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File: test/js/test-mysql.js

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  Classes of Nikos M.   Dialect PHP ORM and ODM Library   test/js/test-mysql.js   Download  
File: test/js/test-mysql.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Dialect PHP ORM and ODM Library
Store and retrieve objects in database using ORM
Author: By
Last change: v.2.0.1

* fix some typos that remained
* update Dialect and tests
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 4,333 bytes


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"use strict"; const DialectORM = require('../../src/js/DialectORM.js'); const Dialect = require('../../../Dialect/src/js/Dialect.js'); const MysqlDb = require('./sql/mysql.js')(DialectORM); DialectORM.dependencies({ 'Dialect' : Dialect // provide actual class, i.e Dialect or path of module }); DialectORM.DBHandler(new MysqlDb({ 'database' : 'dialectorm', 'user' : 'dialectorm', 'password' : 'dialectorm' }, 'mysql')); class Post extends DialectORM { static table = 'posts'; static pk = ['id']; static fields = ['id', 'content']; static relationships = {}; typeId(x) { return parseInt(x, 10) || 0; } typeContent(x) { return String(x); } validateContent(x) { return 0 < x.length; } } class PostMeta extends DialectORM { static table = 'postmeta'; static pk = ['id']; static fields = ['id', 'status', 'type', 'post_id']; static relationships = {}; typeId(x) { return parseInt(x, 10) || 0; } typePostId(x) { return parseInt(x, 10) || 0; } typeStatus(x) { return String(x).toLowerCase(); } typeType(x) { return String(x).toLowerCase(); } validateStatus(x) { return -1 !== ['approved', 'published', 'suspended'].indexOf(x); } validateType(x) { return -1 !== ['article', 'tutorial', 'general'].indexOf(x); } } class Comment extends DialectORM { static table = 'comments'; static pk = ['id']; static fields = ['id', 'content', 'post_id']; static relationships = {}; typeId(x) { return parseInt(x, 10) || 0; } typeContent(x) { return String(x); } typePostId(x) { return parseInt(x, 10) || 0; } validateContent(x) { return 0 < x.length; } } class User extends DialectORM { static table = 'users'; static pk = ['id']; static fields = ['id', 'name']; static relationships = {}; typeId(x) { return parseInt(x, 10) || 0; } typeName(x) { return String(x); } validateName(x) { return 0 < x.length; } } Post.relationships = { 'meta' : ['hasOne', PostMeta, ['post_id']], 'comments' : ['hasMany', Comment, ['post_id']], 'authors' : ['belongsToMany', User, ['user_id'], ['post_id'], 'user_post'] }; PostMeta.relationships = { 'post' : ['belongsTo', Post, ['post_id']] }; Comment.relationships = { 'post' : ['belongsTo', Post, ['post_id']] }; User.relationships = { 'posts' : ['belongsToMany', Post, ['post_id'], ['user_id'], 'user_post'] }; function print(x) { console.log(x); } function output(data) { if (Array.isArray(data)) print(JSON.stringify( => d.toObj(true)), null, 4)); else if (data instanceof DialectORM) print(JSON.stringify(data.toObj(true), null, 4)); else print(String(data)); } async function test() { output('Posts: ' + String(await Post.count())); output('Users: ' + String(await User.count())); /*let post = new Post({'content':'yet another js post..'}); post.setComments([new Comment({'content':'yet still another js comment..'})]); post.setComments([new Comment({'content':'yet one more js comment..'})], {'merge':true}); post.setAuthors([new User({'name':'yet another js user'}), await User.fetchByPk(5)]); post.setMeta(new PostMeta({'status':'approved','type':'article'})); await{'withRelated':true});*/ /*let post2 = new Post({'content':'js post to delete..'}); await;*/ print('Posts:'); output(await Post.fetchAll({'withRelated' : ['meta', 'comments', 'authors']})); //await post2.del(); print('Posts:'); output(await Post.fetchAll({ 'withRelated' : ['meta', 'comments', 'authors'], 'related' : { 'authors' : {'conditions':{'clause':{'or':[ {'name':{'like':'user'}}, {'name':{'like':'foo'}}, {'name':{'like':'bar'}} ]}}}, 'comments' : {'limit':1} // eager relationship loading with extra conditions, see `Dialect` lib on how to define conditions } })); } test().then(() => process.exit()).catch(e => {print(e); process.exit();});