PHP Classes

Classes of Alessio Felicioni

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Picture of Alessio Felicioni
Name: Alessio Felicioni <contact>
Classes: 5
Country: Italy Italy
Age: 42
All time rank: 3627143 in Italy Italy
Week rank: 364 Up15 in Italy Italy Up
All time users: 370
Week users: 0
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 2x
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  Files folder image CodeIgniter ReCaptcha Helper  
CodeIgniter controller for ReCAPTCHA validation

  Files folder image In Lettere  
Spell number amounts using Italian words

  Files folder image Last Linux Version for Mautic  
Mautic plugin to insert Linux version in email

  Files folder image Wordpress Disqus Language Fix  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2015
Number 5

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the PHP Architect magazine
Correct Disqus WordPress widget locale language

  Files folder image WordPress SEO less something  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2015
Number 6

Prize: PhpStorm IDE personal permanent license
Remove comments introduced by Wordpress SEO plugin

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