Ristretto (PHP)

Implements a type-safe API for working with the Ristretto Group
in PHP projects.
composer require paragonie/ristretto
There are two basic types: ScalarValue
and GroupElement
The ScalarValue
object wraps a big integer between 0 and the order of the Ristretto Group, L
The GroupElement
object wraps a group element of the Ristretto Group.
If an analogy helps, in the world of Ed25519 and X25519, the ScalarValue
is your secret key,
and GroupElement
is your public key.
For that reason, there are also a SecretKey
and PublicKey
class, which contains some
basic helper methods for ease-of-use.
You can convert from scalars to group elements with multBase()
, and then use
to perform a commutative group action (e.g. Diffie-Hellman).
use ParagonIE\Ristretto\{GroupElement, ScalarValue};
$aliceSecret = ScalarValue::random();
$alicePublic = $aliceSecret->multBase();
$bobSecret = ScalarValue::random();
$bobPublic = $bobSecret->multBase();
// You can perform a similar commutative group action
$aliceToBob = $aliceSecret->scalarPointMultiply($bobPublic);
$bobToAlice = $bobSecret->scalarPointMultiply($alicePublic);
var_dump($aliceToBob->equals($bobToAlice)); // bool(true)
Otherwise, most operations are within a given type (GroupElement to GroupElement,
ScalarValue to ScalarValue).
use ParagonIE\Ristretto\{GroupElement};
$x = GroupElement::random();
$y = GroupElement::random();
$z = $x->add($y);
$w = $z->sub($y);
var_dump($w->equals($x)); // bool(true)
This is a PHP implementation of the libsodium example protocol.
> Perform a secure two-party computation of f(x) = p(x)^k
. x
is the input sent to the second party
> by the first party after blinding it using a random invertible scalar r
, and k
is a secret key
> only known by the second party. p(x)
is a hash-to-group function.
use ParagonIE\Ristretto\{GroupElement};
// -------- First party -------- Send blinded p(x)
$x = random_bytes(64);
// Compute px = p(x), a group element derived from x
$px = GroupElement::fromHash($x);
// Compute a = p(x) * g^r
$r = ScalarValue::random();
$gr = $r->multBase();
$a = $px->add($gr);
// -------- Second party -------- Send g^k and a^k
$k = ScalarValue::random();
// Compute v = g^k
$v = $k->multBase();
// Compute b = a^k
$b = $k->scalarPointMultiply($a);
// -------- First party -------- Unblind f(x)
// Compute vir = v^(-r)
$ir = $r->negate();
$vir = $v->scalarPointMultiply($ir);
// Compute f(x) = b v^(-r) = (p(x) g^r)^k * (g^k)^(-r)
// = (p(x) g)^k g^(-k) = p(x)^k
$fx = $b->add($vir);
// --------- Correctness testing -----------
// If you knew both p(x) and k, you could calculate it directly.
// Directly calculate p(x)^k with both parties' secrets
$pxk = $px->scalarPointMultiply($k);
var_dump($fx->equals($pxk)); // bool(true)
Name: |
How to Implement PHP Type Safety Using Ristretto PHP |
Base name: |
ristretto-php |
Description: |
Manipulate values in type safe way using classes |
Version: |
- |
PHP version: |
5 |
License: |
MIT/X Consortium License |
Applications that use this package |
No pages of applications that use this class were specified.
If you know an application of this package, send a message to the author to add a link here.
Files |
File |
Role |
Description |
ci.yml |
Data |
Auxiliary data |
psalm.yml |
Data |
Auxiliary data |