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Dialect PHP ORM and ODM Library: Store and retrieve objects in database using ORM

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2022-09-14 (1 month ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 40 All time: 10,491 This week: 175Up
Version License PHP version Categories
dialectorm 2.0.1Artistic License5PHP 5, Databases, Design Patterns
Description Author

This class can store and retrieve objects in database using object-relational mapping and object-document-mapping (NoSQL).

It provides a base class that implements functions to access database tables that store records with the values of the variables and relationships of the objects that mapped to table records.

Applications just need to extend the base class to create implementation data objects by defining the variables and fields, table relationships and primary keys of the tables that will store those data objects.

The package also provides of the same classes in JavaScript and Python.

Picture of Nikos M.
Name: Nikos M. <contact>
Classes: 17 packages by
Country: Greece Greece
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 7x

Winner: 2x



Tiny, fast, super-simple but versatile Object-Relational-Mapper (ORM) with Relationships and Object-NoSql-Mapper for PHP, Python, JavaScript


version 2.0.1

see also:

  • ModelView a simple, fast, powerful and flexible MVVM framework for JavaScript
  • tico a tiny, super-simple MVC framework for PHP
  • LoginManager a simple, barebones agnostic login manager for PHP, JavaScript, Python
  • SimpleCaptcha a simple, image-based, mathematical captcha with increasing levels of difficulty for PHP, JavaScript, Python
  • Dromeo a flexible, and powerful agnostic router for PHP, JavaScript, Python
  • PublishSubscribe a simple and flexible publish-subscribe pattern implementation for PHP, JavaScript, Python
  • Importer simple class &amp; dependency manager and loader for PHP, JavaScript, Python
  • Contemplate a fast and versatile isomorphic template engine for PHP, JavaScript, Python
  • HtmlWidget html widgets, made as simple as possible, both client and server, both desktop and mobile, can be used as (template) plugins and/or standalone for PHP, JavaScript, Python (can be used as plugins for Contemplate)
  • Paginator simple and flexible pagination controls generator for PHP, JavaScript, Python
  • Formal a simple and versatile (Form) Data validation framework based on Rules for PHP, JavaScript, Python
  • Dialect a cross-vendor &amp; cross-platform SQL Query Builder, based on GrammarTemplate, for PHP, JavaScript, Python
  • DialectORM an Object-Relational-Mapper (ORM) and Object-Document-Mapper (ODM), based on Dialect, for PHP, JavaScript, Python
  • Unicache a simple and flexible agnostic caching framework, supporting various platforms, for PHP, JavaScript, Python
  • Xpresion a simple and flexible eXpression parser engine (with custom functions and variables support), based on GrammarTemplate, for PHP, JavaScript, Python
  • Regex Analyzer/Composer Regular Expression Analyzer and Composer for PHP, JavaScript, Python


  • Dialect
  • PHP: 5.3+
  • Python: 3+
  • JavaScript: ES7+


  • Relational Datastores: MySql, MariaDB, Postgresql, Sql Server, Sqlite, easily extended to other Relational Stores via adding Dialect configuration
  • NoSql / Key-Value DataStores: Redis, Mongodb (example in progress), easily extended to other NoSql Stores via providing adapter

example (see /test folder)

define('DIR', dirname(__FILE__));

    'Dialect' => DIR.'/Dialect.php',
DialectORM::DBHandler(new PDODb([
    'dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=dialectorm',
    'user' => 'dialectorm',
    'password' => 'dialectorm'
], 'mysql'));

class Post extends DialectORM
    public static $table = 'posts';
    public static $pk = 'id'; // primary and/or foreign keys can also be composite keys, define with an array of keys eg ['k1', 'k2']
    public static $fields = ['id', 'content'];
    public static $relationships = [
        'meta' => ['hasOne', 'PostMeta', 'post_id'], // primary and/or foreign keys can also be composite keys, define with an array of keys eg ['k1', 'k2']
        'comments' => ['hasMany', 'Comment', 'post_id'], // primary and/or foreign keys can also be composite keys, define with an array of keys eg ['k1', 'k2']
        'authors' => ['belongsToMany', 'User', 'user_id', 'post_id', 'user_post'], // primary and/or foreign keys can also be composite keys, define with an array of keys eg ['k1', 'k2']

    public function typeId($x)
        return (int)$x;

    public function typeContent($x)
        return (string)$x;

    public function validateContent($x)
        return 0 < strlen($x);

class PostMeta extends DialectORM
    public static $table = 'postmeta';
    public static $pk = 'id'; // primary and/or foreign keys can also be composite keys, define with an array of keys eg ['k1', 'k2']
    public static $fields = ['id', 'status', 'type', 'post_id'];
    public static $relationships = [
        'post' => ['belongsTo', 'Post', 'post_id'] // primary and/or foreign keys can also be composite keys, define with an array of keys eg ['k1', 'k2']

    public function typeId($x)
        return (int)$x;

    public function typePostId($x)
        return (int)$x;

    public function typeStatus($x)
        return strtolower((string)$x);

    public function typeType($x)
        return strtolower((string)$x);

    public function validateStatus($x)
        return in_array($x, ['approved', 'published', 'suspended']);

    public function validateType($x)
        return in_array($x, ['article', 'tutorial', 'general']);

class Comment extends DialectORM
    public static $table = 'comments';
    public static $pk = 'id'; // primary and/or foreign keys can also be composite keys, define with an array of keys eg ['k1', 'k2']
    public static $fields = ['id', 'content', 'post_id'];
    public static $relationships = [
        'post' => ['belongsTo', 'Post', 'post_id'], // primary and/or foreign keys can also be composite keys, define with an array of keys eg ['k1', 'k2']

    public function typeId($x)
        return (int)$x;

    public function typeContent($x)
        return (string)$x;

    public function typePostId($x)
        return (int)$x;

    public function validateContent($x)
        return 0 < strlen($x);

class User extends DialectORM
    public static $table = 'users';
    public static $pk = 'id'; // primary and/or foreign keys can also be composite keys, define with an array of keys eg ['k1', 'k2']
    public static $fields = ['id', 'name'];
    public static $relationships = [
        'posts' => ['belongsToMany', 'Post', 'post_id', 'user_id', 'user_post'], // primary and/or foreign keys can also be composite keys, define with an array of keys eg ['k1', 'k2']

    public function typeId($x)
        return (int)$x;

    public function typeName($x)
        return (string)$x;

    public function validateName($x)
        return 0 < strlen($x);

$post = new Post(['content'=>'another post..']);
// alternative
//$post = new Post(); $post->setContent('another post..');

$post->setComments([new Comment(['content'=>'another comment..'])]);
$post->setComments([new Comment(['content'=>'still another comment..'])], ['merge'=>true]);

$post->setAuthors([new User(['name'=>'bar'])], ['merge'=>true]);

// alternative
//$user = new User(['name'=>'bar']);

// to simply dissociate from a many-to-many relationship



$count = Post::count(['conditions'=>[/../]]);
$posts = Post::fetchAll(['withRelated'=>['comments','authors']]); // eager load of relationships, no N+1 problem

//foreach(Post::fetchAll() as $post) $post->getComments(); // lazy load of relationships, N+1 problem
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