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Top rated classes: Web services

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  All class groups  >  Web services  >  Top rated classes (191)  

Top rated classes: Web services

Web data clipping, SOAP or XML-RPC clients and servers.

  Files folder image 1. Webshots  
Author: PLSCIS PLP <e-mail contact>
Get a screenshot of a page using the plsein.tk API

  Files folder image 2. Feed Validator  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2006
Number 7

Prize: One book of choice by SAMS
Author: Svetoslav Marinov <e-mail contact>
Validate a RSS feed with feedvalidator.org service

  Files folder image 3. PHP Yahoo Weather Class  
Author: marco voegeli <e-mail contact>
Retrieve information from Yahoo weather RSS feeds

  Files folder image 4. IMDB Search  
Author: georg fetz <e-mail contact>
Search for movie titles in the IMDB site

  Files folder image 5. Php5tube  
Author: Debugged Interactive Designs <e-mail contact>
Get information about videos using YouTube API

  Files folder image 6. Remote MySQL Query  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2007
Number 5

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Jeff Williams <e-mail contact>
Execute remote MySQL queries across the Web

  Files folder image 7. REST Server  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2009
Number 2

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
Author: Diogo Souza da Silva <e-mail contact>
Implement REST Web services servers

  Files folder image 8. PHP OAuth API  
Author: Manuel Lemos <e-mail contact>
Authorize and access APIs using OAuth

  Files folder image 9. PHP OLX Classifieds Scraper  
Author: Rizwan Abbas <e-mail contact>
Extract data of classifieds published in OLX sites

  Files folder image 10. WHM XML API  
Author: Arash Hemmat <e-mail contact>
Manipulate Cpanel/WHM accounts using its XML API

  Files folder image 11. Submit Force  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2004
Number 7

Prize: One copy of the PHP Anthology book set
Author: Arun Vijayan.C <e-mail contact>
Search Engine URL submission class

  Files folder image 12. phpSkypeStatus  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2006
Number 5

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the magazine by PHP Architect
Author: Bastian Gorke <e-mail contact>
Obtain the online status of a Skype user

  Files folder image 13. IMDb_Fetch  
Author: Mikael <e-mail contact>
Retrieve information about movies from IMDB

  Files folder image 14. GImageGallery  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
March 2005

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Luis I. Larrateguy <e-mail contact>
A gallery using a GMail account to store images

  Files folder image 15. Grab Yahoo  
Author: Ehsanul Haque <e-mail contact>
Grab the contact list, calendar of an Yahoo user

  Files folder image 16. N/X API to Google Maps  
Author: Sven Weih <e-mail contact>
Present world maps with Google Maps API

  Files folder image 17. IMDB Parser  
Author: georg fetz <e-mail contact>
Extract movie information from IMDB site pages

  Files folder image 18. ebay_de  
Author: Peter Klauer <e-mail contact>
Get details from German eBay auction pages

  Files folder image 19. distance class  
Author: Thomas Jakober <e-mail contact>
Calculate the air distance between two cities

  Files folder image 20. Fetch Apple iTunes data  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2012
Number 3

Prize: One downloadable copy of Komodo IDE
Author: Yasir Siddiqui <e-mail contact>
Search for content in the Apple iTunes store

  Files folder image 21. Enom API  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2006
Number 5

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Bakr Alsharif <e-mail contact>
Manipulate domain registration using the Enom API

  Files folder image 22. Google Page Rank Checker  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2005
Number 2

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Emre Odabas <e-mail contact>
Retrieve the Google page rank of a given URL

  Files folder image 23. IP Location Class  
Author: Usman Didi Khamdani <e-mail contact>
Get the location of an IP address from IPInfoDB

  Files folder image 24. PHP HTTP protocol client  
Author: Manuel Lemos <e-mail contact>
HTTP client to access Web site pages

  Files folder image 25. Authorize.net CIM PHP Class  
Author: Ray Solomon <e-mail contact>
Manipulate payment data with Authorize.net CIM

  Files folder image 26. Wapple Architect Mobilization  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
July 2009

Prize: One book of choice by Apress
Author: Rich Gubby <e-mail contact>
Create pages adapted to all mobile devices

  Files folder image 27. QR code generator  
Author: Arturs Sosins <e-mail contact>
Generate QR Code images using Google Chart API

  Files folder image 28. VAT Checker  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2005
Number 6
Author: Benjamin Boigienman <e-mail contact>
Check if a European VAT number is valid

  Files folder image 29. Box.net API PHP Class  
Author: Vladimir <e-mail contact>
Access files in box.net storage Web service

  Files folder image 30. Google API Access for PHP  
Author: Vijay Immanuel <e-mail contact>
PHP class library to access the Google API viaSOAP

  Files folder image 31. Open Inviter  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
November 2008

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
Author: Open Inviter <e-mail contact>
Get contacts of friends of different networks

  Files folder image 32. Galleries from Picasa  
Author: Pal Buczko <e-mail contact>
Get image galleries from Picasa Web pictures

  Files folder image 33. Yahoo Developer  
Author: Gobinath Mallaiyan <e-mail contact>
Retrieve stock quotes from Yahoo Finance site

  Files folder image 34. Picasa Photo Gallery  
Author: Matías Gentiletti <e-mail contact>
Extract data picture galleries from Picasa site

  Files folder image 35. Twitter  
Author: Felix Oghina <e-mail contact>
Update the status of a Twitter user

  Files folder image 36. PHP Google Translate String  
Author: Izdrail <e-mail contact>
Translate words using Google Translate

  Files folder image 37. Babelfish Translator  
Author: Vedanta Barooah <e-mail contact>
Translate text using Altavista Babelfish

  Files folder image 38. Ngeblog  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2006
Number 2

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Eris Ristemena <e-mail contact>
Manipulate posts in Blogger blogs using GData

  Files folder image 39. Simple Twitter  
Author: Tomaž Muraus <e-mail contact>
Retrieve user status from Twitter

  Files folder image 40. Email Scraper  
Author: Aziz S. Hussain <e-mail contact>
Crawl pages and scrape e-mail addresses into MySQL

  Files folder image 41. GeoLocation (geoPlugin)  
Author: Andy S <e-mail contact>
Get geographical information of an IP address

  Files folder image 42. A Class Rating  
Author: George Clarke <e-mail contact>
Retrieve PHP Classes author rank and class ratings

  Files folder image 43. Blue Crawler  
Author: kai <e-mail contact>
Crawl and retrieve links of Web pages

  Files folder image 44. Translate  
Author: Peter Schmalfeldt <e-mail contact>
Translate text using the Google AJAX API

  Files folder image 45. MySite with Wikipedia  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2005
Number 5

Prize: One subscription to the PHP Magazine
Author: Piotr Malinski <e-mail contact>
Retrieve and edit content from Wikipedia sites

  Files folder image 46. Twitter Auto Publish  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2010
Number 3

Prize: One copy of Delphi for PHP
Author: Er. Rochak Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Post statuses to Twitter without using oAuth

  Files folder image 47. Private Validator  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2004
Number 7
Author: Steve Clay <e-mail contact>
Validate the HTML output of a private web server

  Files folder image 48. Import templates  
Author: Olaf Lederer <e-mail contact>
Import data about TemplateMonster.com templates

  Files folder image 49. AIM Status  
Author: Keith Hall <e-mail contact>
Get the status of an AOL Instant Messenger user

  Files folder image 50. REST Client  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2009
Number 4

Prize: One downloadable e-book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Diogo Souza da Silva <e-mail contact>
Send Web services requests to REST servers

  Files folder image 51. WHM API  
Author: Davood Jafari <e-mail contact>
Manipulate WHM hosting accounts

  Files folder image 52. Google It  
Author: Umang Beri <e-mail contact>
Get the latest headline from Google news

  Files folder image 53. CURL phpBB Functions  
Author: Dean Newman <e-mail contact>
Manage a PHPBB forum remotely

  Files folder image 54. WebDAV client  
Author: Chris Juerges <e-mail contact>
WebDAV client to access files in a HTTP server

  Files folder image 55. YouTube Video Fetcher  
Author: Biagio Vincenzo Mamone Neto <e-mail contact>
Retrieve YouTube video files in MP4 format

  Files folder image 56. Paypal Instant Payment Notification  
Author: Richard Munroe <e-mail contact>
Process payments with Paypal IPN

  Files folder image 57. Yahoo Boss Search  
Author: Anirban Bhattacharya <e-mail contact>
Search the Internet using the Yahoo BOSS API

  Files folder image 58. PHP oAuth2 lightweight wrapper  
Author: Giri Raj <e-mail contact>
Authenticate users with OAuth based sites

  Files folder image 59. PHP Google Driving Directions  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
May 2013

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Marcus Brasizza <e-mail contact>
Get driving directions using Google Maps API

  Files folder image 60. ClickaTell API  
Author: Phil <e-mail contact>
Send SMS and use other ClickaTell services API

  Files folder image 61. Keyword Suggest  
Author: Svetoslav Marinov <e-mail contact>
Suggest keywords using Overture's keyword tool

  Files folder image 62. NuSOAP  
Author: Tim Akinbo <e-mail contact>
A SOAP toolkit that can be used for webservices

  Files folder image 63. Soap Discovery  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2005
Number 4

Prize: One downloadable copy of Komodo Pro
Author: Braulio José Solano Rojas <e-mail contact>
Generate WSDL for SOAP Web service with reflection

  Files folder image 64. PHP RPC Lite  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2005
Number 4
Author: Gregory <e-mail contact>
Simple RPC client and server based only on PHP

  Files folder image 65. ACE  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2006
Number 3

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Andrea Giammarchi <e-mail contact>
Generate Javascript to call PHP objects using AJAX

  Files folder image 66. SOAP server class  
Author: Manuel Lemos <e-mail contact>
SOAP protocol requests handler.

  Files folder image 67. shoutcast.class.php  
Author: Henrik Malmberg <e-mail contact>
Gets info from SHOUTcast XML

  Files folder image 68. Today's Joke  
Author: Ashraf Gheith <e-mail contact>
Retrieve the today's joke from the jokes2go site

  Files folder image 69. Get tag value  
Author: NaiFPHP <e-mail contact>
Extract HTML contained in tags from a Web page

  Files folder image 70. Simple OpenID PHP Class  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2006
Number 7
Author: Vladimir <e-mail contact>
Authenticate users with OpenID single sign-on

  Files folder image 71. Facebook Connect  
Author: Huzoor Bux <e-mail contact>
Authenticate Facebook users using Facebook Connect

  Files folder image 72. Visualize Apache Server Status  
Author: Aresch Yavari <e-mail contact>
Retrieve and parse Apache server status

  Files folder image 73. cPanel Tools  
Author: David Barnes <e-mail contact>
Manage cPanel hosting accounts

  Files folder image 74. Download Images from Google  
Author: Er. Rochak Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Search images on Google and download its files

  Files folder image 75. PHP Paypal IPN Integration Class  
Author: Micah Carrick <e-mail contact>
Process Paypal payment interactions

  Files folder image 76. IP info  
Author: Seregwethrin <e-mail contact>
Get the IP address location from ip-adress.com

  Files folder image 77. LinkMeIn  
Author: Ehsanul Haque <e-mail contact>
Retrieve the contact list of an user of LinkedIn

  Files folder image 78. Amazon API Access with PHP and XML  
Author: Uioreanu Calin <e-mail contact>
A PHP XML class to access Amazon API they released

  Files folder image 79. Yahoo Boss  
Author: Shah Hastimal <e-mail contact>
Perform searches using the Yahoo Boss API

  Files folder image 80. AIM  
Author: Blaine Simpson <e-mail contact>
Submit Authorize.net credit card charges

  Files folder image 81. cPanel Sub-domains Creator  
Author: Md. Zakir Hossain (Raju) <e-mail contact>
Create sub-domains for cPanel hosting accounts

  Files folder image 82. Contacts importer  
Author: Karol Janyst <e-mail contact>
Import contacts from Web mail accounts

  Files folder image 83. Google Calendar Wrapper  
Author: Alexander Skakunov <e-mail contact>
Register events in Google Calendar

  Files folder image 84. Google Translate Tool  
Author: solomongaby <e-mail contact>
Translate text or Web pages using Google Translate

  Files folder image 85. CurrencyExchange  
Author: Mick Sear <e-mail contact>
Convert values between currencies using a XML feed

  Files folder image 86. YouTube Trailer  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2010
Number 3

Prize: One copy of Delphi for PHP
Author: Nitesh Apte <e-mail contact>
Search and embed movie trailers from YouTube

  Files folder image 87. Offline SEO Tools  
Author: J <e-mail contact>
Generate reports about Web pages

  Files folder image 88. ICQ Status  
Author: Setec Astronomy <e-mail contact>
Check the online status of an ICQ user

  Files folder image 89. PHP API Caller  
Author: Andre Roque Filipe <e-mail contact>
Send requests to different Web services APIs

  Files folder image 90. PHP AJAX RSS News Reader  
Author: Nitesh Apte <e-mail contact>
Convert RSS feeds into HTML links

  Files folder image 91. Google Scraper  
Author: Samay Bhavsar <e-mail contact>
Retrieve search results from Google

  Files folder image 92. OneClickCaptcha  
Author: Kacper Rowinski <e-mail contact>
CAPTCHA validation based on user clicks on circles

  Files folder image 93. New USPS Class  
Author: chok wei tat <e-mail contact>
Get shipping quotes from US Postal Service

  Files folder image 94. Simple TCP Daemon  
Author: sunson <e-mail contact>
Simple TCP Daemon

  Files folder image 95. Google Map Plotter  
Author: Rahul <e-mail contact>
Find and display a given location with Google Maps

  Files folder image 96. GeoLocation  
Author: Jillis ter Hove <e-mail contact>
Get the location of an IP address with the hostip

  Files folder image 97. eBusiness Charts  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2004
Number 8
Author: Miran Zagar <e-mail contact>
Wrapper around eBusiness charts generation service

  Files folder image 98. XML-RPC Class Server  
Author: Ivan Ristic <e-mail contact>
Turns any PHP class into an XML-RPC server

  Files folder image 99. Translator Class  
Author: Israel de Souza Rocha <e-mail contact>
Translate text between idioms using Google

  Files folder image 100. AHostLookup  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2005
Number 4

Prize: One downloadable copy of Komodo Pro
Author: George Clarke <e-mail contact>
Get hostname, zip code and hit count for an IP.

  Files folder image 101. PHP Parse Google Search Results  
Author: Raul <e-mail contact>
Search for keywords in Google and extract results

  Files folder image 102. GTranslate  
Author: ntf <e-mail contact>
Translate text using Google Translate

  Files folder image 103. .passport Client  
Author: martin barker <e-mail contact>
Authenticate users in a remote server

  Files folder image 104. Paypal Pro Payment Integration  
Author: Raj Kumar Trivedi <e-mail contact>
Send payment requests to Paypal payments Pro API

  Files folder image 105. geocode  
Author: Luca Boni <e-mail contact>
Get location coordinates and display maps

  Files folder image 106. Google Text To Speech  
Author: Petter Kjelkenes <e-mail contact>
Convert text to speech using Google API

  Files folder image 107. Alexa  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2008
Number 7

Prize: One book of choice by Packt
Author: Sergey [YS.PRO] <e-mail contact>
Get site ranking information from Alexa site

  Files folder image 108. AHoroscope  
Author: George Clarke <e-mail contact>
Get today's horoscope from astrology.com

  Files folder image 109. Google_Query  
Author: MARY Matthieu <e-mail contact>
Retrieve the count of results of Google query

  Files folder image 110. YouTube API  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2008
Number 3

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the magazine by PHP Architect
Author: Er. Rochak Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Get the video download URL using the YouTube API

  Files folder image 111. cPanel API  
Author: brendan <e-mail contact>
List and manage details of cPanel hosting accounts

  Files folder image 112. WinampControler  
Author: Mike <e-mail contact>
A controler For Winamp

  Files folder image 113. PHP WSDL Generator  
Author: Protung Dragos <e-mail contact>
Generate WSDL from PHP classes code

  Files folder image 114. Crawler  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2008
Number 7

Prize: One copy of Delphi for PHP
Author: Md. Shaiful islam <e-mail contact>
Extract links and images from remote Web pages

  Files folder image 115. Google - Did You Mean  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
May 2008

Prize: One book of choice by Apress
Author: Diego Garrido de Almeida <e-mail contact>
Get spelling correction suggestions from Google

  Files folder image 116. Paypal Payment Data Transfers  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2006
Number 3

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Richard Munroe <e-mail contact>
Retrieve and process Paypal payments data with PDT

  Files folder image 117. QGoogleVisualizationAPI 2009  
Author: Tom Schaefer <e-mail contact>
Generate charts with Google Visualization API

  Files folder image 118. cPanel X  
Author: Dan Podaru <e-mail contact>
Manage cPanel hosting accounts

  Files folder image 119. MSNStatus  
Author: Stanga Razvan <e-mail contact>
Retrieve the status of MSN account

  Files folder image 120. Google Graph  
Author: Ryon Sherman <e-mail contact>
Generate charts with Google Charts API

  Files folder image 121. Weather  
Author: Harish Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Fetch global weather information from RSSWeather

  Files folder image 122. IM Status  
Author: Setec Astronomy <e-mail contact>
Check the online status of instant messaging users

  Files folder image 123. cPanel Email Accounts Creator  
Author: Md. Zakir Hossain (Raju) <e-mail contact>
Create e-mail addresses for cPanel accounts

  Files folder image 124. Complete Horoscope  
Author: Ashraf Gheith <e-mail contact>
Get all horoscope aspects from astrology.com

  Files folder image 125. phpTube  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2007
Number 2

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Michael Kamleitner <e-mail contact>
Upload and download video files from YouTube

  Files folder image 126. IVWeather.class.php  
Author: David Rolston <e-mail contact>
Pulls free XML weather and forecast information.

  Files folder image 127. PHP Scraper  
Author: Antonio Rodrigues <e-mail contact>
Extract structured data from remote HTML pages

  Files folder image 128. Google Translate API  
Author: Jamie Telin <e-mail contact>
Translate text using the Google Translate API

  Files folder image 129. floGoogle  
Author: Joshua hatfield <e-mail contact>
Retrieve and process Google search result pages

  Files folder image 130. DHL  
Author: Harish Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Submit shipment requests to DHL via the Web

  Files folder image 131. NiftyCube  
Author: Jon Gjengset <e-mail contact>
Generate rounded corners HTML pages without images

  Files folder image 132. GmAtom  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2006
Number 6
Author: Ve Bailovity <e-mail contact>
Access Gmail mailboxes retrieving XML Atom feeds

  Files folder image 133. Google Dancer  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2004
Number 5

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Setec Astronomy <e-mail contact>
Check whether Google is updating their index

  Files folder image 134. HTML to PDF  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2006
Number 2

Prize: One downloadable copy of Roadsend PHP Compiler
Author: Harish Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Convert HTML to PDF using Web services

  Files folder image 135. PHP Website Multi Language  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2009
Number 2

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
Author: Sandeep Kumar <e-mail contact>
Translate application texts using Google Translate

  Files folder image 136. USPS Quote  
Author: Adam Globus-Hoenich <e-mail contact>
Gets shipping quotes from the US Postal Service

  Files folder image 137. Flickr API Class  
Author: John Nunemaker <e-mail contact>
Get information from Flickr photo sharing service

  Files folder image 138. Phoogle Maps  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2005
Number 4

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the magazine by PHP Architect
Author: Justin Johnson <e-mail contact>
Show location maps with Google Maps and GeoCoder

  Files folder image 139. mapquest  
Author: kumar mcmillan <e-mail contact>
turns a physical address into a mapquest.com query

  Files folder image 140. Duck Roll Builder  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2009
Number 5

Prize: One year server license IP to country region city database
Author: Abbey Sparrow <e-mail contact>
Display YouTube music videos with lyrics

  Files folder image 141. Send WAP Push  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2004
Number 7
Author: nikita m. kozlvovsky <e-mail contact>
Send WAP Push message using Clickatell services

  Files folder image 142. DB Web Service  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2005
Number 2
Author: Erwin Kooi <e-mail contact>
SOAP Web service to provide remote database access

  Files folder image 143. Translate with Altavista Babelfish  
Author: Llorenç Herrera <e-mail contact>
Translates text between idioms using Babelfish

  Files folder image 144. Weather class  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2005
Number 2

Prize: One book of choice by SAMS
Author: Paul Scott <e-mail contact>
Get global weather information from Capescience

  Files folder image 145. Google Hacks  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
December 2007

Prize: One year server license IP to country region city database
Author: Er. Rochak Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Search the Internet for certain files using Google

  Files folder image 146. worldlocator  
Author: Llorenç Herrera <e-mail contact>
Shows the location of a host in a world map.

  Files folder image 147. Contact Grabber  
Author: Magnet Technologies <e-mail contact>
Grab contacts of email and social networking sites

  Files folder image 148. Proxier  
Author: YP <e-mail contact>
Retrieve proxy lists and store them in a database

  Files folder image 149. IP Details  
Author: Chetan Mendhe <e-mail contact>
Get geographic location of a given IP address

  Files folder image 150. Facebook Notification Class  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
December 2008

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Md. Mahmud Ahsan <e-mail contact>
Send e-mail and notifications to Facebook users

  Files folder image 151. Text Translator  
Author: Marcello <e-mail contact>
Translate texts between two languages using Google

  Files folder image 152. clsGoogleApi  
Author: Daniel Andres Marjos <e-mail contact>
Search the Web using Google API

  Files folder image 153. Yahoo Status  
Author: Setec Astronomy <e-mail contact>
Get the online status of a Yahoo! messenger user

  Files folder image 154. Check MSN  
Author: Jeanneret Cédric <e-mail contact>
Check MSN user online status with onlinestatus.org

  Files folder image 155. YouTube Video API  
Author: Emre Korkut Or <e-mail contact>
Retrieve information about YouTube videos

  Files folder image 156. SQL 2 PDF Report  
Author: Rupom Razzaque <e-mail contact>
Generate PDF documents from MySQL query results

  Files folder image 157. NetGeo IP locator service interface  
Author: Manuel Lemos <e-mail contact>
Determine the geographic location of a IP address.

  Files folder image 158. dBrowser  
Author: Alexandre Tedeschi (d) <e-mail contact>
Emulate a browser to extract content from sites

  Files folder image 159. FedExDC  
Author: Jay Powers <e-mail contact>
Interface to FedEx Ship Manager

  Files folder image 160. Proxy List  
Author: Dejan Velimirovic <e-mail contact>
Download and parse a proxy list from Proxy 4 free

  Files folder image 161. Check Yahoo  
Author: Jeanneret Cédric <e-mail contact>
Check the online status of Yahoo messenger users

  Files folder image 162. My Twitter  
Author: Andres Scheffer <e-mail contact>
Set and retrieve Twitter user status

  Files folder image 163. PHPObject  
Author: sunny hong <e-mail contact>
An open source alternative to Flash Remoting

  Files folder image 164. Shoutcast Info  
Author: MC Breit <e-mail contact>
Get status information from shoutcast servers

  Files folder image 165. Google Crawler  
Author: Bari Hossain <e-mail contact>
Extract results from Google search pages

  Files folder image 166. Facebook Chat  
Author: De Rosa Luigi <e-mail contact>
Send chat messages to friends in Facebook

  Files folder image 167. YouTube Parser  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2008
Number 7
Author: Vagharshak Tozalakyan <e-mail contact>
Get the video download URL for a YouTube video

  Files folder image 168. Yahoo Messenger PM send via PHP  
Author: Hadi Fanaee Tork <e-mail contact>
Send instant messages to Yahoo messenger users

  Files folder image 169. Google Custom Search  
Author: Jeremy Cook <e-mail contact>
Perform searches with the Google Site Search API

  Files folder image 170. My_Yahoo_Messenger  
Author: Mohammad <e-mail contact>
Send and receive Yahoo messenger private messages

  Files folder image 171. Currency from google  
Author: Brian Formalejo <e-mail contact>
Convert money currency using Google search queries

  Files folder image 172. Geocoder  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2008
Number 3
Author: Bruyndonckx <e-mail contact>
Get coordinates of locations with geocode services

  Files folder image 173. ICQPagerSend  
Author: Davide Rizzi <e-mail contact>
A class to send messages using ICQ WWP service

  Files folder image 174. From Browser - Youtube Upload  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2008
Number 2

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Cesar D. Rodas <e-mail contact>
Upload videos to YouTube from another site forms

  Files folder image 175. Simple SMS Site Software  
Author: aql <e-mail contact>
Manage and send SMS messages using aql services

  Files folder image 176. .BD whois lookup  
Author: NHM TAnveer Hossain Khan <e-mail contact>
Query a whois service for a domain from Bangladesh

  Files folder image 177. bmShoutCastInfo  
Author: Jan-Simon Winkelmann <e-mail contact>
Retrieve status information from Shoutcast servers

  Files folder image 178. API  
Author: tuhin <e-mail contact>
Receive and reply to Web services requests

  Files folder image 179. MSN Contact list Grabber  
Author: ghulam mustafa <e-mail contact>
Grab the list of contacts of a MSN Messenger user

  Files folder image 180. Google Translator  
Author: Ray <e-mail contact>
Translate texts between idioms using Google

  Files folder image 181. Ezmlm mailing list manager class  
Author: Manuel Lemos <e-mail contact>
Web interface to manage ezmlm mailing lists.

  Files folder image 182. Grab Gmail Address Book  
Author: Rupom Razzaque <e-mail contact>
Grab the contact lists of a Gmail user

  Files folder image 183. PHP DirectAdmin  
Author: Hadar Porat <e-mail contact>
Manage hosting accounts with DirectAdmin Web panel

  Files folder image 184. HTML 2 PDF Report  
Author: Rupom Razzaque <e-mail contact>
Generate PDF documents from HTML pages

  Files folder image 185. checkIM  
Author: Jeanneret Cédric <e-mail contact>
Check the online status of instant messenger users

  Files folder image 186. PHP.Net XMLPod  
Author: Mukul Sabharwal <e-mail contact>
Procures and caches PHP.NET RSS feeds

  Files folder image 187. PHP MD5 Decrypter  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2010
Number 2

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Er. Rochak Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Decrypt MD5 password and hashes with MD5Decryter

  Files folder image 188. Wiki Parser  
Author: Helmut Daschnigrum <e-mail contact>
Retrieve and process articles from Wikipedia

  Files folder image 189. AmazonAPI  
Author: Daniel Kushner <e-mail contact>
API for Amazon Web Service

  Files folder image 190. Alexa Web Information Service Class  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2008
Number 6
Author: Kunjesh janakkumar Sukhadia <e-mail contact>
Retrieve site traffic information from Alexa

  Files folder image 191. Search results retriever  
Author: Pierre-Luc Germain <e-mail contact>
Perform searches on PubMed, Amazon, jStor, Google

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