How to Find PHP Popular Libraries That You Can Learn From

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Updated on: 2021-05-20

Posted on: 2021-05-20

Viewers: 197 (May 2021)

Categories: New site features, PHP community

The PHP Classes launched a new initiative to promote PHP classes and libraries to become more popular by encouraging their authors to write useful tutorial articles.

PHP Development Master Award is the name of this initiative that has as its main goal to promote the work authors of packages that have published useful tutorial articles.

Read this article or watch the tutorial video to learn how you participate in this initiative to get more exposure to your articles. You can also learn how to find the most popular tutorial articles published on the PHP Classes site since 2016.

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In this article you will learn:

What is a Popular PHP Library

Why it is a Good Idea to Make a PHP Library More Popular

How to Increase the Popularity of a PHP Library Even More

How the PHP Development Master Award Can Help You to Get Even More Exposure to Your PHP Libraries

How Can You Participate in the PHP Development Master Award


PHP Development Master Award logo

What is a Popular PHP Library

A popular PHP library is a package of PHP components that is useful to many other developers.

Sometimes a popular library is not the one with the code that has the greatest quality. Sometimes it has bugs. What matters is that the library solves the problems of many PHP developers.

Why it is a Good Idea to Make a PHP Library More Popular

Once a PHP library starts getting popular, many users of the library notice that it has bugs and missing features.

Those users become motivated to contact the library authors to report those bugs and request more useful features.

Some popular libraries may even get money from their users to request that those libraries get their bugs or feature requests faster.

So, besides getting help from your users to collaborate in improving the library quality, library authors may even earn extra money to keep working on the improvement of their packages.

How to Increase the Popularity of a PHP Library Even More

One way to increase the popularity of a PHP library is to publish it on as many community sites as you can.

One top-rated community site is GitHub. If you submit your package there, you may get good exposure if your package is beneficial to many users.

GitHub is a project hosting site that provides access to project file repositories via the git tool. It is good to use a version control system in all PHP projects, as we explain here in this article.

Using GitHub helps you promote your packages better in the PHP Classes site, as the site has support to import packages from GitHub into the PHP Classes site quickly. Read this tutorial article and watch a video in the article to learn how to do that.

Obviously, the PHP Classes site is also one of those community sites that are good for sharing your PHP components.

Since the beginning, the site provides several means to expose your package to as many users as possible. This is done via newsletters messages sent to the site users when the library package is published or updated.

If the package is considered innovative, it may also get more exposure by being nominated for the PHP Programming Innovation Award. This is an initiative of the PHP Classes site that happens every month since 2004.

The goal of the innovation award is to distinguish innovative work. Once a package is recognized as innovative, it gets even more exposure by being announced in several newsletters that the site sends to many users.

How the PHP Development Master Award Can Help You to Get Even More Exposure to Your PHP Libraries

The PHP Development Master Award is a new initiative being launched when we are writing this article. It goes its to distinguish even more packages that have the potential to become very popular.

The PHP Classes site allows developers to share their packages in the PHP Classes site to promote their packages through specific tutorial blog article pages.

Each PHP package has a blog of its own on the PHP Classes site. Any author may publish articles that are tutorials to teach the packages users how to benefit from features of their packages.

When an author publishes an article about a package in the respective blog, he can flag that article to feature on the main PHP Classes site blog.

In practice, this means that when the blog post is published, a special newsletter message is sent to many tens of thousands of users of the PHP Classes site to let them know about the package blog article. This can get the package even more exposure.

Furthermore, every month the site announces in a special newsletter the most popular package blog post articles of the previous month. Not only this gets the package even more exposure, but the author can also earn prizes from several sponsors of the initiative, including the PHP Classes site that gives away one nice PHP elePHPant plush toy as a prize.

How Can You Participate in the PHP Development Master Award

The page about this initiative has written instructions on how to start participating.

If you prefer to watch a tutorial video, you may relax, sit back and watch the video below at the end of this article.


The PHP Development Master Award is just one of many initiatives that the PHP Classes site will launch this year to make the site a better resource than everybody from the PHP community to promote their work. Stay tuned to the upcoming announcements in the site blog.

For now, that is all. Keep sending great PHP packages and write nice tutorial articles about those packages on the PHP Classes site so that you can enjoy the benefits of the PHP Development Master Award.

If you have comments or suggestions, please post a comment below this article, or contact us privately to share your thoughts.

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1. Can be more specific - Mario Carrocera (2021-05-22 23:21)
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