout the world.

Read this short announcement article, so you can understand what this means and what you gain from this collaboration initiative.

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1030. PHP Development Master Award Preview

Updated on: 2020-06-25

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The PHP Classes site completed 21 years of age and is now launching a new initiative called PHP Development Master Award that will distinguish developers that publish great tutorials about their own packages.

Developers like yourself that participe in this initiative can also win nice prizes like the original PHP elePHPant to be delivered to your address if you win the award.

You may also have the option to personalize it with a logo of your own choice like your PHP User Group, your own PHP project or some other logo that makes to use to personalize the elePHPant.

Read this article or watch the video in the article with a preview of this initiative to learn more details and how you can participate.

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871. Site Server Down Time Expected During Server Move

Updated on: 2019-07-26

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The PHP Classes site is going to be moved to a brand new server during this weekend.

This post is just a notice just in case you are concerned that you are not able to access it during the migration.

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