PHP Classes

Classes of Xavier Pérez

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  All class groups  >  All authors  >  Classes of Xavier Pérez (9)  >  Mission progress status  >  Reputation  
Picture of Xavier Pérez
Name: Xavier Pérez is available for providing paid consulting. Contact Xavier Pérez . Xavier Pérez Google profile
Classes: 9
Country: Spain Spain
Age: ???
All time rank: 134628 in Spain Spain
Week rank: 20 Up1 in Spain Spain Up
All time users: 2121
Week users: 50
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x
  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  
  Files folder image Data Registry  
Register and retrieve data easily anywhere in PHP

  Files folder image ExecScript  
Execute a Web page script from the command line

  Files folder image LQueryBU  
SQL and PHP business units

  Files folder image PHP Protected Page  
Block direct access to a page from external links

  Files folder image XBenchmark  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2015
Number 2

Prize: One downloadable copy of CodeLobster Professional
Log time and resources during script execution

  Files folder image XCache  
Store and retrieve data from different cache types

  Files folder image XCache 3  
Cache arbitrary data in different storage types

  Files folder image XMongoDB  
Build and execute queries to a MongoDB database

  Files folder image Xtends  
Emulates multiple inheritance of classes

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