PHP Classes

Classes: PHP 5

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Classes using PHP 5 specific features.

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  1 - 20   ...   3001 - 3020   3021 - 3040   3041 - 3060   3061 - 3080   3081 - 3100   3101 - 3120   ...   6600 - 6605  
  Files folder image PHP Age Calculator  
Author: Dannel <e-mail contact>
Calculate the age of a person with the birth date

  Files folder image PHP Age Calculator Class  
Author: Mr. Dharmendra Kumar <e-mail contact>
Calculate the years since a given date

  Files folder image PHP AGI  
Author: Matthew Asham <e-mail contact>
Control an Asterisk VOIP instance

  Files folder image PHP Aho-Corasick String...  
Author: Chi H. <e-mail contact>
Match string patterns using Aho-Corasick algorithm

  Files folder image PHP AIO Hasher  
Author: Nick Daniels <e-mail contact>
Create hashes of values using different algorithms

  Files folder image PHP AIO Security Class  
Author: Marco Cesarato <e-mail contact>
Filter untrusted data to prevent security issues

  Files folder image PHP AJAX Calculator  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2019
Number 2

Prize: 30 Days Free Access to O'Reilly Safari Learning Platform
Author: Pierre-Henry Soria <e-mail contact>
Perform calculations and get the results via AJAX

  Files folder image PHP AJAX Character Counter  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2023
Number 4
Author: Pierre-Henry Soria <e-mail contact>
Count characters in a text input using AJAX

  Files folder image PHP AJAX Folder Tree View  
Author: Farzan Dalaee <e-mail contact>
Display and manage a tree of nodes stored in MySQL

  Files folder image PHP AJAX Image Upload with...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2023
Number 6
Author: Adeleye Ayodeji <e-mail contact>
Show a progress bar during image file upload

  Files folder image PHP AJAX Paging Class  
Author: Developer CK <e-mail contact>
Display pagination links updated using AJAX

  Files folder image PHP AJAX Response Handler  
Author: El Amrani Chakir <e-mail contact>
Process AJAX requests with response handlers

  Files folder image PHP AJAX Response Router  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
February 2022

Prize: One official elePHPant Plush Mascott
Author: El Amrani Chakir <e-mail contact>
Handle HTTP AJAX requests using router classes

  Files folder image PHP AJAX REST API 5 Call  
Author: Santo Nuzzolillo <e-mail contact>
Execute SQL queries and return JSON responses

  Files folder image PHP AJAX RSS News Reader  
Author: Nitesh Apte <e-mail contact>
Convert RSS feeds into HTML links

  Files folder image PHP AJAX Submit Forms  
Author: Daniel Vasic <e-mail contact>
Submit forms with AJAX requests

  Files folder image PHP AJAX Table  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
June 2016

Prize: One big elePHPant Plush Mascott
Author: Joubert RedRat <e-mail contact>
Load HTML tables dynamically using AJAX

  Files folder image PHP AJAX Upload file  
Author: Ravi Kumar <e-mail contact>
Process image files uploaded via AJAX

  Files folder image PHP AJAX Voting Script  
Author: MarPlo <e-mail contact>
Store up or down user votes in MySQL or files

  Files folder image PHP Album Manager  
Author: Haseeb Ahmad Basil <e-mail contact>
Manage a list of albums with Zend Framework 2

  1 - 27   ...   4051 - 4077   4078 - 4104   4105 - 4131   4132 - 4158   4159 - 4185   4186 - 4212   ...   6588 - 6605  
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