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Classes: XML

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XML parsing and generation.

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  1 - 20   ...   241 - 260   261 - 280   281 - 300   301 - 320   321 - 340   341 - 360   ...   460 - 464  
  Files folder image RSS_PHP  
Author: Nathan Rixham <e-mail contact>
Parse, modify and save XML documents

  Files folder image SAFOX  
Author: Christian Hansel <e-mail contact>
Parse, edit and generate XML documents

  Files folder image SalamCast PHP Podcast...  
Author: Karl Holz <e-mail contact>
Generate RSS feeds for podcasts

  Files folder image Salat Reminder  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2012
Number 4

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Karl Holz <e-mail contact>
Generate a feed with the Salat times of a location

  Files folder image SAMA_getFeeder  
Author: mohamed Ibrahim gaber <e-mail contact>
Parse and cache XML documents

  Files folder image Saxophone  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2013
Number 2

Prize: One downloadable copy of CodeLobster Professional
Author: Juraj Puchký <e-mail contact>
PHP stream handler to search XML with XPATH

  Files folder image SAXY XML parser  
Author: John Heinstein <e-mail contact>
A Simple API for XML (SAX) parser

  Files folder image Schedule  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2004
Number 4

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Diogo Resende <e-mail contact>
Render schedule time tables from XML definitions

  Files folder image Schematron  
Author: Luis Argerich <e-mail contact>
Validate XML files using Schematron from PHP

  Files folder image Scheme Creator  
Author: Tom Schaefer <e-mail contact>
Get the schema of a MySQL database into a XML file

  Files folder image Scrubs  
Author: Kevin Burke <e-mail contact>
Object-relational mapping / Data persistence tool

  Files folder image Shikiryu PHP RSS Feed...  
Author: Chouchen <e-mail contact>
Create and read RSS feed files

  Files folder image Show any MySQL table  
Author: Anderson Manuel <e-mail contact>
Retrieve data from a MySQL table into XML

  Files folder image Simple ADO  
Author: Zsolt Munoz <e-mail contact>
Execute database queries programmatically using AD

  Files folder image Simple Google Site Map...  
Author: ultral <e-mail contact>
Generate site page maps in Google site map format

  Files folder image Simple Hook and Plug-ins...  
Author: Mohammed Cherkaoui <e-mail contact>
Extend class functionality with code define in XML

  Files folder image Simple Object Element  
Author: Temperini Mirko <e-mail contact>
Parse XML documents and export as arrays or JSON

  Files folder image Simple PHP Podcast Generator  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
August 2022
Author: Pierre-Henry Soria <e-mail contact>
Generate podcast RSS from audio and video files

  Files folder image Simple PHP SEO  
Author: Mohamed Elbahja <e-mail contact>
Generate XML sitemaps and Web page meta tags

  Files folder image Simple PHP SiteMap Generator  
Author: Computing Mongoose <e-mail contact>
Generate XML and text sitemaps from lists of pages

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