Podcast RSS Feed Generator
A very simple way to host your podcast files and generate the RSS Podcast feed ?
![Simple Podcast Generator](podcast-feed-generator.png)
:book: Contents
:mag_right: Summary
Host your podcast files and generate the RSS Podcast feed
A simple PHP script that reads your MP3/M4A audio files to generate an elegant RSS2 feed to be then published to podcast
:hammer: Requirements
:building_construction: Installation
Place your podcast audio files (mp3, m4a, ...) in `web/audio-files` directory.
Add a txt file with the same name as your audio file but with `.meta.txt` as extension (without the `mp3` or `ma4` audio extension). Inside, add a description of your audio podcast.
Edit the `config.ini` file with your favorite text editor:
1. Change `url` to your URL of where it will be installed.
2. Change `podcast.name` to the name of your podcast.
3. Update `podcast.description` to a generic description of your podcast.
Load the page and specify the generated RSS feed to the different podcast platforms ?
:thought_balloon: Usage
Ideal for publishing easily and freely your podcast over the different music platforms (iTunes,Google Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, ...).
:cook: Author
I'm Pierre-Henry Soria. A passionate, zen & dedicated software engineer ?
You can keep in touch with me at: hi@ph7.me ?
![Pierre-Henry Soria](https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a210fe61253c43c869d71eaed0e90149?s=200&r=g&d=mp)
:tv: Video
![Watch the video](https://i1.ytimg.com/vi/wT5AhxPHGMI/sddefault.jpg)
? Click here to watch on YouTube
:page_with_curl: License
Podcast RSS Feed Generator is distributed under MIT license ? Enjoy! ??
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