PHP Classes

Classes: User Management

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User Management

User records, authentication and session handling.

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  1 - 20   21 - 40   41 - 60   61 - 80   81 - 100   101 - 120   121 - 140   141 - 160   ...   420 - 432  
  Files folder image CakePHP Counter Helper  
Author: Tran Tuan <e-mail contact>
CakePHP helper to display visitor statistics

  Files folder image CAuth  
Author: Moellers Oma <e-mail contact>
authenticates users on mysql_db, with session

  Files folder image CCounter  
Author: David Higgins <e-mail contact>
Simple flat-text file counter

  Files folder image Class Error  
Author: marcelo entraigas <e-mail contact>
Keep track of errors in session variables

  Files folder image Class Session  
Author: Paul.Ren <e-mail contact>
User session management and browser support query

  Files folder image class.userquota.php  
Author: Andrew Collington <e-mail contact>
Outputs quota information as a pie chart or text.

  Files folder image class_person  
Author: Johan De Klerk <e-mail contact>
Generic person class

  Files folder image clsLoginHandler  
Author: Daniel Andres Marjos <e-mail contact>
Generic user authentication interface

  Files folder image clsSessionHandler  
Author: Daniel Andres Marjos <e-mail contact>
Session management wrapper

  Files folder image CodeIgniter ACL User...  
Author: Rogério Taques <e-mail contact>
Manage the access of CodeIgniter users using ACL

  Files folder image CodeIgniter Admin Panel...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2020
Number 5
Author: Kishor Mali <e-mail contact>
CodeIgniter panel to manage application users

  Files folder image Codeigniter Data Table  
Author: Judela RAHARISON <e-mail contact>
Show and manipulate records of people tables

  Files folder image CodeIgniter ion Auth Login  
Author: Abed Nego Ragil Putra <e-mail contact>
Manage user records in a database with CodeIgniter

  Files folder image Codeigniter LDAP  
Author: ask sa sa <e-mail contact>
Manipulate LDAP accounts setup with CodeIgniter

  Files folder image CodeIgniter Login Session...  
Author: johno dread <e-mail contact>
Keep track of CodeIgniter users logged in session

  Files folder image CodeIgniter PHP Visitor...  
Author: harold rita <e-mail contact>
Keep track of visitors to a Web site

  Files folder image CodeIgniter ReCaptcha Helper  
Author: Alessio Felicioni <e-mail contact>
CodeIgniter controller for ReCAPTCHA validation

  Files folder image Coffee Stats  
Author: James Brows <e-mail contact>
Plugin to Coffee CMS to track Web site visitors

  Files folder image Contact Types  
Author: Michael J. Fuhrman <e-mail contact>
Manage a list of types of people contacts

  Files folder image Cookie preferences  
Author: Ken Stanley <e-mail contact>
Manage site user preferences stored in cookies

  1 - 27   28 - 54   55 - 81   82 - 108   109 - 135   136 - 162   163 - 189   190 - 216   ...   432 - 432  
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