* DialectORM,
* tiny, fast, super-simple but versatile Object-Relational-Mapper with Relationships and Object-NoSql-Mapper for PHP, JavaScript, Python
* @version: 2.0.1
* https://github.com/foo123/DialectORM
!function(root, name, factory) {
"use strict";
if (('object'===typeof module)&&module.exports) /* CommonJS */
(module.$deps = module.$deps||{}) && (module.exports = module.$deps[name] = factory.call(root));
else if (('function'===typeof define)&&define.amd&&('function'===typeof require)&&('function'===typeof require.specified)&&require.specified(name) /*&& !require.defined(name)*/) /* AMD */
define(name,['module'],function(module) {factory.moduleUri = module.uri; return factory.call(root);});
else if (!(name in root)) /* Browser/WebWorker/.. */
(root[name] = factory.call(root)||1)&&('function'===typeof(define))&&define.amd&&define(function() {return root[name];} );
}( /* current root */ 'undefined' !== typeof self ? self : this,
/* module name */ "DialectORM",
/* module factory */ function ModuleFactory__DialectORM(undef) {
"use strict";
function esc_re(s)
return s.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
function ucfirst(s)
return s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1);
function lcfirst(s)
return s.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + s.slice(1);
function is_string(arg)
return Object.prototype.toString.call(arg) === '[object String]';
function is_array(arg)
return Object.prototype.toString.call(arg) === '[object Array]';
function is_obj(arg)
return Object.prototype.toString.call(arg) === '[object Object]';
function empty(arg)
if (is_string(arg)) return ('0' === arg) || (0 === arg.length);
if (is_array(arg)) return (0 === arg.length);
if (is_obj(arg)) return (0 === Object.keys(arg).length);
return !arg;
function has(o, k)
return is_array(o) ? (-1 !== o.indexOf(k)) : (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, k));
function merge(/*args*/)
let o = arguments[0] || {}, n = arguments.length, i = 1, o2, k;
while (i<n)
o2 = arguments[i++];
for (k in o2)
if (has(o2, k))
o[k] = o2[k];
return o;
function eq(a, b)
if (is_array(a) && is_array(b))
if (a.length === b.length)
for (let i = 0, n = a.length; i < n; ++i)
if (a[i] !== b[i]) return false;
return true;
return false;
return a === b;
function array(x)
return is_array(x) ? x : [x];
function NotImplemented()
throw new Error('DialectORM: Method Not Implemented Error!');
const magicMethodsProxy = {
get: function(target, prop, receiver) {
const proxy = this;
// Does prop exists? Is it a method?
if ('function' === typeof(target[prop]))
// Wrap it around a function and return it
return function(...args) {
// in order to preserve the default arguments the method may have, we pass undefined
// instead of an empty arguments object
var value = target[prop].apply(target, (args.length ? args : undefined));
// it is important to return the proxy instead of the target in order to make
// future calls to this method
return value === target ? proxy : value;
// Does prop exists?
if (undefined != target[prop])
return target[prop];
prop = String(prop);
// Falls to __call
if (
'function' === typeof(target.__call) &&
// only these magic methods
('get' === prop.slice(0,3) || 'set' === prop.slice(0,3) || 'has' === prop.slice(0,3) || 'assoc' === prop.slice(0,5) || 'dissoc' === prop.slice(0,6))
return function(...args) {
var value = target.__call(prop, args, proxy);
// it is important to return the proxy instead of the target in order to make
// future calls to this method
return value === target ? proxy : value;
var Dialect = null
class DialectORMEntity
static snake_case(s, sep = '_')
s = lcfirst(s).replace(/[A-Z]/g, (m0) => sep + m0.toLowerCase());
return sep === s.charAt(0) ? s.slice(1) : s;
static camelCase(s, PascalCase = false, sep = '_')
s = s.replace(new RegExp(esc_re(sep)+'([a-z])', 'g'), (m0, m1) => m1.toUpperCase());
return PascalCase ? ucfirst(s) : s;
static key(k, v, conditions = {}, prefix = '')
if (is_array(k))
v = array(v);
for (let i = 0, n = k.length; i < n; ++i)
conditions[prefix + k[i]] = v[i];
conditions[prefix + k] = v;
return conditions;
static emptykey(k)
if (is_array(k))
return empty(k) || (k.length > k.filter(ki => !empty(ki)).length);
return empty(k);
static strkey(k)
if (is_array(k))
return k.map(ki => String(ki)).join(':&:');
return String(k);
static pluck(entities, field = '')
if ('' === field)
return entities.map(entity => entity.primaryKey());
return entities.map(entity => entity.get(field));
static sorter(args = [])
// Array multi - sorter utility
// returns a sorter that can (sub-)sort by multiple (nested) fields
// each ascending or descending independantly
var klass = this, i, /*args = arguments,*/ l = args.length,
a, b, avar, bvar, variables, step, lt, gt,
field, filter_args, sorter_args, desc, dir, sorter;
// + before a (nested) field indicates ascending sorting (default),
// example "+a.b.c"
// - before a (nested) field indicates descending sorting,
// example "-b.c.d"
if (l)
step = 1;
sorter = [];
variables = [];
sorter_args = [];
filter_args = [];
for (i = l-1; i >= 0; --i)
field = args[i];
// if is array, it contains a filter function as well
filter_args.unshift('f' + String(i));
if (is_array(field))
field = field[0];
dir = field.charAt(0);
if ('-' === dir)
desc = true;
field = field.slice(1);
else if ('+' === dir)
desc = false;
field = field.slice(1);
// default ASC
desc = false;
field = field.length ? field.split('.').map(f => !f.length ? '' : (/^\d+$/.test(f) ? ('['+f+']') : ('.get(\''+f+'\')'))).join('')/*'["' + field.split('.').join('"]["') + '"]'*/ : '';
a = "a"+field; b = "b"+field;
if (sorter_args[0])
a = filter_args[0] + '(' + a + ')';
b = filter_args[0] + '(' + b + ')';
avar = 'a_'+String(i); bvar = 'b_'+String(i);
lt = desc ? (''+step) : ('-'+step); gt = desc ? ('-'+step) : (''+step);
sorter.unshift("("+avar+" < "+bvar+" ? "+lt+" : ("+avar+" > "+bvar+" ? "+gt+" : 0))");
step <<= 1;
// use optional custom filters as well
return (new Function(
['return function(a,b) {',
' var '+variables.join(',')+';',
' return '+sorter.join('+')+';',
.apply(null, sorter_args);
a = "a"; b = "b"; lt = '-1'; gt = '1';
sorter = ""+a+" < "+b+" ? "+lt+" : ("+a+" > "+b+" ? "+gt+" : 0)";
return new Function("a,b", 'return '+sorter+';');
static pk = null;
static async fetchByPk(id, default_ = null)
return default_;
static async fetchAll(options = {}, default_ = [])
return default_;
primaryKey(default_ = 0)
let klass = this.constructor;
return this.get(klass.pk, default_);
get(field, default_ = null, options = {})
return default_;
set(field, val = null, options = {})
return this;
return false;
this.data = null;
this.isDirty = null;
return this;
toObj(diff = false)
return {};
async save(options = {})
return 0;
async del(options = {})
return 0;
// interface
class IDialectORMDb
vendor() {NotImplemented();}
escape(str) {NotImplemented();}
escapeWillQuote() {NotImplemented();}
query(sql) {NotImplemented();}
get(sql) {NotImplemented();}
class DialectORMException extends Error
this.name = "DialectORMException";
class DialectORMRelation
type = '';
a = null;
b = null;
keya = null;
keyb = null;
ab = null;
field = null;
data = false;
constructor(type, a, b, kb, ka = null, ab = null)
this.type = String(type).toLowerCase();
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
this.keya = ka || null;
this.keyb = kb;
this.ab = ab || null;
this.field = null;
this.data = false;
class DialectORM extends DialectORMEntity
static table = null;
static fields = [];
static relationships = {};
static async fetchByPk(id, default_ = null)
let klass = this, entity;
entity = await DialectORM.DBHandler().get(
DialectORM.key(klass.pk, id, {})
return !empty(entity) ? new klass(is_array(entity) ? entity[0] : entity) : default_;
static async count(options = {})
let klass = this, sql, res;
options = merge({'conditions' : {}}, options);
sql = DialectORM.SQLBuilder().clear().Select(
'COUNT(*) AS cnt'
res = await DialectORM.DBHandler().get(sql.sql());
return res[0]['cnt'];
static async fetchAll(options = {}, default_ = [])
let klass = this, pk = klass.pk, field, entities,
retSingle, sql, i, ids, f, rel, type, cls,
fk, rpk, fids, conditions, rentities, mapp, relmapp, e, re,
fkv, kv, k1, k2, d, ab, pk2, reljoin, subquery, selects, ofield;
options = merge({
'conditions': {},
'order': {},
'limit': null,
'single': false,
'withRelated': [],
'related': {},
}, options);
retSingle = options['single'];
if (retSingle && empty(default_))
default_ = null;
sql = DialectORM.SQLBuilder().clear().Select(
if (!empty(options['order']))
for (field in options['order'])
if (has(options['order'], field))
sql.Order(field, options['order'][field]);
if (null != options['limit'])
if (is_array(options['limit']))
sql.Limit(options['limit'][0], 1<options['limit'].length ? options['limit'][1] : 0);
sql.Limit(options['limit'], 0);
else if (retSingle)
sql.Limit(1, 0);
entities = await DialectORM.DBHandler().get(sql.sql());
if (empty(entities)) return default_;
for (i = 0; i < entities.length; ++i)
entities[i] = new klass(entities[i]);
if (!empty(options['withRelated']))
// eager optimised (no N+1 issue) loading of selected relations
ids = klass.pluck(entities);
for (f = 0; f < options['withRelated'].length; ++f)
field = String(options['withRelated'][f]);
if (!has(klass.relationships, field)) continue;
rel = klass.relationships[field];
type = rel[0].toLowerCase();
cls = rel[1];
conditions = {};
if ('hasone' === type)
fk = rel[2];
if (is_array(fk))
conditions[DialectORM.strkey(fk)] = {'or':ids.map(id => DialectORM.key(fk, id, {}))};
conditions[fk] = {'in':ids};
if (has(options['related'], field) && has(options['related'][field], 'conditions'))
conditions = merge({}, options['related'][field]['conditions'], conditions);
rentities = await cls.fetchAll({
'conditions' : conditions
mapp = {};
for (re = 0; re < rentities.length; ++re)
mapp[DialectORM.strkey(rentities[re].get(fk))] = rentities[re];
for (e = 0; e < entities.length; ++e)
kv = DialectORM.strkey(entities[e].primaryKey());
entities[e].set(field, has(mapp, kv) ? mapp[kv] : null);
else if ('hasmany' === type)
fk = rel[2];
if (has(options['related'], field) && has(options['related'][field], 'limit'))
sql = DialectORM.SQLBuilder();
selects = [];
for (i = 0; i < ids.length; ++i)
conditions = DialectORM.key(fk, ids[i], {});
if (has(options['related'], field) && has(options['related'][field], 'conditions'))
conditions = merge({}, options['related'][field]['conditions'], conditions);
subquery = sql.subquery().Select(
if (!empty(options['related'][field]['order']))
for (ofield in options['related'][field]['order'])
if (has(options['related'][field]['order'], ofield))
subquery.Order(ofield, options['related'][field]['order'][ofield]);
if (is_array(options['related'][field]['limit']))
subquery.Limit(options['related'][field]['limit'][0], 1<options['related'][field]['limit'].length ? options['related'][field]['limit'][1] : 0);
subquery.Limit(options['related'][field]['limit'], 0);
rentities = await DialectORM.DBHandler().get(sql.clear().Union(selects, false).sql());
for (i = 0; i < rentities.length; ++i)
rentities[i] = new cls(rentities[i]);
conditions = {};
if (is_array(fk))
conditions[DialectORM.strkey(fk)] = {'or':ids.map(id => DialectORM.key(fk, id, {}))};
conditions[fk] = {'in':ids};
if (has(options['related'], field) && has(options['related'][field], 'conditions'))
conditions = merge({}, options['related'][field]['conditions'], conditions);
rentities = await cls.fetchAll({
'conditions' : conditions,
'order' : has(options['related'], field) && has(options['related'][field], 'order') ? options['related'][field]['order'] : {}
mapp = {};
for (re = 0; re < rentities.length; ++re)
fkv = DialectORM.strkey(rentities[re].get(fk));
if (!has(mapp, fkv)) mapp[fkv] = [rentities[re]];
else mapp[fkv].push(rentities[re]);
for (e = 0; e < entities.length; ++e)
kv = DialectORM.strkey(entities[e].primaryKey());
entities[e].set(field, has(mapp, kv) ? mapp[kv] : []);
else if ('belongsto' === type)
fk = rel[2];
rpk = cls.pk;
fids = klass.pluck(entities, fk);
if (is_array(rpk))
conditions[DialectORM.strkey(rpk)] = {'or':fids.map(id => DialectORM.key(rpk, id, {}))};
conditions[rpk] = {'in':fids};
if (has(options['related'], field) && has(options['related'][field], 'conditions'))
conditions = merge({}, options['related'][field]['conditions'], conditions);
rentities = await cls.fetchAll({
'conditions' : conditions
mapp = {};
for (re = 0; re < rentities.length; ++re)
mapp[DialectORM.strkey(rentities[re].primaryKey())] = rentities[re];
for (e = 0; e < entities.length; ++e)
fkv = DialectORM.strkey(entities[e].get(fk));
entities[e].set(field, has(mapp, fkv) ? mapp[fkv] : null, {'recurse':true,'merge':true});
else if ('belongstomany' === type)
ab = DialectORM.tbl(rel[4]);
fk = rel[2];
pk2 = rel[3];
rpk = cls.pk;
if (is_array(pk2))
conditions[DialectORM.strkey(pk2)] = {'or':ids.map(id => DialectORM.key(pk2, id, {}))};
conditions[pk2] = {'in':ids};
reljoin = await DialectORM.DBHandler().get(
fids = reljoin.map(is_array(fk) ? (d => fk.map(k => d[k])) : (d => d[fk]));
if (!empty(fids) && has(options['related'], field) && has(options['related'][field], 'limit'))
sql = DialectORM.SQLBuilder();
selects = [];
for (i = 0; i < fids.length; ++i)
conditions = DialectORM.key(rpk, fids[i], {});
if (has(options['related'], field) && has(options['related'][field], 'conditions'))
conditions = merge({}, options['related'][field]['conditions'], conditions);
subquery = sql.subquery().Select(
if (!empty(options['related'][field]['order']))
for (ofield in options['related'][field]['order'])
if (has(options['related'][field]['order'], ofield))
subquery.Order(ofield, options['related'][field]['order'][ofield]);
if (is_array(options['related'][field]['limit']))
subquery.Limit(options['related'][field]['limit'][0], 1<options['related'][field]['limit'].length ? options['related'][field]['limit'][1] : 0);
subquery.Limit(options['related'][field]['limit'], 0);
rentities = await DialectORM.DBHandler().get(sql.clear().Union(selects, false).sql());
for (i = 0; i < rentities.length; ++i)
rentities[i] = new cls(rentities[i]);
conditions = {};
if (is_array(rpk))
conditions[DialectORM.strkey(rpk)] = {'or':fids.map(id => DialectORM.key(rpk, id, {}))};
conditions[rpk] = {'in':fids};
if (has(options['related'], field) && has(options['related'][field], 'conditions'))
conditions = merge({}, options['related'][field]['conditions'], conditions);
rentities = await cls.fetchAll({
'conditions' : conditions,
'order' : has(options['related'], field) && has(options['related'][field], 'order') ? options['related'][field]['order'] : {}
mapp = {};
for (re = 0; re < rentities.length; ++re)
mapp[DialectORM.strkey(rentities[re].primaryKey())] = rentities[re];
relmapp = {};
for (d = 0; d < reljoin.length; ++d)
k1 = DialectORM.strkey(is_array(pk2) ? pk2.map(k => reljoin[d][k]) : reljoin[d][pk2]);
k2 = DialectORM.strkey(is_array(fk) ? fk.map(k => reljoin[d][k]) : reljoin[d][fk]);
if (has(mapp, k2))
if (!has(relmapp, k1)) relmapp[k1] = [mapp[k2]];
else relmapp[k1].push(mapp[k2]);
for (e = 0; e < entities.length; ++e)
k1 = DialectORM.strkey(entities[e].primaryKey());
entities[e].set(field, has(relmapp, k1) ? relmapp[k1] : []);
return retSingle ? entities[0] : entities;
static async delAll(options = {})
let klass = this, pk, ids, field, sql, res, rel, type, cls, conditions, fk;
options = merge({
'conditions' : {},
'limit' : null,
'withRelated' : false
}, options);
ids = null;
if (!empty(options['withRelated']))
ids = klass.pluck(await klass.fetchAll({'conditions':options['conditions'], 'limit':options['limit']}));
for (field in klass.relationships)
if (!has(klass.relationships, field)) continue;
rel = klass.relationships[field];
type = rel[0].toLowerCase();
cls = rel[1];
conditions = {};
if ('belongsto' === type)
// bypass
else if ('belongstomany' === type)
// delete relation from junction table
fk = rel[3];
if (is_array(fk))
conditions[DialectORM.strkey(fk)] = {'or':ids.map(id => DialectORM.key(fk, id, {}))};
conditions[fk] = {'in':ids};
await DialectORM.DBHandler().query(
fk = rel[2];
if (is_array(fk))
conditions[DialectORM.strkey(fk)] = {'or':ids.map(id => DialectORM.key(fk, id, {}))};
conditions[fk] = {'in':ids};
await cls.delAll({
'conditions' : conditions,
'withRelated' : true
if (is_array(ids))
pk = klass.pk;
conditions = {};
if (is_array(pk))
conditions[DialectORM.strkey(pk)] = {'or':ids.map(id => DialectORM.key(pk, id, {}))};
conditions[pk] = {'in':ids};
sql = DialectORM.SQLBuilder().clear().Delete(
sql = DialectORM.SQLBuilder().clear().Delete(
if (null != options['limit'])
if (is_array(options['limit']))
sql.Limit(options['limit'][0], 1<options['limit'].length ? options['limit'][1] : 0);
sql.Limit(options['limit'], 0);
res = await DialectORM.DBHandler().query(sql.sql());
res = res['affectedRows'];
return res;
_db = null;
_sql = null;
relations = null;
data = null;
isDirty = null;
proxy = null;
constructor(data = {})
this._db = null;
this._sql = null;
this.relations = {};
this.data = null;
this.isDirty = null;
if (is_obj(data) && !empty(data))
// return the proxy
this.proxy = new Proxy(this, magicMethodsProxy);
return this.proxy;
if (!this._db) this._db = DialectORM.DBHandler();
return this._db;
if (!this._sql) this._sql = DialectORM.SQLBuilder();
return this._sql;
get(field, default_ = null, options = {})
if (is_array(field))
return field.map((f, i) => this.get(f, is_array(default_) ? default_[i] : default_, options));
field = String(field);
let klass = this.constructor;
if (has(klass.relationships, field))
return this._getRelated(field, default_, options);
if (!is_obj(this.data) || !has(this.data, field))
if (has(klass.fields, field)) return default_;
throw new DialectORM.Exception('Undefined Field: "' + field + '" in ' + klass.name + ' via get()');
return this.data[field];
_getRelated(field, default_ = null, options = {})
let klass = this.constructor, rel = null,
type, a, b, kb, ka, ab, cls, mirrorRel, entity, fk, i,
tbl, jtbl, pk, jon, fields;
if (field instanceof DialectORM.Relation)
rel = field;
field = rel.field;
else if (has(this.relations, field))
rel = this.relations[field];
else if (has(klass.relationships, field))
type = klass.relationships[field][0];
a = klass;
b = klass.relationships[field][1];
kb = klass.relationships[field][2];
ka = 3<klass.relationships[field].length ? klass.relationships[field][3] : null;
ab = 4<klass.relationships[field].length ? klass.relationships[field][4] : null;
rel = new DialectORM.Relation(type, a, b, kb, ka, ab);
rel.field = field;
this.relations[field] = rel;
if (rel)
options = merge({
'conditions' : {},
'order' : {},
'limit' : null
}, options);
if (has(['hasmany','belongstomany'], rel.type) && empty(default_))
default_ = [];
if (false === rel.data)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if ('hasone' === rel.type || 'hasmany' === rel.type)
cls = rel.b;
fk = rel.keyb;
if ('hasone' === rel.type)
'conditions' : DialectORM.key(fk, this.primaryKey(), {}),
'single' : true
}).then(res => {
rel.data = res;
if (!empty(rel.data))
mirrorRel = this._getMirrorRel(rel);
if (mirrorRel)
entity = rel.data;
//entity.set(rel.key, this.primaryKey());
entity.set(mirrorRel.field, this.proxy, {'recurse':false});
resolve(empty(rel.data) ? default_ : rel.data);
'conditions' : DialectORM.key(fk, this.primaryKey(), merge({}, options['conditions'])),
'order' : options['order'],
'limit' : options['limit']
}).then(res => {
rel.data = res;
if (!empty(rel.data))
mirrorRel = this._getMirrorRel(rel);
if (mirrorRel)
for (i = 0; i < rel.data.length; ++i)
entity = rel.data[i];
//entity.set(rel.key, this.primaryKey());
entity.set(mirrorRel.field, this.proxy, {'recurse':false});
resolve(empty(rel.data) ? default_ : rel.data);
else if ('belongsto' === rel.type)
cls = rel.b;
cls.fetchByPk(this.get(rel.keyb), null).then(res => {
rel.data = res;
if (!empty(rel.data))
mirrorRel = this._getMirrorRel(rel);
if (mirrorRel)
entity = rel.data;
entity.set(mirrorRel.field, 'hasone'===mirrorRel.type ? this.proxy : [this.proxy], {'recurse':false,'merge':true});
resolve(empty(rel.data) ? default_ : rel.data);
else if ('belongstomany' === rel.type)
cls = rel.b;
tbl = DialectORM.tbl(cls.table);
jtbl = DialectORM.tbl(rel.ab);
jon = {};
pk = array(cls.pk);
fk = array(rel.keyb);
for (i = 0; i < pk.length; ++i) jon[tbl + '.' + pk[i]] = jtbl + '.' + fk[i];
fields = cls.fields;
for (i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) fields[i] = tbl + '.' + fields[i] + ' AS ' + fields[i];
jtbl, jon, 'inner'
DialectORM.key(rel.keya, this.primaryKey(), merge({}, options['conditions']), jtbl + '.')
if (!empty(options['order']))
for (field in options['order'])
if (has(options['order'], field))
this.sql().Order(field, options['order'][field]);
if (null != options['limit'])
if (is_array(options['limit']))
this.sql().Limit(options['limit'][0], 1<options['limit'].length ? options['limit'][1] : 0);
this.sql().Limit(options['limit'], 0);
this.db().get(String(this.sql())).then(res => {
rel.data = res.map(data => new cls(data));
resolve(empty(rel.data) ? default_ : rel.data);
return empty(rel.data) ? default_ : rel.data;
return default_;
set(field, val = null, options = {})
if (is_array(field))
for(let i = 0, n = field.length; i < n; ++i)
this.set(field[i], is_array(val) ? val[i] : val, options);
return this;
field = String(field);
let klass = this.constructor, tval, fieldProp, typecast, validate, valid;
options = merge({
'raw' : false,
'recurse' : true,
'merge' : false
}, options);
if (has(klass.relationships, field))
return this._setRelated(field, val, options);
if (!has(klass.fields, field))
throw new DialectORM.Exception('Undefined Field: "' + field + '" in ' + klass.name + ' via set()');
tval = val;
if (!options['raw'])
fieldProp = DialectORM.camelCase(field, true);
typecast = 'type' + fieldProp;
if ('function' === typeof(this[typecast]))
tval = this[typecast](val);
validate = 'validate' + fieldProp;
if ('function' === typeof(this[validate]))
valid = this[validate](tval);
if (!valid) throw new DialectORM.Exception('Value: "' + String(val) + '" is not valid for Field: "' + field + '" in ' + klass.name);
if (!this.data)
this.data = Object.create(null);
this.isDirty = Object.create(null);
if (!has(this.data, field) || (this.data[field] !== tval))
this.isDirty[field] = true;
this.data[field] = tval;
return this;
_setRelated(field, data, options = {})
let klass = this.constructor, rel = null,
type, a, b, kb, ka, ab, pks, i, dpk, sk, mirrorRel, pk, entity;
if (field instanceof DialectORM.Relation)
rel = field;
field = rel.field;
else if (has(this.relations, field))
rel = this.relations[field];
else if (has(klass.relationships, field))
type = klass.relationships[field][0];
a = klass;
b = klass.relationships[field][1];
kb = klass.relationships[field][2];
ka = 3<klass.relationships[field].length ? klass.relationships[field][3] : null;
ab = 4<klass.relationships[field].length ? klass.relationships[field][4] : null;
rel = new DialectORM.Relation(type, a, b, kb, ka, ab);
rel.field = field;
this.relations[field] = rel;
if (rel)
if (options['merge'] && is_array(data) && is_array(rel.data))
pks = klass.pluck(rel.data).map(k => DialectORM.strkey(k));
for (i = 0; i < data.length; ++i)
dpk = data[i].primaryKey();
// add entities that do not exist already
sk = DialectORM.strkey(dpk);
if (DialectORM.emptykey(dpk) || !has(pks, sk))
if (!DialectORM.emptykey(dpk)) pks.push(sk);
rel.data = data;
if (options['recurse'] && !empty(rel.data))
mirrorRel = this._getMirrorRel(rel);
if (mirrorRel)
if ('belongsto' === mirrorRel.type)
pk = this.primaryKey();
if (is_array(rel.data))
for (i = 0; i < rel.data.length; ++i)
entity = rel.data[i];
entity.set(rel.keyb, pk);
entity.set(mirrorRel.field, this.proxy, {'recurse':false});
entity = rel.data;
entity.set(rel.keyb, pk);
entity.set(mirrorRel.field, this.proxy, {'recurse':false});
else if ('hasone' === mirrorRel.type)
entity = rel.data;
entity.set(mirrorRel.field, this.proxy, {'recurse':false});
else if ('hasmany' === mirrorRel.type)
entity = rel.data;
entity.set(mirrorRel.field, [this.proxy], {'recurse':false,'merge':true});
return this;
let thisclass, cls, f, r;
if ('hasone' === rel.type || 'hasmany' === rel.type)
thisclass = this.constructor;
cls = rel.b;
for (f in cls.relationships)
if (!has(cls.relationships, f)) continue;
r = cls.relationships[f];
if ('belongsto' === r[0].toLowerCase() && thisclass === r[1] && eq(rel.keyb, r[2]))
return {'type':'belongsto', 'field':f};
else if ('belongsto' === rel.type)
thisclass = this.constructor;
cls = rel.b;
for (f in cls.relationships)
if (!has(cls.relationships, f)) continue;
r = cls.relationships[f];
if (('hasone' === r[0].toLowerCase() || 'hasmany' === r[0].toLowerCase()) && thisclass === r[1] && eq(rel.keyb, r[2]))
return {'type':r[0].toLowerCase(), 'field':f};
return null;
field = String(field);
let klass = this.constructor;
return !has(klass.relationships, field) && (null != this.data) && has(this.data, field);
async assoc(field, entity)
let klass = this.constructor, id, rel, type, cls, jtbl, values, i, ent, eid, eids, conditions, sk, exists;
field = String(field);
if (!has(klass.relationships, field))
throw new DialectORM.Exception('Undefined Field: "'+field+'" in ' + klass.name + ' via assoc()');
id = this.primaryKey();
if (!DialectORM.emptykey(id))
rel = klass.relationships[field];
type = rel[0].toLowerCase();
cls = rel[1];
if ('belongstomany' === type)
jtbl = DialectORM.tbl(rel[4]);
eids = [];
for (i = 0; i < entity.length; ++i)
ent = entity[i];
if (!(ent instanceof cls)) continue;
eid = ent.primaryKey();
if (DialectORM.emptykey(eid)) continue;
conditions = DialectORM.key(rel[3], id, {});
if (is_array(rel[2]))
conditions[DialectORM.strkey(rel[2])] = {'or':eids.map(id => DialectORM.key(rel[2], id, {}))};
conditions[rel[2]] = {'in':eids};
exists = (empty(eids) ? [] : (await this.db().get(
))).map(v => DialectORM.strkey(array(rel[2]).map(k => v[k])));
values = [];
for (i = 0; i < entity.length; ++i)
ent = entity[i];
if (!(ent instanceof cls)) continue;
eid = ent.primaryKey();
if (DialectORM.emptykey(eid)) continue;
if (!has(exists, sk = DialectORM.strkey(eid)))
if (!empty(values))
await this.db().query(
jtbl, array(rel[2]).concat(array(rel[3]))
else if ('belongsto' === type)
if ((entity instanceof cls) && !DialectORM.emptykey(entity.primaryKey()))
await this.set(rel[2], entity.primaryKey()).save();
else if ('hasone' === type)
if (entity instanceof cls)
await entity.set(rel[2], id).save();
else if ('hasmany' === type)
for (i = 0; i < entity.length; ++i)
ent = entity[i];
if (!(ent instanceof cls)) continue;
await ent.set(rel[2], id).save();
return this.proxy;
async dissoc(field, entity)
let klass = this.constructor, id, rel, type, cls, jtbl, values, i, ent, eid, conditions, notexists;
field = String(field);
if (!has(klass.relationships, field))
throw new DialectORM.Exception('Undefined Field: "'+field+'" in ' + klass.name + ' via dissoc()');
id = this.primaryKey();
if (!DialectORM.emptykey(id))
rel = klass.relationships[field];
type = rel[0].toLowerCase();
cls = rel[1];
if ('belongstomany' === type)
jtbl = DialectORM.tbl(rel[4]);
values = [];
for (i = 0; i < entity.length; ++i)
ent = entity[i];
if (!(ent instanceof cls)) continue;
eid = ent.primaryKey();
if (DialectORM.emptykey(eid)) continue;
if (!empty(values))
conditions = DialectORM.key(rel[3], id, {});
if (is_array(rel[2]))
conditions[DialectORM.strkey(rel[2])] = {'or':values.map(id => DialectORM.key(rel[2], id, {}))};
conditions[rel[2]] = {'in':values};
await this.db().query(
else if ('belongsto' === type)
else if ('hasone' === type)
else if ('hasmany' === type)
return this.proxy;
this.data = null;
this.isDirty = null;
for (rel in this.relations)
if (has(this.relations, rel))
this.relations[rel].data = null;
return this;
// magic method calls simulated
__call(method, args, proxy)
let prefix = method.slice(0, 3), field;
if ('get' === prefix)
field = DialectORM.snake_case(method.slice(3));
return args.length ? this.get(field, args[0], 1<args.length ? args[1] : {}) : this.get(field);
else if ('set' === prefix)
field = DialectORM.snake_case(method.slice(3));
return this.set(field, !args.length ? null : args[0], 1<args.length ? args[1] : {});
else if ('has' === prefix)
field = DialectORM.snake_case(method.slice(3));
return this.has(field);
else if ('assoc' === method.slice(0, 5))
field = DialectORM.snake_case(method.slice(5));
return this.assoc(field, args[0]);
else if ('dissoc' === method.slice(0, 6))
field = DialectORM.snake_case(method.slice(6));
return this.dissoc(field, args[0]);
throw new ReferenceError('Undefined access "' + method + '" in ' + this.constructor.name);
if (empty(data)) return this.proxy;
let klass = this.constructor, hydrateFromDB, i, n;
if (is_array(klass.pk))
hydrateFromDB = true
for (i = 0, n = klass.pk.length; i < n; ++i)
hydrateFromDB = hydrateFromDB && has(data, klass.pk[i]) && !empty(data[klass.pk[i]]);
hydrateFromDB = has(data, klass.pk) && !empty(data[klass.pk]);
for (i = 0; i < klass.fields.length; ++i)
let field = klass.fields[i];
if (has(data, field))
this.set(field, data[field]);
hydrateFromDB = false;
if (!this.has(field))
this.set(field, null);
// populated from DB hydration, clear dirty flags
if (hydrateFromDB) this.isDirty = Object.create(null);
return this;
toObj(deep = false, diff = false, stack = [])
let klass = this.constructor;
if (has(stack, klass)) return null;
let a = {};
for (let i = 0; i < klass.fields.length; ++i)
let field = klass.fields[i];
if (diff && !has(this.isDirty, field)) continue;
a[field] = this.get(field);
if (deep && !diff)
for (let field in klass.relationships)
if (!has(klass.relationships, field) || !has(this.relations, field) || empty(this.relations[field].data)) continue;
let entity = this.relations[field].data;
let data = null;
if (is_array(entity))
data = [];
for (let e = 0; e < entity.length; ++e)
let d = entity[e].toObj(true, false, stack);
if (!empty(d)) data.push(d);
data = entity.toObj(true, false, stack);
if (!empty(data)) a[field] = data;
return a;
async save(options = {})
options = merge({
'force' : false,
'withRelated' : false
}, options);
let klass = this.constructor, res = 0, pk, id, conditions, withRelated,
field, i, rel, entity, e, eid, eids, cls, sk, jtbl, entities, values, exists;
if (options['withRelated'] === true) withRelated = Object.keys(klass.relationships);
else if (options['withRelated'] === false) withRelated = [];
else withRelated = array(options['withRelated']);
for (i = 0; i < withRelated.length; ++i)
field = String(withRelated[i]);
if (!has(this.relations, field)) continue;
rel = this.relations[field];
entity = rel.data;
cls = rel.b;
if (has(['belongsto'], rel.type) && (entity instanceof cls))
await entity.save();
this.set(rel.keyb, entity.primaryKey());
pk = klass.pk;
if (!empty(this.isDirty))
await this.beforeSave();
id = this.get(pk);
if (!DialectORM.emptykey(id) && !options['force'])
// update
this.toObj(false, true)
DialectORM.key(pk, id, {})
// insert
DialectORM.tbl(klass.table), klass.fields
klass.fields.map(f => has(this.data, f) ? this.data[f] : null)
res = await this.db().query(String(this.sql()));
if (DialectORM.emptykey(id)) this.set(pk, is_array(pk) ? [res['insertId']] : res['insertId']);
res = res['affectedRows'];
this.isDirty = Object.create(null);
await this.afterSave(res);
id = this.get(pk);
if (!DialectORM.emptykey(id))
for (i = 0; i < withRelated.length; ++i)
field = String(withRelated[i]);
if (!has(this.relations, field) || has(['belongsto'], this.relations[field].type)) continue;
rel = this.relations[field];
cls = rel.b;
if (!empty(rel.data))
if (is_array(rel.data))
if ('hasmany' === rel.type)
for (e = 0; e < rel.data.length; ++e)
entity = rel.data[e];
if (entity instanceof cls)
entity.set(rel.keyb, id);
for (e = 0; e < rel.data.length; ++e)
entity = rel.data[e];
if (entity instanceof cls)
await entity.save();
entity = rel.data;
if ('hasone' === rel.type)
if (entity instanceof cls)
entity.set(rel.keyb, id);
if (entity instanceof cls)
await entity.save();
if ('belongstomany' === rel.type)
jtbl = DialectORM.tbl(rel.ab);
entities = rel.data;
eids = [];
for (e = 0; e < entities.length; ++e)
entity = entities[e];
if (!(entity instanceof cls)) continue;
eid = entity.primaryKey();
if (DialectORM.emptykey(eid)) continue;
// the most cross-platform way seems to do an extra select to check if relation already exists
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13041023/insert-on-duplicate-key-update-nothing-using-mysql/13041065
conditions = DialectORM.key(rel.keya, id, {});
if (is_array(rel.keyb))
conditions[DialectORM.strkey(rel.keyb)] = {'or':eids.map(id => DialectORM.key(rel.keyb, id, {}))};
conditions[rel.keyb] = {'in':eids};
exists = (empty(eids) ? [] : (await this.db().get(
))).map(v => DialectORM.strkey(array(rel.keyb).map(k => v[k])));
values = [];
for (e = 0; e < entities.length; ++e)
entity = entities[e];
if (!(entity instanceof cls)) continue;
eid = entity.primaryKey();
if (DialectORM.emptykey(eid)) continue;
if (!has(exists, sk = DialectORM.strkey(eid)))
if (!empty(values))
await this.db().query(
jtbl, array(rel.keyb).concat(array(rel.keya))
return res;
async del(options = {})
options = merge({
'withRelated' : false
}, options);
let res = 0, klass = this.constructor;
if (null != this.data)
let pk = klass.pk, id = this.get(pk);
if (!DialectORM.emptykey(id))
// delete
res = await klass.delAll({
'conditions' : DialectORM.key(pk, id, {}),
'withRelated' : options['withRelated']
return res;
DialectORM.VERSION = '2.0.1';
DialectORM.Entity = DialectORMEntity;
DialectORM.Exception = DialectORMException;
DialectORM.Relation = DialectORMRelation;
DialectORM.IDb = IDialectORMDb;
// private static
DialectORM.deps = {};
DialectORM.dbh = null;
DialectORM.tblprefix = '';
DialectORM.dependencies = function(deps) {
DialectORM.deps = merge(DialectORM.deps, deps);
DialectORM.dependency = function(dep, default_ = null) {
return has(DialectORM.deps, dep) ? DialectORM.deps[dep] : default_;
DialectORM.DBHandler = function(db = null) {
if (arguments.length)
if (!(db instanceof IDialectORMDb))
throw new DialectORM.Exception('DialectORM DB must implement DialectORM.IDb');
DialectORM.dbh = db;
return DialectORM.dbh;
DialectORM.SQLBuilder = function() {
if (!Dialect)
let entry = DialectORM.dependency('Dialect');
if (!empty(entry))
if (is_string(entry))
Dialect = require(entry); // can set module path, nodejs only
else if ('function' === typeof entry)
Dialect = entry; // else eg for browser, set Dialect class directly as dependency
let db = DialectORM.DBHandler();
let sql = new Dialect(db.vendor());
sql.escape(s => db.escape(s), db.escapeWillQuote());
if ('function' === typeof db['escapeId'])
sql.escapeId(s => db.escapeId(s), 'function' === typeof(db['escapeIdWillQuote']) ? db.escapeIdWillQuote() : false);
return sql;
DialectORM.prefix = function(prefix = null) {
if (arguments.length)
DialectORM.tblprefix = String(prefix);
return DialectORM.tblprefix;
DialectORM.tbl = function(table) {
return DialectORM.prefix() + String(table);
DialectORM.eq = eq;
class IDialectORMNoSql
vendor() {NotImplemented();}
supportsPartialUpdates() {NotImplemented();}
supportsConditionalQueries() {NotImplemented();}
insert(collection, key, data) {NotImplemented();}
update(collection, key, data) {NotImplemented();}
del(collection, key) {NotImplemented();}
find(collection, key) {NotImplemented();}
findAll(collection, conditions) {NotImplemented();}
class DialectNoSqlException extends Error
this.name = "DialectNoSqlException";
class DialectNoSql extends DialectORMEntity
static collection = null;
_str = null;
data = null;
isDirty = null;
proxy = null;
static async fetchByPk(id, default_ = null)
let klass = this, entity;
entity = await DialectNoSql.NoSqlHandler().find(klass.collection, is_array(klass.pk) ? DialectNoSql.key(klass.pk, id) : id);
return !empty(entity) ? new klass(is_array(entity) ? entity[0] : entity) : default_;
static async fetchAll(conditions = {}, default_ = [])
let klass = this, entities, i, l;
if (DialectNoSql.NoSqlHandler().supportsConditionalQueries())
entities = await DialectNoSql.NoSqlHandler().findAll(klass.collection, conditions);
if (empty(entities)) return default_;
for (i = 0, l = entities.length; i < l; ++i)
entities[i] = new klass(entities[i]);
return entities;
return default_;
constructor(data = {})
this._str = null;
this.data = null;
this.isDirty = null;
if (is_obj(data) && !empty(data))
// return the proxy
this.proxy = new Proxy(this, magicMethodsProxy);
return this.proxy;
if (!this._str) this._str = DialectNoSql.NoSqlHandler();
return this._str;
get(field, default_ = null, options = {})
if (is_array(field))
return field.map((f, i) => this.get(f, is_array(default_) ? default_[i] : default_, options));
field = String(field);
let klass = this.constructor;
if (!is_obj(this.data) || !has(this.data, field))
throw new DialectNoSql.Exception('Undefined Field: "' + field + '" in ' + klass.name + ' via get()');
return this.data[field];
set(field, val = null, options = {})
if (is_array(field))
for(let i = 0, n = field.length; i < n; ++i)
this.set(field[i], is_array(val) ? val[i] : val, options);
return this;
field = String(field);
let klass = this.constructor, tval, fieldProp, typecast, validate, valid;
options = merge({
'raw' : false
}, options);
tval = val;
if (!options['raw'])
fieldProp = DialectNoSql.camelCase(field, true);
typecast = 'type' + fieldProp;
if ('function' === typeof this[typecast])
tval = this[typecast](val);
validate = 'validate' + fieldProp;
if ('function' === typeof this[validate])
valid = this[validate](tval);
if (!valid) throw new DialectNoSql.Exception('Value: "' + String(val) + '" is not valid for Field: "' + field + '" in ' + klass.name);
if (!this.data)
this.data = Object.create(null);
this.isDirty = Object.create(null);
if (!has(this.data, field) || (this.data[field] !== tval))
this.isDirty[field] = true;
this.data[field] = tval;
return this;
return is_obj(this.data) && has(this.data, field);
this.data = null;
this.isDirty = null;
return this.proxy;
__call(method, args, proxy)
let prefix = method.slice(0, 3), field;
if ('get' === prefix)
field = DialectNoSql.snake_case(method.slice(3));
return args.length ? this.get(field, args[0]) : this.get(field);
else if ('set' === prefix)
field = DialectNoSql.snake_case(method.slice(3));
return this.set(field, !args.length ? null : args[0], 1<args.length ? args[1] : {});
else if ('has' === prefix)
field = DialectNoSql.snake_case(method.slice(3));
return this.has(field);
throw new ReferenceError('Undefined access "' + method + '" in ' + this.constructor.name);
if (empty(data)) return this.proxy;
let klass = this.constructor, hydrateFromDB, i, n;
if (is_array(klass.pk))
hydrateFromDB = true
for (i = 0, n = klass.pk.length; i < n; ++i)
hydrateFromDB = hydrateFromDB && has(data, klass.pk[i]) && !empty(data[klass.pk[i]]);
hydrateFromDB = has(data, klass.pk) && !empty(data[klass.pk]);
for (i in data)
if (has(data, i))
this.set(i, data[i]);
// populated from DB hydration, clear dirty flags
if (hydrateFromDB) this.isDirty = Object.create(null);
return this;
toObj(diff = false)
let a = {}, i, l, fields = Object.keys(this.data).sort();
for (i = 0, l = fields.length; i < l; ++i)
if (diff && !has(this.isDirty, fields[i])) continue;
a[fields[i]] = this.data[fields[i]];
return a;
async save(options = {})
options = merge({
'update' : false,
}, options);
let res = 0, pk, id, klass = this.constructor;
if (!empty(this.isDirty))
pk = klass.pk;
id = this.get(pk);
if (DialectNoSql.emptykey(id))
throw new DialectNoSql.Exception('Empty key in ' + klass.name + '.save()');
await this.beforeSave();
if (options['update'])
// update
res = await this.storage().update(klass.collection, is_array(pk) ? DialectNoSql.key(pk, id) : id, this.toObj(this.storage().supportsPartialUpdates()));
// insert
res = await this.storage().insert(klass.collection, is_array(pk) ? DialectNoSql.key(pk, id) : id, this.toObj(false));
this.isDirty = Object.create(null);
await this.afterSave(res);
return res;
async del(options = {})
options = merge({}, options);
let klass = this.constructor, res = 0, pk, id;
if (is_obj(this.data))
pk = klass.pk;
id = this.get(pk);
if (!DialectNoSql.emptykey(id))
// delete
res = await this.storage().del(klass.collection, is_array(pk) ? DialectNoSql.key(pk, id) : id);
return res;
DialectNoSql.VERSION = DialectORM.VERSION;
DialectNoSql.Exception = DialectNoSqlException;
DialectNoSql.INoSql = IDialectORMNoSql;
DialectNoSql.NoSqlHandler = function(store = null) {
if (arguments.length)
if (!(store instanceof IDialectORMNoSql))
throw new DialectNoSql.Exception('DialectNoSql Store must implement DialectORM.NoSql.INoSql');
DialectNoSql.strh = store;
return DialectNoSql.strh;
DialectORM.NoSql = DialectNoSql;
// export it
return DialectORM;