PHP Classes

Curl HTTP Client : HTTP client using the PHP Curl library

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Picture of Dragan Dinic
Name: Dragan Dinic <contact>
Classes: 2 packages by
Country: Serbia and Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro

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This class implements an HTTP client using the PHP Curl library extension.

It can perform HTTP GET or POST requests taking an array as the list of POST parameters.

The class can set request referrer, authentication credentials, connection peer IP address, etc..

It can also collect cookies sent by the server in a cookie jar file.

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Name: Curl HTTP Client
Base name: curl_http_client
Description: HTTP client using the PHP Curl library
Version: 1.0.0
PHP version: -
License: BSD License
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Group folder image HTTP HTTP protocol clients, headers and cookies View top rated classes

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Curl HTTP Client
Frequently, in my daytime job I have to fetch data from various url’s, either by sending get or post request, binding to different IP address etc..
Curl HTTP Client
Frequently, in my daytime job I have to fetch data from various url’s, either by sending get or post request, binding to different IP address etc. Long time I used my own socket based HTTP class, although I wasn’t quite happy with perfomances and various other things with it. I already used curl cli tool (mostly for debugging purposes), but didn’t really liked it’s php api, so I’ve decided to take some spare time and make some kind of oop wrapper for it, which should be easier to use for easy stuff like sending get/post request etc.
Curl HTTP Client - Update
Just put online new version of my Curl_HTTP_Client class.

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