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Classes: XML

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XML parsing and generation.

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  1 - 20   ...   321 - 340   341 - 360   361 - 380   381 - 400   401 - 420   421 - 440   441 - 460   461 - 464  
  Files folder image XML Form Up  
Author: MC Breit <e-mail contact>
Parse and reformat XML documents

  Files folder image XML Forms  
Author: Mark Kintigh <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML forms from XML file definitions

  Files folder image XML Guestbook  
Author: Verne Joe <e-mail contact>
Create and manage guestbooks stored in XML files

  Files folder image XML Helper  
Author: Richard Williams <e-mail contact>
Extract XML data into an array and vice-versa

  Files folder image XML into user defined...  
Author: Oleg <e-mail contact>
Create objects from definitions in a XML document

  Files folder image XML Manager  
Author: Nicola Covolo <e-mail contact>
Store and retrieve configuration options in XML

  Files folder image XML Manipulation  
Author: Deepak Patil <e-mail contact>
Parsing and access XML documents using SimpleXML

  Files folder image XML Menu  
Author: Luis I. Larrateguy <e-mail contact>
Generate hierarchic menu defined in XML using XSLT

  Files folder image XML Movies Iterator  
Author: Mostafa Abd-El-Hamid <e-mail contact>
Extract movies from XML file

  Files folder image XML Node  
Author: Mike Neugebauer <e-mail contact>
Generate XML documents on the fly

  Files folder image XML nodes parser  
Author: Nicola Antonio Filannino <e-mail contact>
Parse a XML document and search its structure

  Files folder image XML Object  
Author: Augusto Cesar Castoldi <e-mail contact>
Store and retrieve objects from XML documents

  Files folder image XML parser  
Author: zhys9 <e-mail contact>
Parse a XML document into an array

  Files folder image XML Parser (XML to array)  
Author: Eren Ezgü <e-mail contact>
Build an array with a XML document structure

  Files folder image XML Reader  
Author: Joseph Wamicha <e-mail contact>
Parse XML documents and build a structure array

  Files folder image XML Resource Bundle  
Author: pietro ferraresi <e-mail contact>
Parse and extract properties from XML files

  Files folder image XML Sapiens Processor  
Author: Dmitry Sheiko <e-mail contact>
Content management toolkit based on XML scenarios

  Files folder image XML Security  
Author: Alexander Kalendarev <e-mail contact>
Encrypt and decrypt XML documents

  Files folder image XML Serializer  
Author: Johan Barbier <e-mail contact>
Store and retrieve objects from XML document

  Files folder image XML Site Navigation  
Author: Geoff Foley <e-mail contact>
Display a menu of links read from a XML file

  1 - 27   ...   271 - 297   298 - 324   325 - 351   352 - 378   379 - 405   406 - 432   433 - 459   460 - 464  
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