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Top rated classes: HTTP

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Top rated classes: HTTP

HTTP protocol clients, headers and cookies.

  Files folder image 1. QoS Bandwidth Throttle in PHP  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2011
Number 2

Prize: One copy of DWebPro Standard License
Author: Artur Graniszewski <e-mail contact>
Limit the speed of files served for download

  Files folder image 2. XIP Class  
Author: Volkan Küçükçakar <e-mail contact>
Analyze remote IP, Proxy detection,Blacklist check

  Files folder image 3. Cookie Jar  
Author: Keyvan Minoukadeh <e-mail contact>
Class for handling cookies (for HTTP clients)

  Files folder image 4. PHP HTTP protocol client  
Author: Manuel Lemos <e-mail contact>
HTTP client to access Web site pages

  Files folder image 5. HTAccess mod_rewrite  
Author: Vladimir S. Bredihin <e-mail contact>
Interpret Apache .htaccess to emulate mod_rewrite

  Files folder image 6. PHP Multi-Server  
Author: Artur Graniszewski <e-mail contact>
HTTP Server written in pure PHP

  Files folder image 7. Easy cURL  
Author: Philip Sturgeon <e-mail contact>
Access Web resources using Curl

  Files folder image 8. HTTP Download  
Author: Bao Nguyen Quoc <e-mail contact>
Server files for downloading with resume support

  Files folder image 9. PHPSecureURL  
Author: pascal CASENOVE <e-mail contact>
hide link parameters

  Files folder image 10. Data Transmission Shield  
Author: Oliver Lillie <e-mail contact>
Protects data passed between pages

  Files folder image 11. Browser Detection  
Author: Dragan Dinic <e-mail contact>
Determine the browser and OS from the user agent

  Files folder image 12. File Exchange Protocol  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
October 2007

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Cesar D. Rodas <e-mail contact>
Store and retrieve remote files using HTTP

  Files folder image 13. HTTP Retriever  
Author: Helmut Daschnigrum <e-mail contact>
HTTP client to access Web servers

  Files folder image 14. REST Client  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2009
Number 4

Prize: One downloadable e-book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Diogo Souza da Silva <e-mail contact>
Send Web services requests to REST servers

  Files folder image 15. User Info  
Author: Fabrizio Parrella <e-mail contact>
Retrieve information of the user browser

  Files folder image 16. jForm Validator  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2012
Number 5

Prize: One downloadable copy of Komodo IDE
Author: Jonas Lagerwall <e-mail contact>
Validate forms with rules defined in form template

  Files folder image 17. WebDAV client  
Author: Chris Juerges <e-mail contact>
WebDAV client to access files in a HTTP server

  Files folder image 18. Download file  
Author: Slava Ivanov <e-mail contact>
download any file from a server

  Files folder image 19. Advanced HTTP Client  
Author: GuinuX <e-mail contact>
GET, HEAD, POST methods with a lot of features

  Files folder image 20. PHP Antihack Environment  
Author: Oliver Leuyim Angel <e-mail contact>
Check request values to detect hacking attempts

  Files folder image 21. PHPClientSniffer  
Author: Roger Raymond <e-mail contact>

  Files folder image 22. SiteCookie  
Author: Brian Moon <e-mail contact>
SiteCookie easily handles multiple cookies for a site in one browser cookie.

  Files folder image 23. Curl HTTP Client  
Author: Dragan Dinic <e-mail contact>
HTTP client using the PHP Curl library

  Files folder image 24. Easy PHP Validation  
Author: Jeff Williams <e-mail contact>
Validate and fetch request and other value types.

  Files folder image 25. Tor  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2011
Number 3

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Alexander Over <e-mail contact>
Check if an IP is TOR network exit address

  Files folder image 26. PHP RPC Lite  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2005
Number 4
Author: Gregory <e-mail contact>
Simple RPC client and server based only on PHP

  Files folder image 27. HTTP Upload  
Author: Bao Nguyen Quoc <e-mail contact>
Handle files uploaded via Web forms

  Files folder image 28. HN URL Rewrite  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2004
Number 2

Prize: One downloadable copy of Roadsend PHP Compiler
Author: Horst Nogajski <e-mail contact>
Emulate request URL rewriting and redirection

  Files folder image 29. Smart URI  
Author: Gregory <e-mail contact>
Wrap all site requests around a single PHP script

  Files folder image 30. URL TS  
Author: Jacek Wloka <e-mail contact>
Check whether a page with given URL exists

  Files folder image 31. Cookie Objects Class  
Author: Guillermo de Jesus Perez Chavero <e-mail contact>
Store and retrieve composite data items in cookies

  Files folder image 32. Browser Info  
Author: Richard Toth <e-mail contact>
Parse the HTTP user agent to get browser details

  Files folder image 33. jsCheck  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2009
Number 6

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
Author: Gustav Eklundh <e-mail contact>
Check whether Javascript is enabled in the browser

  Files folder image 34. HttpPostUpload  
Author: Michael Plies <e-mail contact>
Securely upload one or more files

  Files folder image 35. Flood Blocker  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2005
Number 2

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Vagharshak Tozalakyan <e-mail contact>
Detect and protect from attempts to flood a site

  Files folder image 36. MdRGen  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2007
Number 2

Prize: One book of choice by SAMS
Author: Viktor <e-mail contact>
Generate the definition of rules for mod_rewrite

  Files folder image 37. Cookie Handler Class  
Author: Jason Reed <e-mail contact>
Store and retrieve serialized variables in cookies

  Files folder image 38. cURL  
Author: Richard Munroe <e-mail contact>
cURL extension wrapper access remote Web resources

  Files folder image 39. requestUtils  
Author: Nilesh Dosooye <e-mail contact>
Retrieve and sanitize user submitted request data

  Files folder image 40. Clean URL  
Author: Huda M Elmatsani <e-mail contact>
Transform URLs to make them search engine friendly

  Files folder image 41. Simple CURL Wrapper  
Author: Alexander Skakunov <e-mail contact>
Submit HTTP requests with the CURL extension

  Files folder image 42. Client info  
Author: Sergey Ivanov <e-mail contact>
Retrieve information about the user browser

  Files folder image 43. Secure Login  
Author: Bao Nguyen Quoc <e-mail contact>
Login and logout users with HTTP authentication

  Files folder image 44. MobileUserAgent  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2004
Number 5

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the magazine by PHP Architect
Author: Craig Manley <e-mail contact>
Extract information from mobile browser identifier

  Files folder image 45. Antz_IntelliForm  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2007
Number 2

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the magazine by PHP Architect
Author: Anthony Gallon <e-mail contact>
Save submitted forms to prevent reposting warnings

  Files folder image 46. PHP Intrusion Detection System  
Author: Hamed Afshar <e-mail contact>
Analyze request input to prevent security attacks

  Files folder image 47. HV HTTP Multipart  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2004
Number 7

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Herman Veluwenkamp <e-mail contact>
Push multiple pages to browser in one HTTP request

  Files folder image 48. Simple HTTP browser  
Author: lazy <e-mail contact>
Access remote Web pages like a real browser

  Files folder image 49. CReferrer  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2004
Number 6
Author: Setec Astronomy <e-mail contact>
Extract search engine keywords from referrer URL

  Files folder image 50. Browser Detect  
Author: Paul Scott <e-mail contact>
Detects the user browser type and version

  Files folder image 51. cHTTP  
Author: Tiago Serafim <e-mail contact>
GET, POST and Multipart uploads to an HTTP server

  Files folder image 52. 100% PHP Uploader  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
November 2011

Prize: One book of choice by Packt
Author: Richard Keizer <e-mail contact>
Track the progress of file upload with Web sockets

  Files folder image 53. Javascript includer (document.writer)  
Author: Giancarlo Pinerolo <e-mail contact>
This php class, and the associated examples, will let you include result pages or forms from anywhere in any javascript enabled browsers.

  Files folder image 54. DocumentRoot  
Author: Allan Bogh <e-mail contact>
Get the document root when using Windows servers

  Files folder image 55. Url Rewriter  
Author: Cesar D. Rodas <e-mail contact>
Redirect requests according URL rewriting rules

  Files folder image 56. phpMysqlSessions  
Author: Justin Koivisto <e-mail contact>
My implementation of using a cookie to save a session id and a MySQL database to save the data.

  Files folder image 57. PHP Mobile Detect  
Author: Ali <e-mail contact>
Detect whether the user is using a mobile device

  Files folder image 58. HTTP_Connection  
Author: Ed Williams <e-mail contact>
A bunch of classes for a HTTP connection to a webserver

  Files folder image 59. PHProtector  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2010
Number 5

Prize: One book of choice by Apress
Author: Hugo Sousa <e-mail contact>
Analyse HTTP requests to detect security attacks

  Files folder image 60. Cookie preferences  
Author: Ken Stanley <e-mail contact>
Manage site user preferences stored in cookies

  Files folder image 61. Flood Recorder  
Author: Bao Nguyen Quoc <e-mail contact>
Detect attempts to flood a site with many accesses

  Files folder image 62. Page Header  
Author: Leandro Antonello <e-mail contact>
Generate HTTP response and HTML page headers

  Files folder image 63. Curl File Uploader  
Author: Abhishek Kumar Srivastava <e-mail contact>
Upload files via HTTP POST using Curl

  Files folder image 64. bib_server  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2007
Number 3

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the magazine by PHP Architect
Author: Fabrizio Parrella <e-mail contact>
Web server in pure PHP

  Files folder image 65. Meta tags fetcher  
Author: Eugene Panin <e-mail contact>
Fetches meta tag values from a given Web page

  Files folder image 66. Cookie Management Class  
Author: Bob Dole <e-mail contact>
Manipulate information stored in cookies

  Files folder image 67. PHP server-side web browser  
Author: Grigori Kochanov <e-mail contact>
Browsing the Web via PHP

  Files folder image 68. PHP Proxy Checker  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2011
Number 3

Prize: One downloadable copy of Komodo IDE
Author: Stanislav Afanasiev <e-mail contact>
Check if a proxy server is working and its type

  Files folder image 69. esiform  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2004
Number 5

Prize: One downloadable copy of Komodo Pro
Author: Tino Ehrich <e-mail contact>
Validate Web forms and execute follow-up actions

  Files folder image 70. clsCookie  
Author: Ronald Zeus <e-mail contact>
Pass values between pages using encrypted cookies

  Files folder image 71. postgreSQL_session  
Author: Tom Du <e-mail contact>
session class convert and modify slightly to PostgreSQL

  Files folder image 72. acurl  
Author: Sylvain Rabot <e-mail contact>
cURL wrapper to access HTTP and FTP servers

  Files folder image 73. Secure Cookie  
Author: Aikar <e-mail contact>
Store and retrieve data in encrypted cookies

  Files folder image 74. Form Data Cleaner  
Author: Gabriel Harrison <e-mail contact>
Sanitise GET and POST values based on type rules

  Files folder image 75. untiny  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2009
Number 10

Prize: One book of choice by Packt
Author: James Hinds <e-mail contact>
Determine the pages where short URLs lead

  Files folder image 76. Defensive Attack  
Author: Todor Iliev <e-mail contact>
Retrieve information of current user HTTP request

  Files folder image 77. Simple Browser Detection  
Author: Patrick Mahoney <e-mail contact>
Determine the type of browser

  Files folder image 78. gHttp  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2007
Number 10
Author: Cesar D. Rodas <e-mail contact>
Stream wrapper to send HTTP POST and GET requests

  Files folder image 79. MyCurl  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2007
Number 6

Prize: One book of choice by SAMS
Author: Justin <e-mail contact>
Pure PHP implementation of the cURL library

  Files folder image 80. Search Keywords  
Author: Eric Sizemore <e-mail contact>
Get the search words that lead an user to a page

  Files folder image 81. Rewriter  
Author: Bastian Neumann <e-mail contact>
Rewrite request variables based on the request URI

  Files folder image 82. Statizier  
Author: Llorenç Herrera <e-mail contact>
Allow dinamic sites to be indexed by searchers

  Files folder image 83. Detector  
Author: Piotr Malinski <e-mail contact>
Detect browser plug-ins and resolution using AJAX

  Files folder image 84. Web Page Size Calculator  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2005
Number 3

Prize: One downloadable copy of Komodo Pro
Author: Huda M Elmatsani <e-mail contact>
Determine the size of Web page and its elements

  Files folder image 85. Find Browser  
Author: Dean Gardiner <e-mail contact>
Determine the user browser

  Files folder image 86. Form submit  
Author: Julien Buratto <e-mail contact>
Submit form data using HTTP protocol

  Files folder image 87. dBrowser  
Author: Alexandre Tedeschi (d) <e-mail contact>
Emulate a browser to extract content from sites

  Files folder image 88. Process Wait Screen  
Author: Vibert Bruno <e-mail contact>
Display wait screens to show during long processes

  Files folder image 89. Little PHP Proxy  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
July 2008

Prize: One book of choice by Apress
Author: Andrey Nikishaev <e-mail contact>
Show remote pages as if they from the current site

  Files folder image 90. Easy Download  
Author: Olavo Alexandrino <e-mail contact>
Serve a file for download with a PHP script

  Files folder image 91. MyUpload  
Author: pierre-yves lemaire <e-mail contact>
Class to upload file to the web server.

  Files folder image 92. Suma Tag  
Author: Till Wehowski <e-mail contact>
Determine the keywords searched by visitors

  Files folder image 93. HTTPPost  
Author: Daniel Kushner <e-mail contact>
Posts an array of data to a given URL using rfc2616 - Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.

  Files folder image 94. Httperf server stressing and benchmark tool  
Author: Manuel Lemos <e-mail contact>
Evaluate HTTP server performance.

  Files folder image 95. Basic SQL Injection Protection  
Author: MUAMMER TÜRKMEN <e-mail contact>
Cleanup harmful text from request parameters

  Files folder image 96. Security Filter for Request HTTP Data  
Author: Roman Shneer <e-mail contact>
Filter dangerous values from request variables

  Files folder image 97. Multi-thread Simulation  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2007
Number 2

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Alex Lau <e-mail contact>
Emulate threads using separate HTTP requests

  Files folder image 98. Post and Get methods  
Author: Rodrigo Angelo Rafael <e-mail contact>
Retrieve POST and GET request parameters

  Files folder image 99. PHP Cookie Class  
Author: AMit Pandey <e-mail contact>
Manipulate cookie values

  Files folder image 100. Encode Cookie  
Author: Stanga Razvan <e-mail contact>
Manage information stored in encrypted cookies

  Files folder image 101. Find IP  
Author: Juan Chaves <e-mail contact>
Get the IP address of computer accessing the site

  Files folder image 102. Custom URL  
Author: Eugene Panin <e-mail contact>
Class that easily works with URL.

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