PHP Classes

PHP JSON to Object Mapper: Map JSON decoded data into entity objects

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  Author Author  
Name: Niko <contact>
Classes: 5 packages by
Country: Finland Finland

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This package can map JSON decoded data into entity objects.

It takes an object decoded from a JSON string an creates another object of a given class set to the values of the input object.


JSON to Entity

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Map json into entity. This allows you to easily validate payload json and map it automatically into entity class. This class can be for example ORM class, when you can directly save it into the DB.

This is pretty nice, if you're lazy and need just to develop fast, but if you need high performance application, please map json and validate json manually. Comes with performance strike, but saves time.


Via composer:

composer require niko9911/json-to-entity



// Declare entity where to map.
final class Basic
     * @var string
    private $bar;
     * @var int|null
    private $foo;
     * @var array
    private $fooBar;

     * BasicUnitTestEntity constructor.
     * @param string $bar
     * @param int    $foo
     * @param array  $fooBar
    public function __construct(string $bar, ?int $foo, array $fooBar)
        $this->bar = $bar;
        $this->foo = $foo;
        $this->fooBar = $fooBar;

     * @return string
    public function getBar(): string
        return $this->bar;

     * @return int|null
    public function getFoo(): ?int
        return $this->foo;

     * @return array
    public function getFooBar(): array
        return $this->fooBar;

$json = <<<JSON
  "bar": "Some_Bar",
  "foo": 10,
  "fooBar": ["a", "b", "c"]

$mapper = new \Niko9911\JsonToEntity\Mapper();
$entity = $mapper->map(\json_decode($json), Basic::class);
//class Basic#25 (3) {
//  private $bar =>
//  string(8) "Some_Bar"
//  private $foo =>
//  int(10)
//  private $fooBar =>
//  array(3) {
//    [0] =>
//    string(1) "a"
//    [1] =>
//    string(1) "b"
//    [2] =>
//    string(1) "c"
//  }


Licensed under the MIT license.

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Name: PHP JSON to Object Mapper
Base name: php-json-to-entity
Description: Map JSON decoded data into entity objects
Version: -
PHP version: 7
License: Custom (specified in a license file)
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  Plain text file Mapper.php Class Class source

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  Plain text file EntityBuilder.php Class Class source
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  Plain text file MappingException.php Class Class source
  Plain text file PropertyNotNullableException.php Class Class source
  Plain text file PropertyUndefinedException.php Class Class source
  Plain text file ValueCannotBeCaste...edTypeException.php Class Class source

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  Files folder image Files  /  tests  /  Stubs  /  Unit  
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Files folder imageBasicUnitTest (5 files)
Files folder imageComplexUnitTest (10 files)

  Files folder image Files  /  tests  /  Stubs  /  Unit  /  BasicUnitTest  
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  Plain text file BasicUnitTestEntity.php Class Class source
  Plain text file BasicUnitTestEntityBarMissing.php Class Class source
  Plain text file BasicUnitTestEntityNoGetters.php Class Class source
  Accessible without login Plain text file success.json Data Auxiliary data
  Accessible without login Plain text file successHyphens.json Data Auxiliary data

  Files folder image Files  /  tests  /  Stubs  /  Unit  /  ComplexUnitTest  
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  Plain text file ComplexMainEntity.php Class Class source
  Plain text file ComplexSubEntity.php Class Class source
  Plain text file ComplexSubSubEntity.php Class Class source
  Accessible without login Plain text file failureCastStringToInt.json Data Auxiliary data
  Accessible without login Plain text file failureCastTooBigInt.json Data Auxiliary data
  Accessible without login Plain text file failurePropertyCannotBeNull.json Data Auxiliary data
  Accessible without login Plain text file failurePropertyNotNullable.json Data Auxiliary data
  Accessible without login Plain text file failureSubSubNotNullable.json Data Auxiliary data
  Accessible without login Plain text file success.json Data Auxiliary data
  Accessible without login Plain text file successHyphens.json Data Auxiliary data

  Files folder image Files  /  tests  /  Unit  
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  Plain text file BasicUnitTest.php Class Class source
  Plain text file ComplexUnitTest.php Class Class source

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