PHP Classes

Classes: User Management

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User Management

User records, authentication and session handling.

  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  
  1 - 20   21 - 40   41 - 60   61 - 80   81 - 100   101 - 120   121 - 140   141 - 160   ...   420 - 432  
  Files folder image Cookie session  
Author: Logan Dugenoux <e-mail contact>
Store session variables in a cookie when user away

  Files folder image CouchDB Session Handler  
Author: Jo Giraerts <e-mail contact>
Session handler that stores data in CouchDB

  Files folder image Count Class  
Author: Ming Choi <e-mail contact>
Keep track of site visitors in a MySQL database

  Files folder image Counter & visitor statistics  
Author: Olaf Lederer <e-mail contact>
System to track users and visitor statistics

  Files folder image counter visits class  
Author: Mario Enrique López Guzmán <e-mail contact>
Record site visits in a MySQL database

  Files folder image CrossAuth  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2006
Number 9
Author: Victor Bolshov <e-mail contact>
Authenticate users in multiple domains at once

  Files folder image CRUD Usuarios  
Author: Marcelo Telles <e-mail contact>
Manage user records stored in a database using PDO

  Files folder image CRUDify PHP CRUD Class MySQLi  
Author: Braun Okoi Boniface <e-mail contact>
Perform operations to manipulate MySQL records

  Files folder image Csession  
Author: HH <e-mail contact>
Session management based on temporary files

  Files folder image CSRF protector  
Author: Michael A. Peters <e-mail contact>
Prevent CSRF exploits by storing keys in database

  Files folder image cUser  
Author: Tim M <e-mail contact>
User management and authentication system

  Files folder image Data Registry  
Author: Xavier Pérez <e-mail contact>
Register and retrieve data easily anywhere in PHP

  Files folder image DB Session Advanced Class  
Author: Ranielly Ferreira <e-mail contact>
Manage user sessions stored in a MySQL table

  Files folder image DB Sessions  
Author: justin fielding <e-mail contact>
Manage sessions storing in a database with PEAR DB

  Files folder image  
Author: Steffen Stollfuß <e-mail contact>
DataBase User Managment class

  Files folder image DB_Session  
Author: Stanislav Shramko <e-mail contact>
Storing session data in DB.

  Files folder image dcart  
Author: Dhiman Chakraborty <e-mail contact>
Manage shopping cart items stored in sessions

  Files folder image DcSessionManager  
Author: Guilherme Blanco <e-mail contact>
Manage sessions using a MySQL table to store data

  Files folder image Dframe PHP Messages System  
Author: Slawomir Kaleta <e-mail contact>
Store and display messages to show to site users

  Files folder image Dframe PHP Session Class  
Author: Slawomir Kaleta <e-mail contact>
Manage PHP sessions assigned with a name

  1 - 20   21 - 40   41 - 60   61 - 80   81 - 100   101 - 120   121 - 140   141 - 160   ...   420 - 432  
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