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Classes: XML

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XML parsing and generation.

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  1 - 20   21 - 40   41 - 60   61 - 80   81 - 100   101 - 120   121 - 140   141 - 160   ...   460 - 464  
  Files folder image crXml  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
February 2011

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Sandeep.C.R <e-mail contact>
Manipulate XML documents as array

  Files folder image CSS Query  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2009
Number 2

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
Author: Sam S <e-mail contact>
Get elements from an HTML page using CSS selectors

  Files folder image CSV2XML  
Author: Amit Yadav <e-mail contact>
Generate XML documents from data of CSV files

  Files folder image c_mysql  
Author: Oliver Smith <e-mail contact>
Access MySQL tables returning arrays and XML

  Files folder image c_xml  
Author: Rabotyahoff Alexandr <e-mail contact>
Convert between XML files and arrays or strings

  Files folder image DaocGuildXML  
Author: Brian Murphy <e-mail contact>
Dark Age of Camelot Guild XML parser

  Files folder image Dash Media Player  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2008
Number 5

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Travis Tidwell <e-mail contact>
Embed the Dash Media player in a Web page

  Files folder image Data to XML  
Author: Eka Dystiant Aulia <e-mail contact>
Generate XML documents from data in MySQL database

  Files folder image Datalus  
Author: Abbey Sparrow <e-mail contact>
Build Web applications from XML definitions

  Files folder image DB 2 XML  
Author: Marcelo Pereira <e-mail contact>
Generate XML documents MySQL database table data

  Files folder image DB Connect with XML  
Author: Venkatesh balakumar <e-mail contact>
Generate XML documents MySQL query results

  Files folder image DB Version Manager  
Author: Przemek Berezowski <e-mail contact>
Update database schema with commands read in files

  Files folder image db2XML  
Author: Zouari <e-mail contact>
Generate XML documents from MySQL query results

  Files folder image DBInterface  
Author: Alejandro Vidal Quiroga <e-mail contact>
SQL Database abstraction layer

  Files folder image DbProxy  
Author: Claudius Tiberiu Iacob <e-mail contact>
Execute MySQL queries from SQL defined in XML

  Files folder image DbToXml  
Author: Foo Bar <e-mail contact>
Extract DB queries as XML

  Files folder image Deviantart Feed  
Author: Steve <e-mail contact>
Generate RSS feeds from submissions to Deviantart

  Files folder image dia2sql  
Author: Daniel Afonso Heisler <e-mail contact>
Class to generate SQL files from DIA diagrams.

  Files folder image Diagram 2  
Author: Diogo Resende <e-mail contact>
Draw an hierarchic diagram from a XML definition

  Files folder image docType  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2010
Number 8

Prize: One book of choice by Manning
Author: Michael A. Peters <e-mail contact>
Create HTML or XHTML depending on the user browser

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