PHP Classes

Classes: HTTP

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HTTP protocol clients, headers and cookies.

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  1 - 20   21 - 40   41 - 60   61 - 80   81 - 100   101 - 120   121 - 140   141 - 160   ...   640 - 641  
  Files folder image Curl Post Master  
Author: Anthony Amolochitis <e-mail contact>
Send HTTP POST requests with the Curl extension

  Files folder image curla  
Author: George Imerlishvili <e-mail contact>
Send HTTP requests in a Curl compatible way

  Files folder image Curler PHP HTTP Client Library  
Author: Engin Ypsilon <e-mail contact>
Send HTTP requests setup using a fluent interface

  Files folder image Curly  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2014
Number 6
Author: zent00 <e-mail contact>
Test sites verifying if responses match XML specs

  Files folder image Custom PHP URL Shortener...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2021
Number 5
Author: anas khan <e-mail contact>
Create and expand short URLs in a custom domain

  Files folder image Custom URL  
Author: Eugene Panin <e-mail contact>
Class that easily works with URL.

  Files folder image D3Upload  
Author: Ridvan KARATAS <e-mail contact>
Validate and process files uploaded via Web forms

  Files folder image dBrowser  
Author: Alexandre Tedeschi (d) <e-mail contact>
Emulate a browser to extract content from sites

  Files folder image Defensive Attack  
Author: Todor Iliev <e-mail contact>
Retrieve information of current user HTTP request

  Files folder image Define MVC PHP 8  
Author: Nitesh Apte <e-mail contact>
Framework to route requests via a front controller

  Files folder image Detect Browser, OS and...  
Author: Loris Barbiero <e-mail contact>
Parse request headers to get browser, OS, language

  Files folder image Detector  
Author: Piotr Malinski <e-mail contact>
Detect browser plug-ins and resolution using AJAX

  Files folder image Div PHP Ways  
Author: Rafa Rodriguez <e-mail contact>
Route HTTP requests to registered handlers

  Files folder image docType  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2010
Number 8

Prize: One book of choice by Manning
Author: Michael A. Peters <e-mail contact>
Create HTML or XHTML depending on the user browser

  Files folder image DocumentRoot  
Author: Allan Bogh <e-mail contact>
Get the document root when using Windows servers

  Files folder image Download file  
Author: Slava Ivanov <e-mail contact>
download any file from a server

  Files folder image Download file serving  
Author: M.G.Ranga Pathmasiri <e-mail contact>
Serving files for download with a PHP script

  Files folder image Dromeo PHP Router Library  
Author: Nikos M. <e-mail contact>
Route HTTP requests to functions with URL patterns

  Files folder image dXSS  
Author: Francisco López <e-mail contact>
Filter dangerous values from the GET parameters

  Files folder image Easy cURL  
Author: Philip Sturgeon <e-mail contact>
Access Web resources using Curl

  1 - 27   28 - 54   55 - 81   82 - 108   109 - 135   136 - 162   163 - 189   190 - 216   ...   621 - 641  
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