PHP Classes
PHP Classes

Classes of Mostafa Abd-El-Hamid

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Name: Mostafa Abd-El-Hamid <contact> Mostafa Abd-El-Hamid Google profile
Classes: 23
Country: Egypt Egypt
Age: 35
All time rank: 5974 in Egypt Egypt
Week rank: 128 Up1 in Egypt Egypt Up
All time users: 4820
Week users: 4
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 5x
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  Files folder image Administer LDAP Server Users  
Manages Windows or Linux users via LDAP

  Files folder image Auth in Redis and Laravel  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2017
Number 6
Controller for authenticating users in Redis

  Files folder image BootLoader  
Load controller classes according route parameters

  Files folder image Cipher Mcrypt  
Encrypt data using the hash of a given key

  Files folder image CURL File POST with Parameters  
Upload files using HTTP POST requests

  Files folder image Encrypter  
Generate hashes of data using, SHA1, MD5 and HMAC

  Files folder image FFMPEG in PHP Video  
Capture the local Webcam video using FFMPEG

  Files folder image Form CRUD PDO  
Insert, update, delete database records using form

  Files folder image HTTP Middleware  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2017
Number 5
Send multiple HTTP requests to remote servers

  Files folder image Local SOAP Client  
Example SOAP client to mix remote and local calls

  Files folder image PHP 7 MVC  
Framework that uses MVC design pattern under PHP 7

  Files folder image PHP Azure Active Directory  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2015
Number 6

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
Manage users and groups of Windows Azure

  Files folder image PHP Cpanel Create Subdomain  
Manage subdomains of a domain using CPanel

  Files folder image PHP ElasticSearch Bulk Insert  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2018
Number 5
Insert many record values at once in ElasticSearch

  Files folder image PHP IP Camera  
Save image from IP camera to a queue or storage

  Files folder image PHP Openstack  
Manage Openstack projects, users and roles

  Files folder image PHP Session CSRF Token...  
Validate tokens to protect against CSRF attacks

  Files folder image Real Time Chat  
Manage multi-user chat using Web sockets

  Files folder image RedisController  
Laravel controller class to access Redis

  Files folder image Regular Expression...  
Validate text values using regular expressions

  Files folder image Socket  
TCP socket client and server

  Files folder image Windows Service PowerShell...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2015
Number 4

Prize: One downloadable e-book of choice by O'Reilly
Control Windows services using PowerShell

  Files folder image XML Movies Iterator  
Extract movies from XML file

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