# DialectORM,
# tiny, fast, super-simple but versatile Object-Relational-Mapper with Relationships and Object-NoSql-Mapper for PHP, JavaScript, Python
# @version: 2.0.1
# https://github.com/foo123/DialectORM
import re, time, abc, inspect, functools
from collections import OrderedDict
def ucfirst(s):
return s[0].upper() + s[1:]
def lcfirst(s):
return s[0].lower() + s[1:]
def empty(arg):
if isinstance(arg, str):
return ('0' == arg) or (not len(arg))
return (not arg)
GUID = 0
def guid():
global GUID
GUID += 1
return str(hex(int(time.time()))[2:])+'__'+str(hex(GUID)[2:])
def createFunction(args, sourceCode, additional_symbols = dict()):
# http://code.activestate.com/recipes/550804-create-a-restricted-python-function-from-a-string/
funcName = 'dialectorm_func_' + guid()
# The list of symbols that are included by default in the generated
# function's environment
"list", "dict", "enumerate", "tuple", "set", "long", "float", "object",
"bool", "callable", "True", "False", "dir",
"frozenset", "getattr", "hasattr", "abs", "cmp", "complex",
"divmod", "id", "pow", "round", "slice", "vars",
"hash", "hex", "int", "isinstance", "issubclass", "len",
"map", "filter", "max", "min", "oct", "chr", "ord", "range",
"reduce", "repr", "str", "type", "zip", "xrange", "None",
"Exception", "KeyboardInterrupt"
# Also add the standard exceptions
__bi = __builtins__
if type(__bi) is not dict:
__bi = __bi.__dict__
for k in __bi:
if k.endswith("Error") or k.endswith("Warning"):
del __bi
# Include the sourcecode as the code of a function funcName:
s = "def " + funcName + "(%s):\n" % args
s += sourceCode # this should be already properly padded
# Byte-compilation (optional)
byteCode = compile(s, "<string>", 'exec')
# Setup the local and global dictionaries of the execution
# environment for __TheFunction__
bis = dict() # builtins
globs = dict()
locs = dict()
# Setup a standard-compatible python environment
bis["locals"] = lambda: locs
bis["globals"] = lambda: globs
globs["__builtins__"] = bis
globs["__name__"] = "SUBENV"
globs["__doc__"] = sourceCode
# Determine how the __builtins__ dictionary should be accessed
if type(__builtins__) is dict:
bi_dict = __builtins__
bi_dict = __builtins__.__dict__
# Include the safe symbols
for k in SAFE_SYMBOLS:
# try from current locals
locs[k] = locals()[k]
except KeyError:
# Try from globals
globs[k] = globals()[k]
except KeyError:
# Try from builtins
bis[k] = bi_dict[k]
except KeyError:
# Symbol not available anywhere: silently ignored
# Include the symbols added by the caller, in the globals dictionary
# Finally execute the Function statement:
eval(byteCode, globs, locs)
# As a result, the function is defined as the item funcName
# in the locals dictionary
fct = locs[funcName]
# Attach the function to the globals so that it can be recursive
del locs[funcName]
globs[funcName] = fct
# Attach the actual source code to the docstring
fct.__doc__ = sourceCode
# return the compiled function object
return fct
def import_module(name, path):
import imp
mod_fp = None
mod_fp, mod_path, mod_desc = imp.find_module(name, [path])
mod = getattr(imp.load_module(name, mod_fp, mod_path, mod_desc), name)
except ImportError as exc:
mod = None
if mod_fp: mod_fp.close()
return mod
def eq(a, b):
if isinstance(a, (list,tuple)) and isinstance(b, (list,tuple)):
if len(a) == len(b):
for i in range(len(a)):
if a[i] != b[i]: return False
return True
return False
return a == b
def array(x):
return list(x) if isinstance(x, (list,tuple)) else [x]
Dialect = None
class DialectORMEntity:
def snake_case(klass, s, sep = '_'):
s = re.sub('[A-Z]', lambda m: sep + m.group(0).lower(), lcfirst(s))
return s[1:] if sep == s[0] else s
def camelCase(klass, s, PascalCase = False, sep = '_'):
s = re.sub(re.escape(sep)+'([a-z])', lambda m: m.group(1).upper(), s)
return ucfirst(s) if PascalCase else s
def key(klass, k, v, conditions = dict(), prefix = ''):
if isinstance(k, (list,tuple)):
v = array(v)
for i in range(len(k)):
conditions[prefix + k[i]] = v[i]
conditions[prefix + k] = v
return conditions
def emptykey(klass, k):
if isinstance(k, (list,tuple)):
return empty(k) or (len(k) > len(list(filter(lambda ki: not empty(ki), k))))
return empty(k)
def strkey(klass, k):
if isinstance(k, (list,tuple)):
return ':&:'.join(list(map(lambda ki: str(ki), k)))
return str(k)
def pluck(klass, entities, field = ''):
if '' == field:
return list(map(lambda entity: entity.primaryKey(), entities))
return list(map(lambda entity: entity.get(field), entities))
def sorter(klass, args = list()):
# Array multi - sorter utility
# returns a sorter that can (sub-)sort by multiple (nested) fields
# each ascending or descending independantly
# + before a (nested) field indicates ascending sorting (default),
# example "+a.b.c"
# - before a (nested) field indicates descending sorting,
# example "-b.c.d"
l = len(args)
if l:
step = 1
sorter = []
variables = []
sorter_args = []
filter_args = [];
for i in range(l-1, -1, -1):
field = args[i]
# if is array, it contains a filter function as well
filter_args.insert(0, 'f'+str(i))
if isinstance(field, (list,tuple)):
sorter_args.insert(0, field[1])
field = field[0]
sorter_args.insert(0, None)
field = str(field)
dir = field[0]
if '-' == dir:
desc = True
field = field[1:]
elif '+' == dir:
desc = False
field = field[1:]
# default ASC
desc = False
field = ''.join(list(map(lambda f: '' if not len(f) else (('['+f+']') if re.search(r'^\d+$', f) else ('.get(\''+f+'\')')), field.split('.')))) if len(field) else ''
a = "a"+field
b = "b"+field
if sorter_args[0]:
a = filter_args[0] + '(' + a + ')'
b = filter_args[0] + '(' + b + ')'
avar = 'a_'+str(i)
bvar = 'b_'+str(i)
variables.insert(0, bvar+'='+b)
variables.insert(0, avar+'='+a)
lt = str(step) if desc else ('-'+str(step))
gt = ('-'+str(step)) if desc else str(step)
sorter.insert(0, "("+lt+" if "+avar+" < "+bvar+" else ("+gt+" if "+avar+" > "+bvar+" else 0))")
step <<= 1
# use optional custom filters as well
comparator = (createFunction(
' def sorter(a,b):',
' '+"\n ".join(variables),
' return '+'+'.join(sorter),
' return sorter'
return functools.cmp_to_key(comparator)
a = "a"
b = "b"
lt = '-1'
gt = '1'
sorter = lt+" if "+a+" < "+b+" else ("+gt+" if "+a+" > "+b+" else 0)"
comparator = createFunction('a,b', ' return '+sorter)
return functools.cmp_to_key(comparator)
def fetchByPk(klass, id, default = None):
return default
def fetchAll(klass, opts = dict(), default = list()):
return default
def primaryKey(self, default = 0):
klass = self.__class__
return self.get(klass.pk, default)
def get(self, field, default = None, opts = dict()):
return default
def set(self, field, val = None, opts = dict()):
return self
def has(self, field):
return False
def clear(self):
self.data = None
self.isDirty = None
return self
def toDict(self, diff = False):
return {}
def beforeSave(self):
def afterSave(self, result = 0):
def save(self, opts = dict()):
return 0
def delete(self, opts = dict()):
return 0
# interface
class IDialectORMDb(abc.ABC):
def vendor(self): raise NotImplementedError
def escape(self, str): raise NotImplementedError
def escapeWillQuote(self): raise NotImplementedError
def query(self, sql): raise NotImplementedError
def get(self, sql): raise NotImplementedError
class DialectORMException(Exception):
class DialectORMRelation:
def __init__(self, type, a, b, kb, ka = None, ab = None):
self.type = str(type).lower()
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.keya = ka
self.keyb = kb
self.ab = ab
self.field = None
self.data = False
class DialectORM(DialectORMEntity):
DialectORM for Python,
VERSION = '2.0.1'
Entity = DialectORMEntity
Exception = DialectORMException
Relation = DialectORMRelation
IDb = IDialectORMDb
deps = {}
dbh = None
tblprefix = ''
table = None
pk = None
fields = []
relationships = {}
def dependencies(deps):
def dependency(dep, default = None):
return DialectORM.deps[dep] if dep in DialectORM.deps else default
def DBHandler(db = None):
if db is not None:
if not isinstance(db, IDialectORMDb):
raise DialectORM.Exception('DialectORM DB must implement DialectORM.IDb')
DialectORM.dbh = db
return DialectORM.dbh
def SQLBuilder():
global Dialect
if not Dialect:
entry = DialectORM.dependency('Dialect')
if entry:
if isinstance(entry, (list,tuple)):
Dialect = import_module(str(entry[1]) if 1<len(entry) else 'Dialect', str(entry[0]))
elif isinstance(entry, str):
Dialect = import_module('Dialect', entry)
elif inspect.isclass(entry):
Dialect = entry
db = DialectORM.DBHandler()
sql = Dialect(db.vendor())
sql.escape(db.escape, db.escapeWillQuote())
if hasattr(db, 'escapeId') and callable(getattr(db, 'escapeId')):
sql.escapeId(db.escapeId, db.escapeIdWillQuote() if hasattr(db, 'escapeIdWillQuote') and callable(getattr(db, 'escapeIdWillQuote')) else False)
return sql
def prefix(prefix = None):
if prefix is not None:
DialectORM.tblprefix = str(prefix)
return DialectORM.tblprefix
def tbl(table):
return DialectORM.prefix() + str(table)
eq = eq
def fetchByPk(klass, id, default = None):
entity = DialectORM.DBHandler().get(
DialectORM.key(klass.pk, id, {})
return klass(entity[0] if isinstance(entity, list) else entity) if not empty(entity) else default
def count(klass, opts = dict()):
options = {'conditions' : {}}
sql = DialectORM.SQLBuilder().clear().Select(
'COUNT(*) AS cnt'
res = DialectORM.DBHandler().get(sql.sql())
return res[0]['cnt']
def fetchAll(klass, opts = dict(), default = list()):
options = {
'conditions': {},
'order': OrderedDict(),
'limit': None,
'single': False,
'withRelated': [],
'related': {},
retSingle = options['single']
if retSingle and empty(default):
default = None
pk = klass.pk
sql = DialectORM.SQLBuilder().clear().Select(
if not empty(options['order']):
for field in options['order']:
sql.Order(field, options['order'][field])
if options['limit'] is not None:
if isinstance(options['limit'], (list,tuple)):
sql.Limit(options['limit'][0], options['limit'][1] if 1<len(options['limit']) else 0)
sql.Limit(options['limit'], 0)
elif retSingle:
sql.Limit(1, 0)
entities = DialectORM.DBHandler().get(sql.sql())
if empty(entities): return default
for i in range(len(entities)):
entities[i] = klass(entities[i])
if options['withRelated']:
# eager optimised (no N+1 issue) loading of selected relations
ids = klass.pluck(entities)
for field in options['withRelated']:
field = str(field)
if field not in klass.relationships: continue
rel = klass.relationships[field]
type = rel[0].lower()
cls = rel[1]
conditions = {}
if 'hasone' == type:
fk = rel[2]
if isinstance(fk, (list,tuple)):
conditions[DialectORM.strkey(fk)] = {'or':[DialectORM.key(fk, id, {}) for id in ids]}
conditions[fk] = {'in':ids}
if field in options['related'] and 'conditions' in options['related'][field]:
conditions2 = options['related'][field]['conditions'].copy()
conditions = conditions2
rentities = cls.fetchAll({
'conditions' : conditions
mapp = {}
for re in rentities:
mapp[DialectORM.strkey(re.get(fk))] = re
for e in entities:
kv = str(e.primaryKey())
e.set(field, mapp[kv] if kv in mapp else None)
elif 'hasmany' == type:
fk = rel[2]
if field in options['related'] and 'limit' in options['related'][field]:
sql = DialectORM.SQLBuilder()
selects = []
for id in ids:
conditions = DialectORM.key(fk, id, {})
if field in options['related'] and 'conditions' in options['related'][field]:
conditions2 = options['related'][field]['conditions'].copy()
conditions = conditions2
subquery = sql.subquery().Select(
if field in options['related'] and 'order' in options['related'][field]:
for ofield in options['related'][field]['order']:
subquery.Order(ofield, options['related'][field]['order'][ofield])
if isinstance(options['related'][field]['limit'], (list,tuple)):
subquery.Limit(options['related'][field]['limit'][0], options['related'][field]['limit'][1] if 1<len(options['related'][field]['limit']) else 0)
subquery.Limit(options['related'][field]['limit'], 0)
rentities = DialectORM.DBHandler().get(sql.clear().Union(selects, False).sql())
for i in range(len(rentities)):
rentities[i] = cls(rentities[i])
conditions = {}
if isinstance(fk, (list,tuple)):
conditions[DialectORM.strkey(fk)] = {'or':[DialectORM.key(fk, id, {}) for id in ids]}
conditions[fk] = {'in':ids}
if field in options['related'] and 'conditions' in options['related'][field]:
conditions2 = options['related'][field]['conditions'].copy()
conditions = conditions2
rentities = cls.fetchAll({
'conditions' : conditions,
'order' : options['related'][field]['order'] if field in options['related'] and 'order' in options['related'][field] else OrderedDict()
mapp = {}
for re in rentities:
fkv = DialectORM.strkey(re.get(fk))
if fkv not in mapp: mapp[fkv] = [re]
else: mapp[fkv].append(re)
for e in entities:
kv = DialectORM.strkey(e.primaryKey())
e.set(field, mapp[kv] if kv in mapp else [])
elif 'belongsto' == type:
fk = rel[2]
rpk = cls.pk
fids = klass.pluck(entities, fk)
if isinstance(rpk, (list,tuple)):
conditions[DialectORM.strkey(rpk)] = {'or':[DialectORM.key(rpk, id, {}) for id in fids]}
conditions[rpk] = {'in':fids}
if field in options['related'] and 'conditions' in options['related'][field]:
conditions2 = options['related'][field]['conditions'].copy()
conditions = conditions2
rentities = cls.fetchAll({
'conditions' : conditions
mapp = {}
for re in rentities:
mapp[DialectORM.strkey(re.primaryKey())] = re
for e in entities:
fkv = DialectORM.strkey(e.get(fk))
e.set(field, mapp[fkv] if fkv in mapp else None, {'recurse':True,'merge':True})
elif 'belongstomany' == type:
ab = DialectORM.tbl(rel[4])
fk = rel[2]
pk2 = rel[3]
rpk = cls.pk
if isinstance(pk2, (list,tuple)):
conditions[DialectORM.strkey(pk2)] = {'or':[DialectORM.key(pk2, id, {}) for id in ids]}
conditions[pk2] = {'in':ids}
reljoin = DialectORM.DBHandler().get(
fids = list(map((lambda d: list(map(lambda k: d[k], fk))) if isinstance(fk, (list,tuple)) else (lambda d: d[fk]), reljoin))
if (not empty(fids)) and (field in options['related'] and 'limit' in options['related'][field]):
sql = DialectORM.SQLBuilder()
selects = []
for id in fids:
conditions = DialectORM.key(rpk, id, {})
if field in options['related'] and 'conditions' in options['related'][field]:
conditions2 = options['related'][field]['conditions'].copy()
conditions = conditions2
subquery = sql.subquery().Select(
if field in options['related'] and 'order' in options['related'][field]:
for ofield in options['related'][field]['order']:
subquery.Order(ofield, options['related'][field]['order'][ofield])
if isinstance(options['related'][field]['limit'], (list,tuple)):
subquery.Limit(options['related'][field]['limit'][0], options['related'][field]['limit'][1] if 1<len(options['related'][field]['limit']) else 0)
subquery.Limit(options['related'][field]['limit'], 0)
rentities = DialectORM.DBHandler().get(sql.clear().Union(selects, False).sql())
for i in range(len(rentities)):
rentities[i] = cls(rentities[i])
conditions = {}
if isinstance(rpk, (list,tuple)):
conditions[DialectORM.strkey(rpk)] = {'or':[DialectORM.key(rpk, id, {}) for id in fids]}
conditions[rpk] = {'in':fids}
if field in options['related'] and 'conditions' in options['related'][field]:
conditions2 = options['related'][field]['conditions'].copy()
conditions = conditions2
rentities = cls.fetchAll({
'conditions' : conditions,
'order' : options['related'][field]['order'] if field in options['related'] and 'order' in options['related'][field] else OrderedDict()
mapp = {}
for re in rentities:
mapp[DialectORM.strkey(re.primaryKey())] = re
relmapp = {}
for d in reljoin:
k1 = DialectORM.strkey([d[k] for k in pk2] if isinstance(pk2, (list,tuple)) else d[pk2])
k2 = DialectORM.strkey([d[k] for k in fk] if isinstance(fk, (list,tuple)) else d[fk])
if k2 in mapp:
if k1 not in relmapp: relmapp[k1] = [mapp[k2]]
else: relmapp[k1].append(mapp[k2])
for e in entities:
k1 = DialectORM.strkey(e.primaryKey())
e.set(field, relmapp[k1] if k1 in relmapp else [])
return entities[0] if retSingle else entities
def deleteAll(klass, opts = dict()):
options = {
'conditions' : {},
'limit' : None,
'withRelated' : False
ids = None
if not empty(options['withRelated']):
ids = klass.pluck(klass.fetchAll({'conditions':options['conditions'], 'limit':options['limit']}))
for field in klass.relationships:
rel = klass.relationships[field]
type = rel[0].lower()
cls = rel[1]
conditions = {}
if 'belongsto'==type:
# bypass
elif 'belongstomany'==type:
# delete relation from junction table
fk = rel[3]
if isinstance(fk, (list,tuple)):
conditions[DialectORM.strkey(fk)] = {'or':[DialectORM.key(fk, id, {}) for id in ids]}
conditions[fk] = {'in':ids}
fk = rel[2]
if isinstance(fk, (list,tuple)):
conditions[DialectORM.strkey(fk)] = {'or':[DialectORM.key(fk, id, {}) for id in ids]}
conditions[fk] = {'in':ids}
'conditions' : conditions,
'withRelated' : True
if isinstance(ids, list):
pk = klass.pk
conditions = {}
if isinstance(pk, (list,tuple)):
conditions[DialectORM.strkey(pk)] = {'or':[DialectORM.key(pk, id, {}) for id in ids]}
conditions[pk] = {'in':ids}
sql = DialectORM.SQLBuilder().clear().Delete(
sql = DialectORM.SQLBuilder().clear().Delete(
if options['limit'] is not None:
if isinstance(options['limit'], (list,tuple)):
sql.Limit(options['limit'][0], options['limit'][1] if 1<len(options['limit']) else 0)
sql.Limit(options['limit'], 0)
res = DialectORM.DBHandler().query(sql.sql())
res = res['affectedRows'];
return res
def __init__(self, data = dict()):
self._db = None
self._sql = None
self.relations = {}
self.data = None
self.isDirty = None
if isinstance(data, dict) and not empty(data):
def db(self):
if not self._db: self._db = DialectORM.DBHandler()
return self._db
def sql(self):
if not self._sql: self._sql = DialectORM.SQLBuilder()
return self._sql
def get(self, field, default = None, opts = dict()):
if isinstance(field, (list,tuple)):
return [self.get(f, default[i] if isinstance(default, (list,tuple)) else default, opts) for i, f in enumerate(field)]
field = str(field)
klass = self.__class__
if field in klass.relationships:
return self._getRelated(field, default, opts)
if (not isinstance(self.data, dict)) or (field not in self.data):
if field in klass.fields: return default
raise DialectORM.Exception('Undefined Field: "' + field + '" in ' + klass.__name__ + ' via get()')
return self.data[field]
def _getRelated(self, field, default = None, opts = dict()):
klass = self.__class__
rel = None
if isinstance(field, DialectORM.Relation):
rel = field
field = rel.field
elif field in self.relations:
rel = self.relations[field]
elif field in klass.relationships:
type = klass.relationships[field][0]
a = klass
b = klass.relationships[field][1]
kb = klass.relationships[field][2]
ka = klass.relationships[field][3] if 3<len(klass.relationships[field]) else None
ab = klass.relationships[field][4] if 4<len(klass.relationships[field]) else None
rel = DialectORM.Relation(type, a, b, kb, ka, ab)
rel.field = field
self.relations[field] = rel
if rel:
options = {
'conditions' : {},
'order' : OrderedDict(),
'limit' : None
if (rel.type in ['hasmany','belongstomany']) and empty(default):
default = []
if rel.data is False:
if 'hasone' == rel.type or 'hasmany' == rel.type:
cls = rel.b
fk = rel.keyb
if 'hasone' == rel.type:
rel.data = cls.fetchAll({
'conditions' : DialectORM.key(fk, self.primaryKey(), {}),
'single' : True
rel.data = cls.fetchAll({
'conditions' : DialectORM.key(fk, self.primaryKey(), options['conditions'].copy()),
'order' : options['order'],
'limit' : options['limit']
if rel.data:
mirrorRel = self._getMirrorRel(rel)
if mirrorRel:
if isinstance(rel.data, list):
for entity in rel.data:
#entity.set(rel.keyb, self.primaryKey())
entity.set(mirrorRel['field'], self, {'recurse':False})
entity = rel.data
#entity.set(rel.keyb, self.primaryKey())
entity.set(mirrorRel['field'], self, {'recurse':False})
elif 'belongsto' == rel.type:
cls = rel.b
rel.data = cls.fetchByPk(self.get(rel.keyb), None)
if rel.data:
mirrorRel = self._getMirrorRel(rel)
if mirrorRel:
entity = rel.data
entity.set(mirrorRel['field'], self if 'hasone'==mirrorRel['type'] else [self], {'recurse':False,'merge':True})
elif 'belongstomany' == rel.type:
cls = rel.b
tbl = DialectORM.tbl(cls.table)
jtbl = DialectORM.tbl(rel.ab)
jon = {}
pk = array(cls.pk)
fk = array(rel.keyb)
for i in range(len(pk)): jon[tbl + '.' + pk[i]] = jtbl + '.' + fk[i]
fields = cls.fields
for i in range(len(fields)): fields[i] = tbl + '.' + fields[i] + ' AS ' + fields[i]
jtbl, jon, 'inner'
DialectORM.key(rel.keya, self.primaryKey(), options['conditions'].copy(), jtbl + '.')
if not empty(options['order']):
for field in options['order']:
self.sql().Order(field, options['order'][field])
if options['limit'] is not None:
if isinstance(options['limit'], (list,tuple)):
self.sql().Limit(options['limit'][0], options['limit'][1] if 1<len(options['limit']) else 0)
self.sql().Limit(options['limit'], 0)
rel.data = list(map(lambda data: cls(data), self.db().get(str(self.sql()))))
return default if not rel.data else rel.data
return default
def set(self, field, val = None, opts = dict()):
if isinstance(field, (list,tuple)):
for i, f in enumerate(field):
self.set(f, val[i] if isinstance(val, (list,tuple)) else val, opts)
return self
field = str(field)
options = {
'raw' : False,
'recurse' : True,
'merge' : False
klass = self.__class__
if field in klass.relationships:
return self._setRelated(field, val, options)
if field not in klass.fields:
raise DialectORM.Exception('Undefined Field: "' + field + '" in ' + klass.__name__ + ' via set()')
tval = val
if not options['raw']:
fieldProp = DialectORM.camelCase(field, True)
typecast = 'type' + fieldProp
typecaster = getattr(self, typecast)
except AttributeError:
typecaster = None
if callable(typecaster):
tval = typecaster(val)
validate = 'validate' + fieldProp
validator = getattr(self, validate)
except AttributeError:
validator = None
if callable(validator):
valid = validator(tval)
if not valid: raise DialectORM.Exception('Value: "' + str(val) + '" is not valid for Field: "' + field + '" in ' + klass.__name__)
if not isinstance(self.data, dict):
self.data = {}
self.isDirty = {}
if (field not in self.data) or (self.data[field] is not tval):
self.isDirty[field] = True
self.data[field] = tval
return self
def _setRelated(self, field, data, opts = dict()):
klass = self.__class__
rel = None
if isinstance(field, DialectORM.Relation):
rel = field
field = rel.field
elif field in self.relations:
rel = self.relations[field]
elif field in klass.relationships:
type = klass.relationships[field][0]
a = klass
b = klass.relationships[field][1]
kb = klass.relationships[field][2]
ka = klass.relationships[field][3] if 3<len(klass.relationships[field]) else None
ab = klass.relationships[field][4] if 4<len(klass.relationships[field]) else None
rel = DialectORM.Relation(type, a, b, kb, ka, ab)
rel.field = field
self.relations[field] = rel
if rel:
options = opts
if options['merge'] and isinstance(data, list) and isinstance(rel.data, list):
pks = [DialectORM.strkey(k) for k in klass.pluck(rel.data)]
for d in data:
dpk = d.primaryKey()
# add entities that do not exist already
sk = DialectORM.strkey(dpk)
if DialectORM.emptykey(dpk) or (sk not in pks):
if not DialectORM.emptykey(dpk): pks.append(sk)
rel.data = data
if options['recurse'] and not empty(rel.data):
mirrorRel = self._getMirrorRel(rel)
if mirrorRel:
if 'belongsto' == mirrorRel['type']:
pk = self.primaryKey()
if isinstance(rel.data, list):
for entity in rel.data:
entity.set(rel.keyb, pk)
entity.set(mirrorRel['field'], self, {'recurse':False})
entity = rel.data
entity.set(rel.keyb, pk)
entity.set(mirrorRel['field'], self, {'recurse':False})
elif 'hasone' == mirrorRel['type']:
entity = rel.data
entity.set(mirrorRel['field'], self, {'recurse':False})
elif 'hasmany' == mirrorRel['type']:
entity = rel.data
entity.set(mirrorRel['field'], [self], {'recurse':False,'merge':True})
return self
def _getMirrorRel(self, rel):
if 'hasone' == rel.type or 'hasmany' == rel.type:
thisclass = self.__class__
cls = rel.b
for f in cls.relationships:
r = cls.relationships[f]
if 'belongsto' == r[0].lower() and thisclass == r[1] and eq(rel.keyb, r[2]):
return {'type':'belongsto', 'field':f}
elif 'belongsto' == rel.type:
thisclass = self.__class__
cls = rel.b
for f in cls.relationships:
r = cls.relationships[f]
if ('hasone' == r[0].lower() or 'hasmany' == r[0].lower()) and thisclass == r[1] and eq(rel.keyb, r[2]):
return {'type':r[0].lower(), 'field':f}
return None
def has(self, field):
field = str(field)
klass = self.__class__
return (field not in klass.relationships) and (isinstance(self.data, dict) and (field in self.data))
def assoc(self, field, entity):
field = str(field)
klass = self.__class__
if field not in klass.relationships:
raise DialectORM.Exception('Undefined Field: "'+field+'" in ' + klass.__name__ + ' via assoc()')
id = self.primaryKey()
if not DialectORM.emptykey(id):
rel = klass.relationships[field]
type = rel[0].lower()
cls = rel[1]
if 'belongstomany' == type:
jtbl = DialectORM.tbl(rel[4])
eids = []
for ent in entity:
if not isinstance(ent, cls): continue
eid = ent.primaryKey()
if DialectORM.emptykey(eid): continue
conditions = DialectORM.key(rel[3], id, {})
if isinstance(rel[2], (list,tuple)):
conditions[DialectORM.strkey(rel[2])] = {'or':[DialectORM.key(rel[2], id, {}) for id in eids]}
conditions[rel[2]] = {'in':eids}
exists = list(map(lambda v: DialectORM.strkey(list(map(lambda k: v[k], array(rel[2])))), [] if empty(eids) else self.db().get(
values = []
for ent in entity:
if not isinstance(ent, cls): continue
eid = ent.primaryKey()
if DialectORM.emptykey(eid): continue
sk = DialectORM.strkey(eid)
if sk not in exists:
values.append(array(eid) + array(id))
if not empty(values):
jtbl, array(rel[2]) + array(rel[3])
elif 'belongsto' == type:
if isinstance(entity, cls) and not DialectORM.emptykey(entity.primaryKey()):
self.set(rel[2], entity.primaryKey()).save()
elif 'hasone' == type:
if isinstance(entity, cls):
entity.set(rel[2], id).save()
elif 'hasmany' == type:
for ent in entity:
if not isinstance(ent, cls): continue
ent.set(rel[2], id).save()
return self
def dissoc(self, field, entity):
field = str(field)
klass = self.__class__
if field not in klass.relationships:
raise DialectORM.Exception('Undefined Field: "'+field+'" in ' + klass.__name__ + ' via dissoc()')
id = self.primaryKey()
if not DialectORM.emptykey(id):
rel = klass.relationships[field]
type = rel[0].lower()
cls = rel[1]
if 'belongstomany' == type:
jtbl = DialectORM.tbl(rel[4])
values = []
for ent in entity:
if not isinstance(ent, cls): continue
eid = ent.primaryKey()
if DialectORM.emptykey(eid): continue
if not empty( values):
conditions = DialectORM.key(rel[3], id, {})
if isinstance(rel[2], (list,tuple)):
conditions[DialectORM.strkey(rel[2])] = {'or':[DialectORM.key(rel[2], id, {}) for id in values]}
conditions[rel[2]] = {'in':values}
elif 'belongsto' == type:
elif 'hasone' == type:
elif 'hasmany' == type:
return self
def clear(self):
self.data = None
self.isDirty = None
for rel in self.relations: self.relations[rel].data = None
return self
# magic method calls simulated
def __getattr__(self, method):
prefix = method[0:3]
if 'get' == prefix:
field = DialectORM.snake_case(method[3:])
def getter(*args):
return self.get(field, args[0], args[1] if 1<len(args) else {}) if len(args) else self.get(field)
return getter
elif 'set' == prefix:
field = DialectORM.snake_case(method[3:])
def setter(*args):
return self.set(field, None if not len(args) else args[0], args[1] if 1<len(args) else {})
return setter
elif 'has' == prefix:
field = DialectORM.snake_case(method[3:])
def haser(*args):
return self.has(field)
return haser
elif 'assoc' == method[0:5]:
field = DialectORM.snake_case(method[5:])
def assocer(*args):
return self.assoc(field, args[0])
return assocer
elif 'dissoc' == method[0:6]:
field = DialectORM.snake_case(method[6:])
def dissocer(*args):
return self.dissoc(field, args[0])
return dissocer
raise AttributeError('Undefined access "'+method+'" in ' + self.__class__.__name__)
def _populate(self, data):
if empty(data): return self
klass = self.__class__
if isinstance(klass.pk, (list,tuple)):
hydrateFromDB = True
for k in klass.pk:
hydrateFromDB = hydrateFromDB and (k in data) and not empty(data[k])
hydrateFromDB = (klass.pk in data) and not empty(data[klass.pk])
for field in klass.fields:
if field in data:
self.set(field, data[field])
hydrateFromDB = False
if not self.has(field):
self.set(field, None)
# populated from DB hydration, clear dirty flags
if hydrateFromDB: self.isDirty = {}
return self
def toDict(self, deep = False, diff = False, stack = list()):
klass = self.__class__
if klass in stack: return None
a = {}
for field in klass.fields:
if diff and (field not in self.isDirty): continue
a[field] = self.get(field)
if deep and not diff:
for field in klass.relationships:
if (field not in self.relations) or empty(self.relations[field].data): continue
entity = self.get(field)
data = None
if isinstance(entity, list):
data = []
for e in entity:
d = e.toDict(True, False, stack)
if not empty(d): data.append(d)
data = entity.toDict(True, False, stack)
if not empty(data): a[field] = data
return a
def save(self, opts = dict()):
options = {
'force' : False,
'withRelated' : False
res = 0
klass = self.__class__
if options['withRelated'] is True: withRelated = klass.relationships.keys()
elif options['withRelated'] is False: withRelated = []
else: withRelated = array(options['withRelated'])
for field in withRelated:
field = str(field)
if field not in self.relations: continue
rel = self.relations[field]
entity = rel.data
cls = rel.b
if (rel.type in ['belongsto']) and isinstance(entity, cls):
self.set(rel.keyb, entity.primaryKey())
pk = klass.pk
if not empty(self.isDirty):
id = self.get(pk)
if not DialectORM.emptykey(id) and not options['force']:
# update
self.toDict(False, True)
DialectORM.key(pk, id, {})
# insert
DialectORM.tbl(klass.table), klass.fields
list(map(lambda f: self.data[f] if f in self.data else None, klass.fields))
res = self.db().query(str(self.sql()))
if DialectORM.emptykey(id): self.set(pk, [res['insertId']] if isinstance(pk, (list,tuple)) else res['insertId'])
res = res['affectedRows']
self.isDirty = {}
id = self.get(pk)
if not DialectORM.emptykey(id):
for field in withRelated:
field = str(field)
if (field not in self.relations) or (self.relations[field].type in ['belongsto']): continue
rel = self.relations[field]
cls = rel.b
if rel.data:
if isinstance(rel.data, list):
if 'hasmany' == rel.type:
for entity in rel.data:
if isinstance(entity, cls):
entity.set(rel.keyb, id)
for entity in rel.data:
if isinstance(entity, cls):
entity = rel.data
if 'hasone' == rel.type:
if isinstance(entity, cls):
entity.set(rel.keyb, id)
if isinstance(entity, cls):
if 'belongstomany' == rel.type:
jtbl = DialectORM.tbl(rel.ab)
entities = rel.data
eids = []
for entity in entities:
if not isinstance(entity, cls): continue
eid = entity.primaryKey()
if DialectORM.emptykey(eid): continue
# the most cross-platform way seems to do an extra select to check if relation already exists
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13041023/insert-on-duplicate-key-update-nothing-using-mysql/13041065
conditions = DialectORM.key(rel.keya, id, {})
if isinstance(rel.keyb, (list,tuple)):
conditions[DialectORM.strkey(rel.keyb)] = {'or':[DialectORM.key(rel.keyb, id, {}) for id in eids]}
conditions[rel.keyb] = {'in':eids}
exists = list(map(lambda v: DialectORM.strkey(list(map(lambda k: v[k], array(rel.keyb)))), [] if empty(eids) else self.db().get(
values = []
for entity in entities:
if not isinstance(entity, cls): continue
eid = entity.primaryKey()
if DialectORM.emptykey(eid): continue
sk = DialectORM.strkey(eid)
if sk not in exists:
values.append(array(eid) + array(id))
if not empty(values):
jtbl, array(rel.keyb) + array(rel.keya)
return res
def delete(self, opts = dict()):
options = {
'withRelated' : False
res = 0
klass = self.__class__
if isinstance(self.data, dict):
pk = klass.pk
id = self.get(pk)
if not DialectORM.emptykey(id):
# delete
res = klass.deleteAll({
'conditions' : DialectORM.key(pk, id, {}),
'withRelated' : options['withRelated']
return res
# interface
class IDialectORMNoSql(abc.ABC):
def vendor(self): raise NotImplementedError
def supportsPartialUpdates(self): raise NotImplementedError
def supportsConditionalQueries(self): raise NotImplementedError
def insert(self, collection, key, data): raise NotImplementedError
def update(self, collection, key, data): raise NotImplementedError
def delete(self, collection, key): raise NotImplementedError
def find(self, collection, key): raise NotImplementedError
def findAll(self, collection, conditions): raise NotImplementedError
class DialectNoSqlException(Exception):
class DialectNoSql(DialectORMEntity):
DialectORM for Python,
Exception = DialectNoSqlException
INoSql = IDialectORMNoSql
collection = None
pk = None
strh = None
def NoSqlHandler(store = None):
if store is not None:
if not isinstance(store, IDialectORMNoSql):
raise DialectNoSql.Exception('DialectNoSql Store must implement DialectORM.NoSql.INoSql')
DialectNoSql.strh = store
return DialectNoSql.strh
def fetchByPk(klass, id, default = None):
entity = DialectNoSql.NoSqlHandler().find(klass.collection, DialectNoSql.key(klass.pk, id) if isinstance(klass.pk, (list,tuple)) else id)
return klass(entity[0] if isinstance(entity, list) else entity) if not empty(entity) else default
def fetchAll(klass, conditions = dict(), default = list()):
if DialectNoSql.NoSqlHandler().supportsConditionalQueries():
entities = DialectNoSql.NoSqlHandler().findAll(klass.collection, conditions)
if empty(entities): return default
for i in range(len(entities)):
entities[i] = klass(entities[i])
return entities
return default
def __init__(self, data = dict()):
self._str = None
self.data = None
self.isDirty = None
if isinstance(data, dict) and not empty(data):
def storage(self):
if not self._str: self._str = DialectNoSql.NoSqlHandler()
return self._str
def get(self, field, default = None, opts = dict()):
if isinstance(field, (list,tuple)):
return [self.get(f, default[i] if isinstance(default, (list,tuple)) else default, opts) for i, f in enumerate(field)]
field = str(field)
klass = self.__class__
if (not isinstance(self.data, dict)) or (field not in self.data):
raise DialectNoSql.Exception('Undefined Field: "' + field + '" in ' + klass.__name__ + ' via get()')
return self.data[field]
def set(self, field, val = None, opts = dict()):
if isinstance(field, (list,tuple)):
for i, f in enumerate(field):
self.set(f, val[i] if isinstance(val, (list,tuple)) else val, opts)
return self
field = str(field)
options = {
'raw' : False
klass = self.__class__
tval = val
if not options['raw']:
fieldProp = DialectNoSql.camelCase(field, True)
typecast = 'type' + fieldProp
typecaster = getattr(self, typecast)
except AttributeError:
typecaster = None
if callable(typecaster):
tval = typecaster(val)
validate = 'validate' + fieldProp
validator = getattr(self, validate)
except AttributeError:
validator = None
if callable(validator):
valid = validator(tval)
if not valid: raise DialectNoSql.Exception('Value: "' + str(val) + '" is not valid for Field: "' + field + '" in ' + klass.__name__)
if not isinstance(self.data, dict):
self.data = {}
self.isDirty = {}
if (field not in self.data) or (self.data[field] is not tval):
self.isDirty[field] = True
self.data[field] = tval
return self
def has(self, field):
field = str(field)
klass = self.__class__
return isinstance(self.data, dict) and (field in self.data)
def clear(self):
self.data = None
self.isDirty = None
return self
# magic method calls simulated
def __getattr__(self, method):
prefix = method[0:3]
if 'get' == prefix:
field = DialectNoSql.snake_case(method[3:])
def getter(*args):
return self.get(field, args[0], args[1] if 1<len(args) else {}) if len(args) else self.get(field)
return getter
elif 'set' == prefix:
field = DialectNoSql.snake_case(method[3:])
def setter(*args):
return self.set(field, None if not len(args) else args[0], args[1] if 1<len(args) else {})
return setter
elif 'has' == prefix:
field = DialectNoSql.snake_case(method[3:])
def haser(*args):
return self.has(field)
return haser
raise AttributeError('Undefined access "' + method + '" in ' + self.__class__.__name__)
def _populate(self, data):
if empty(data): return self
klass = self.__class__
if isinstance(klass.pk, (list,tuple)):
hydrateFromDB = True
for k in klass.pk:
hydrateFromDB = hydrateFromDB and (k in data) and not empty(data[k])
hydrateFromDB = (klass.pk in data) and not empty(data[klass.pk])
for field in data:
self.set(field, data[field])
# populated from DB hydration, clear dirty flags
if hydrateFromDB: self.isDirty = {}
return self
def toDict(self, diff = False):
a = {}
fields = sorted(self.data.keys())
for field in fields:
if diff and (field not in self.isDirty): continue
a[field] = self.data[field]
return a
def save(self, opts = dict()):
klass = self.__class__
options = {
'update' : False
res = 0
if not empty(self.isDirty):
pk = klass.pk
id = self.get(pk)
if DialectNoSql.emptykey(id):
raise DialectNoSql.Exception('Empty key in ' + klass.__name__ + '::save()')
if options['update']:
# update
res = self.storage().update(klass.collection, DialectNoSql.key(pk, id) if isinstance(pk, (list,tuple)) else id, self.toDict(self.storage().supportsPartialUpdates()))
# insert
res = self.storage().insert(klass.collection, DialectNoSql.key(pk, id) if isinstance(pk, (list,tuple)) else id, self.toDict(False))
self.isDirty = {}
return res
def delete(self, opts = dict()):
klass = self.__class__
options = {}
res = 0
if isinstance(self.data, dict):
pk = klass.pk
id = self.get(pk)
if not DialectNoSql.emptykey(id):
# delete
res = self.storage().delete(klass.collection, DialectNoSql.key(pk, id) if isinstance(pk, (list,tuple)) else id)
return res
DialectORM.NoSql = DialectNoSql
__all__ = ['DialectORM']