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Top rated classes: HTML

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Top rated classes: HTML

HTML generation and processing.

  Files folder image 1. Forms generation and validation  
Author: Manuel Lemos <e-mail contact>
HTML forms generation and validation.

  Files folder image 2. jQueryUI PHP wrapper  
Author: Jacek Lukasiewicz <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML for pages using jQuery UI widgets

  Files folder image 3. Property sheets drawing engine  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2006
Number 2

Prize: One downloadable copy of PhpED Professional
Author: Alexander Selifonov <e-mail contact>
Create Web based configuration wizards

  Files folder image 4. TM::Apeform  
Author: Thiemo Mättig <e-mail contact>
A very abstract web form builder and processor

  Files folder image 5. BBCode Parser Class  
Author: Ramunas <e-mail contact>
Parse BBCode and convert it into HTML

  Files folder image 6. Math Guard  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2007
Number 7

Prize: One book of choice by Packt
Author: m <e-mail contact>
CAPTCHA validation using math expressions

  Files folder image 7. FCKEditor Plug-in  
Author: Matías montes <e-mail contact>
Plug-in to edit HTML in Web forms using FCKEditor

  Files folder image 8. HTML SQL  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2006
Number 2

Prize: One subscription to the PHP Magazine
Author: J. <e-mail contact>
Parse and extract information from HTML using SQL

  Files folder image 9. Persian Calendar  
Author: Rahman Haghparast <e-mail contact>
Generate persian month calendar in HTML

  Files folder image 10. GeSHi  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2004
Number 2

Prize: One copy of the PHP Anthology book set
Author: Nigel McNie <e-mail contact>
Highlight syntax of source code of many languages

  Files folder image 11. Nested Nodes Class  
Author: S.Shaban <e-mail contact>
Manage hierarchies of MySQL database records

  Files folder image 12. PHP Login Script  
Author: Chad Smith <e-mail contact>
Authenticate and manage users stored in SQLite

  Files folder image 13. Bar chart drawing  
Author: Alexander Selifonov <e-mail contact>
Generate bar charts with only HTML and icon images

  Files folder image 14. N-Tier Client side Cascading select  
Author: Dave <e-mail contact>
Output unlimited series of dependent select inputs

  Files folder image 15. Go PayPal  
Author: Sithu Kyaw <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML for Paypal payment buttons and forms

  Files folder image 16. IBK Cart  
Author: Ibikunle Nuel <e-mail contact>
Manage shopping carts with products from MySQL

  Files folder image 17. PHP RTWindows  
Author: Piotr Malinski <e-mail contact>
Display windows that can be dragged and resized

  Files folder image 18. Active Calendar  
Author: Giorgos <e-mail contact>
Generate XHTML calendar for a given month or year

  Files folder image 19. phpMyMenu  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
June 2006

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Gustavo Arcila <e-mail contact>
Show context menus when menu mouse button is used

  Files folder image 20. Another Form generator  
Author: Gergely Aradszki <e-mail contact>
Generate and validate forms

  Files folder image 21. Formitable  
Author: Gamaiel Zavala <e-mail contact>
Create a submit-ready HTML form from a MySQL table

  Files folder image 22. multiXPandMenu  
Author: Patrick Brosset <e-mail contact>
Generate dynamically expansible hierarchical menus

  Files folder image 23. debugTools  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2008
Number 3

Prize: One downloadable copy of Komodo Pro
Author: Andreas Christodoulou <e-mail contact>
Display PHP execution information in a page

  Files folder image 24. CriosWeb HTML Cleaner  
Author: Lucian Sabo <e-mail contact>
Remove unwanted tags and data from HTML documents

  Files folder image 25. DataGrid  
Author: samik71 <e-mail contact>
Display paginated MySQL query results in a grid

  Files folder image 26. UBBCode  
Author: L <e-mail contact>
Replaces the ubb tags with HTML, and vice versa

  Files folder image 27. Spambot Trap Deluxe  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2006
Number 9
Author: Peter Shaw <e-mail contact>
Generate pages with spam trap e-mail address links

  Files folder image 28. Paginations  
Author: Reneesh T K <e-mail contact>
Split MySQL query result listings

  Files folder image 29. AJAX Paginator  
Author: Omar Abdallah <e-mail contact>
Split MySQL results in pages retrieved using AJAX

  Files folder image 30. YourCalendar  
Author: Michele Castellucci <e-mail contact>
Show month calendar with events from a database

  Files folder image 31. Eyesis Data Grid Control  
Author: Mike Frank <e-mail contact>
Display data from a database in a sortable table

  Files folder image 32. XP Menu Generator  
Author: Enéas Gesing <e-mail contact>
Generates menus of HTML links like Windows XP

  Files folder image 33. baaGrid  
Author: Barry Andrew <e-mail contact>
Data grid to present database query results

  Files folder image 34. Browse Edit  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
April 2004

Prize: One downloadable copy of PHPEd by NuSphere
Author: Peter Rosomoff <e-mail contact>
Browse and edit MySQL results like MS Access

  Files folder image 35. myPageDisplay  
Author: Peter Barkway <e-mail contact>
Display paginated MySQL query results in HTML

  Files folder image 36. table2arr  
Author: Wojtek Jarzecki <e-mail contact>
Parse HTML tables and extract data into arrays

  Files folder image 37. Paginator  
Author: ted kappes <e-mail contact>
Spliting database query result sets between pages.

  Files folder image 38. phpCal  
Author: Rick Hopkins <e-mail contact>
Generate customizable calendars in HTML

  Files folder image 39. Check spam  
Author: Giuseppe Leone <e-mail contact>
Generate and validate CAPTCHA verification images

  Files folder image 40. Print Line Table  
Author: Cesar Alpendre <e-mail contact>
Generate an HTML table report from array of data

  Files folder image 41. Better PDO Pagination  
Author: Gilberto Albino <e-mail contact>
Display pagination links for SQL queries using PDO

  Files folder image 42. Form Spam Bot Blocker  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2007
Number 3

Prize: One downloadable copy of Komodo Pro
Author: Giorgos <e-mail contact>
Generate forms that prevent submission by robots

  Files folder image 43. ezSL  
Author: S. M. ARIFUL ISLAM <e-mail contact>
Suggest words to complete text inputs using AJAX

  Files folder image 44. Upload and Compress  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
June 2011

Prize: One book of choice by Packt
Author: Roberto Aleman <e-mail contact>
Add uploaded files to a ZIP archive

  Files folder image 45. Bar Graphics  
Author: Emmanuel Arana Corzo <e-mail contact>
Generate bar charts using only HTML tables

  Files folder image 46. CMS Detector  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2011
Number 2

Prize: One copy of DWebPro Standard License
Author: Hamed Afshar <e-mail contact>
Detect software used by a site analsying its HTML

  Files folder image 47. FineDiv  
Author: Peter Klauer <e-mail contact>
Create rounded corner image styles for HTML pages

  Files folder image 48. HTML SAX Parser  
Author: Alexey G. Piyanin <e-mail contact>
Parse HTML documents using regular expressions

  Files folder image 49. awfDialog Wizard  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2008
Number 4

Prize: One book of choice by Packt
Author: AW Ford <e-mail contact>
Generate wizard-like Web user interface using AJAX

  Files folder image 50. MenuTree  
Author: Menno Merlijn <e-mail contact>
Generate hierarchical menu of links

  Files folder image 51. My Ajax  
Author: Adnan Alabuo <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML to update pages using AJAX

  Files folder image 52. Simple Mini Poll  
Author: Ilir Fekaj <e-mail contact>
Online poll system with administration interface

  Files folder image 53. DOM Query  
Author: Kai Dorschner <e-mail contact>
Retrieve and manipulate XML documents like jQuery

  Files folder image 54. mytoolbar  
Author: erfan arabfakhri <e-mail contact>
Generates HTML toolbars with image link buttons

  Files folder image 55. Power Toolbar  
Author: Dave <e-mail contact>
Create HTML button toolbars

  Files folder image 56. Cascade Drop Down  
Author: Gobinath Mallaiyan <e-mail contact>
Generate form select inputs with dependent options

  Files folder image 57. Simple Data Grid  
Author: John Paul de Guzman <e-mail contact>
Display MySQL database query data in an HTML grid

  Files folder image 58. tail  
Author: Bastian Gorke <e-mail contact>
Get the last lines of a file as the tail command

  Files folder image 59. mysqlForm  
Author: Anis uddin ahmad <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML form to create MySQL table records

  Files folder image 60. Simple User  
Author: Bob Kennedy <e-mail contact>
Register and manage user accounts in MySQL records

  Files folder image 61. HTMLSax  
Author: Alexander Zhukov <e-mail contact>
sax-like parser for HTML

  Files folder image 62. dbGrid Extreme  
Author: Red Reid <e-mail contact>
Display editable data from a MySQL database table

  Files folder image 63. html table  
Author: Kossikidis Dimitris <e-mail contact>
Build an HTML table without writing any HTML code.

  Files folder image 64. MyPager  
Author: Vagharshak Tozalakyan <e-mail contact>
Output navigation links to split listings in pages

  Files folder image 65. karatag Sozial Bookmark  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2007
Number 8

Prize: One book of choice by SAMS
Author: Ö. Karatag <e-mail contact>
Display buttons to add pages to bookmark sites

  Files folder image 66. MMail  
Author: Fadil Kujundzic <e-mail contact>
Compose and send text or HTML e-mail messages

  Files folder image 67. Grider  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2005
Number 4

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the magazine by PHP Architect
Author: Andrey Pankov <e-mail contact>
Visual editor for creating HTML tables

  Files folder image 68. HTML Bar Chart  
Author: Slava Ivanov <e-mail contact>
Produces pure HTML code to display a'la bar chart

  Files folder image 69. Simple Twitter  
Author: Tomaž Muraus <e-mail contact>
Retrieve user status from Twitter

  Files folder image 70. Pagination (paging)  
Author: majid ramzani <e-mail contact>
Display links for paginating listings

  Files folder image 71. Calendar date  
Author: Andrea Bersi <e-mail contact>
Generate a calendar date selector popup with DHTML

  Files folder image 72. HTML dbtree  
Author: Jonathan Gotti <e-mail contact>
Manipulate hierarchical data stores in database

  Files folder image 73. Tab Control  
Author: Rafia alotibi <e-mail contact>
Output a tab link bar using HTML tables

  Files folder image 74. AJAX Edit In Place  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
January 2006

Prize: One downloadable copy of Roadsend PHP Compiler
Author: Er. Rochak Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Edit and save a paragraph of text in an HTML page

  Files folder image 75. A simple pagination using MySQL  
Author: shijith <e-mail contact>
Split MySQL query results in multiple pages

  Files folder image 76. Data Grid  
Author: Carlos Miguel Guevara <e-mail contact>
Display MySQL query results in HTML tables

  Files folder image 77. Email Scraper  
Author: Aziz S. Hussain <e-mail contact>
Crawl pages and scrape e-mail addresses into MySQL

  Files folder image 78. TabControl  
Author: Botan Guner <e-mail contact>
Generate tab bar that switches content dynamically

  Files folder image 79. myMenuGen  
Author: Peter Barkway <e-mail contact>
Generate an HTML menu from MySQL database entries

  Files folder image 80. KG Pager Class  
Author: Muharrem ERIN <e-mail contact>
Generate links to browse lists split between pages

  Files folder image 81. Power Thumb  
Author: Carlos Reche <e-mail contact>
Output thumbnail with zoom link and color filters

  Files folder image 82. xPandMenu  
Author: Patrick Brosset <e-mail contact>
Generate a dynamic hierarchic menu

  Files folder image 83. HTMLForm  
Author: Michele Castellucci <e-mail contact>
Generate XHTML forms with Javascript validation

  Files folder image 84. Paypal Button Generator  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2005
Number 7
Author: Jamie Curnow <e-mail contact>
Generate buttons to pay prefilled orders in Paypal

  Files folder image 85. Paging for MySQL  
Author: Shiegege <e-mail contact>
Create a query results page navigation bar

  Files folder image 86. Nested set  
Author: Mark Stuppacher <e-mail contact>
Manipulate a tree node structure stored in MySQL

  Files folder image 87. Xinha plug-in  
Author: Alessandro Bianchi <e-mail contact>
Forms plug-in to use Xinha HTML editor

  Files folder image 88. ASCII art generator for PHP  
Author: Artur Graniszewski <e-mail contact>
Generate a text that looks like a given image

  Files folder image 89. Highlight  
Author: Alf-Red <e-mail contact>
Find and highlight a text expression in a sentence

  Files folder image 90. Page Creator  
Author: Tony David <e-mail contact>
Generates navigation links between listing pages

  Files folder image 91. Private Validator  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2004
Number 7
Author: Steve Clay <e-mail contact>
Validate the HTML output of a private web server

  Files folder image 92. Firebug Console Log  
Author: Shane Kretzmann <e-mail contact>
Log debug output to show in Firebug console

  Files folder image 93. PHP 4 Applications  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
August 2004

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Francisco Arias <e-mail contact>
Create event driven Web GUI using remote scripting

  Files folder image 94. Media Embed  
Author: Arturs Sosins <e-mail contact>
Embed video and images from remote sites

  Files folder image 95. MsDoc Generator  
Author: Max S. Ferreira <e-mail contact>
Create Microsoft Word document without COM objects

  Files folder image 96. Grab URL  
Author: Vedanta Barooah <e-mail contact>
Grab an HTML page and send by e-mail or display it

  Files folder image 97. Result set page navigator  
Author: Aleksandar Markovic <e-mail contact>
Generate navigation links to browse query results

  Files folder image 98. oCalendarPicker  
Author: Mathieu Lagana <e-mail contact>
Display calendars to pick dates for form inputs

  Files folder image 99. EasyUpload  
Author: Olavo Alexandrino <e-mail contact>
Handling of files upload via HTML forms

  Files folder image 100. CSS Pagination  
Author: Dodit Suprianto <e-mail contact>
Good Looking of Pagination

  Files folder image 101. SpoolTemplate  
Author: Andrioli Darvin <e-mail contact>
Database report generation based on templates

  Files folder image 102. MySQL Edit Table  
Author: Martin Meijer <e-mail contact>
View and edit MySQL database records

  Files folder image 103. KG Uploader Class  
Author: Muharrem ERIN <e-mail contact>
Manage multiple files uploaded with Web forms

  Files folder image 104. Jalali Calendar  
Author: Armin Randjbar-Daemi <e-mail contact>
Compute Jalali calendar dates

  Files folder image 105. HN CAPTCHA  
Author: Horst Nogajski <e-mail contact>
Generate a form or formpart with a CAPTCHA picture

  Files folder image 106. HTML to DOC  
Author: Harish Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Convert HTML into Microsoft Word documents

  Files folder image 107. QuickDB  
Author: Sarfraz Ahmed <e-mail contact>
Query MySQL using values passed pragmatically

  Files folder image 108. DrasticTools  
Author: dd <e-mail contact>
Visualize MySQL data in Grid, Cloud and Map

  Files folder image 109. Calendar Generator  
Author: Gobinath Mallaiyan <e-mail contact>
Generate a calendar of a given month in HTML

  Files folder image 110. Site Guide  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2007
Number 5

Prize: One copy of DWebPro Standard License
Author: Dmitry Sheiko <e-mail contact>
Generate windows with information to guide users

  Files folder image 111. PHProgress Bar  
Author: Gerd Weitenberg <e-mail contact>
Display a bar that reflects the progress of a task

  Files folder image 112. phpFormGenerator  
Author: Hasin Hayder <e-mail contact>
Generate code to process form and insert MySQL row

  Files folder image 113. parseCSS  
Author: Michael Ettl <e-mail contact>
Class for parsing CSS Stylesheets

  Files folder image 114. SleekTabs  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
April 2007

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Peter Upfold <e-mail contact>
Generate tab based interface updated using AJAX

  Files folder image 115. Cascade Dropdown 3 Levels  
Author: Gobinath Mallaiyan <e-mail contact>
Generate 3 linked select inputs from database data

  Files folder image 116. Map Builder  
Author: Vagharshak Tozalakyan <e-mail contact>
Display maps using Google Maps API v3

  Files folder image 117. Date & Time  
Author: Slava Ivanov <e-mail contact>
Class to manipulate date and time on a form

  Files folder image 118. Security_Token  
Author: MARY Matthieu <e-mail contact>
Generate tokens to protect against CSRF attacks

  Files folder image 119. Auto form  
Author: Arturs Sosins <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML forms to manipulate MySQL records

  Files folder image 120. Dynamic Menu in PHP  
Author: Pravin Sonawane <e-mail contact>
Display an hierarchic menu stored in a MySQL table

  Files folder image 121. Simple Page Crawler  
Author: Jacek Lukasiewicz <e-mail contact>
Retrieve HTML pages and extract its elements

  Files folder image 122. clsImage  
Author: Ronald Zeus <e-mail contact>
Image manipulation with PHP 4 and PHP 5 support

  Files folder image 123. Calendar week, month and year with event day  
Author: Marosdee Uma <e-mail contact>
Display calendars denoting event days

  Files folder image 124. LiveValidationPHP  
Author: Fransjo Leihitu <e-mail contact>
Validate forms on the browser and server side

  Files folder image 125. simple Email Class  
Author: Mark Davidson <e-mail contact>
Send HTML messages with images and attachments

  Files folder image 126. phpMyDataGrid - AJAX Enabled Datagrid  
Author: Gustavo Arcila <e-mail contact>
Edit MySQL data in a table using AJAX for updates

  Files folder image 127. AdvancedForm  
Author: Bulent Tezcan <e-mail contact>
Generate forms inside a table, which supports CSS.

  Files folder image 128. New AJAX Sortable  
Author: red_owl <e-mail contact>
Display and edit MySQL data in a table using AJAX

  Files folder image 129. Breadcrumbs  
Author: Richard Baskett <e-mail contact>
Show directory and file path with links

  Files folder image 130. Export To Excel  
Author: raju mazumder <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML tables from MySQL query results

  Files folder image 131. Html 2 Array  
Author: Raj Kumar Trivedi <e-mail contact>
Extract field values from HTML forms

  Files folder image 132. AJAX Grid  
Author: Er. Rochak Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Edit and save table data without page refreshing

  Files folder image 133. Wizard  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2005
Number 2

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Dave <e-mail contact>
Generate wizard like multi-step web forms

  Files folder image 134. libMail2008  
Author: Pier Luigi Pau <e-mail contact>
Send e-mail with attachments and embedded images

  Files folder image 135. Styled Message Box  
Author: Daniel Wunderlich <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML message box with CSS and Javascript

  Files folder image 136. Info Box  
Author: Peter Klauer <e-mail contact>
Generate help tooltips for Web pages using DHTML

  Files folder image 137. Simple Image Gallery  
Author: Gabor Delczeg <e-mail contact>
Present and manage a gallery of images

  Files folder image 138. AJAX Grid Manage Data  
Author: Neeraj Thakur <e-mail contact>
Manipulate MySQL records in a table using AJAX

  Files folder image 139. SQL Data Browsing  
Author: Protung Dragos <e-mail contact>
Browse and paginate MySQL query results

  Files folder image 140. Time Online  
Author: Protung Dragos <e-mail contact>
Keep track of the time users spend in a site

  Files folder image 141. Simple Date Time Object  
Author: Christian Hansel <e-mail contact>
Perform date calculations and convert formats

  Files folder image 142. Combo Color  
Author: Márcio Elias Hahn do Nascimento <e-mail contact>
Generate a form select field to choose a color

  Files folder image 143. PageIterator  
Author: Karsten Juul Mikkelsen <e-mail contact>
Generate page links browse a large set of data

  Files folder image 144. Combo Validation  
Author: sinasalek <e-mail contact>
Validates Web forms on browser and server side

  Files folder image 145. Facebook Plugin  
Author: Viet Vu <e-mail contact>
Insert Facebook social plugins in Web pages

  Files folder image 146. Listview  
Author: Tom Reitsma <e-mail contact>
Generate sortable lists of arbitrary types of data

  Files folder image 147. Easy Calendar  
Author: Rupom Razzaque <e-mail contact>
Display month calendars using the cal command

  Files folder image 148. Multi-format calendar class  
Author: Dan Bemowski <e-mail contact>
Display calendars in multiple formats

  Files folder image 149. Cascade Select  
Author: Vedanta Barooah <e-mail contact>
Generate two dependent HTML form select inputs

  Files folder image 150. Cities of the world  
Author: A. Mesut Okar <e-mail contact>
Form dropdown creation with cities of the world

  Files folder image 151. B-Forms  
Author: alexei peterkin <e-mail contact>
Compose and generate complex web forms

  Files folder image 152. AJAX Treeview  
Author: Neeraj Thakur <e-mail contact>
Update tree view on demand without page reloading

  Files folder image 153. Hippo AJAX Form  
Author: DavidLanz <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML forms and submit via AJAX

  Files folder image 154. Emoticon  
Author: Rafael Pinto <e-mail contact>
Replace emoticon text characters HTML image tags

  Files folder image 155. D3Ribbon Menu  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
July 2010

Prize: One yearly subscription to the PHP Solutions magazine
Author: Tufan Baris YILDIRIM <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML to display ribbon-like menus

  Files folder image 156. HTML Friends  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2006
Number 2

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Piotr Malinski <e-mail contact>
PHP wrapper to use dhtmlgoodies.com DHTML widgets

  Files folder image 157. Simple Link Exchange  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2006
Number 6

Prize: One book of choice by Packt
Author: Denys Matuzenko <e-mail contact>
Manage page links exchanged between multiple sites

  Files folder image 158. GonxTabs  
Author: Ben Yacoub Hatem <e-mail contact>
Create elegant HTML tabs based interface

  Files folder image 159. Get tag value  
Author: NaiFPHP <e-mail contact>
Extract HTML contained in tags from a Web page

  Files folder image 160. RSS Feed Reader  
Author: Daniel Tlach <e-mail contact>
Parse and display items of an RSS feed

  Files folder image 161. HN URL Rewrite  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2004
Number 2

Prize: One downloadable copy of Roadsend PHP Compiler
Author: Horst Nogajski <e-mail contact>
Emulate request URL rewriting and redirection

  Files folder image 162. MorphForm  
Author: Shawn Conlin <e-mail contact>
Form processing class

  Files folder image 163. ODT 2 XHTML  
Author: Piotr Malinski <e-mail contact>
Convert documents in OpenDocument format to XHTML

  Files folder image 164. On Page SEO  
Author: Radovan Janjic <e-mail contact>
Adjust page parameters for SEO purposes

  Files folder image 165. PhpMyBorder  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
November 2005

Prize: One book of choice by SAMS
Author: Vidar Vestnes <e-mail contact>
Make round corner tables 'on the fly'

  Files folder image 166. Simple tabbed menu  
Author: Richard Munroe <e-mail contact>
Generate tabbed link menus

  Files folder image 167. CSS parser  
Author: Thomas Björk <e-mail contact>
CSS parser class

  Files folder image 168. AutoFill  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2005
Number 3

Prize: One book of choice by SAMS
Author: Carlos Reche <e-mail contact>
Generate form text inputs with auto-fill support

  Files folder image 169. YouTube  
Author: Nemanja Avramovic <e-mail contact>
Embed YouTube videos in Web pages

  Files folder image 170. Image Pop Up Class  
Author: Germán Sosa <e-mail contact>
Create thumbnails and link pictures in new windows

  Files folder image 171. Page Magic  
Author: spajus <e-mail contact>
Generate pagination HTML links with text templates

  Files folder image 172. PHPalm Calendar  
Author: Salettes Rémy <e-mail contact>
Output month calendars with links day detail pages

  Files folder image 173. Create Form  
Author: Michel Gomes Ank <e-mail contact>
Compose and output HTML forms programmatically

  Files folder image 174. Image Slicer  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
August 2004

Prize: One downloadable copy of PHPEd
Author: Huda M Elmatsani <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML to present images divided in pieces

  Files folder image 175. jcal  
Author: Jamie McCoard <e-mail contact>
Customizable calendar with events stored in MySQL

  Files folder image 176. CSV Parse and Read  
Author: Aneesh R <e-mail contact>
Parse and display data from a CSV file

  Files folder image 177. EditPHP  
Author: Pierre Marceau <e-mail contact>
Online code and HTML editor

  Files folder image 178. popupMsg  
Author: Dror Golan <e-mail contact>
Display pop-up messages in a Web page

  Files folder image 179. PHP color  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2008
Number 2

Prize: One book of choice from Manning
Author: hazem ali <e-mail contact>
Format PHP code as colored HTML

  Files folder image 180. CSS fix  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2012
Number 3

Prize: One downloadable e-book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Arturs Sosins <e-mail contact>
Replace CSS properties with browser specific names

  Files folder image 181. AJAX DataGrid  
Author: Hugo Weijes <e-mail contact>
List data in a table that can be edited with AJAX

  Files folder image 182. PHP date picker class  
Author: Stefan Gabos <e-mail contact>
Generate form input to pick a calendar date

  Files folder image 183. HTML Graph  
Author: José Rafael Carrero León <e-mail contact>
Generate bar graphics using HTML tables

  Files folder image 184. Advanced Grid  
Author: Camilo Alzate <e-mail contact>
Display data from MySQL database in table

  Files folder image 185. Ajax Table Edit  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2006
Number 3

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the magazine by PHP Architect
Author: Andrew Sullivan <e-mail contact>
Edit data in an HTML table using AJAX

  Files folder image 186. Paging Easy  
Author: Harish Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Generate links to navigate on query result pages

  Files folder image 187. PHP data grid class  
Author: Stefan Gabos <e-mail contact>
Display MySQL query results in HTML tables

  Files folder image 188. Reload Preventer  
Author: flaimo <e-mail contact>
Small class for preventing data being sent twice

  Files folder image 189. CProgbar  
Author: Kostas Theodorou <e-mail contact>
Renders and updates a progress bar in HTML page

  Files folder image 190. PHPLiveX  
Author: Arda Beyazoglu <e-mail contact>
Call PHP functio The easisest way to use ajax with

  Files folder image 191. CSS Protector  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
May 2005
Number 5

Prize: One subscription to the PHP Magazine
Author: Peter Klauer <e-mail contact>
Display text using CSS to prevent harvesting

  Files folder image 192. Zend Framework Data Grid  
Author: Bento Vilas Boas <e-mail contact>
Display and edit data from a database in a grid

  Files folder image 193. Highlight HTML and XHTML syntax  
Author: Roman Ožana <e-mail contact>
Highlight documents with HTML and XHTML syntax

  Files folder image 194. Form creator  
Author: catalin <e-mail contact>
Compose and display HTML forms

  Files folder image 195. codeLighter  
Author: Andrea Giammarchi <e-mail contact>
Convert text with BBcode like tags into HTML

  Files folder image 196. Tag Cloud  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2006
Number 6

Prize: One copy of DWeb Pro Lifetime License
Author: Dror Golan <e-mail contact>
Generate tag clouds from lists of tags

  Files folder image 197. HTML Sanitizer  
Author: Frédéric Minne <e-mail contact>
Remove unsafe tags and attributes from HTML code

  Files folder image 198. finetable  
Author: Peter Klauer <e-mail contact>
Panels with rounded corners

  Files folder image 199. MySQL Spell Checker  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2005
Number 7
Author: sam <e-mail contact>
Spell check texts with a MySQL table as dictionary

  Files folder image 200. AJAX Login Module  
Author: Christopher N. <e-mail contact>
Authenticate users without reloading a login page

  Files folder image 201. Security Image  
Author: Joel Finkel <e-mail contact>
Generate images with text to make a CAPTCHA test

  Files folder image 202. MooFx Generator  
Author: Hasin Hayder <e-mail contact>
PHP wrapper to MooFx JavaScript effects library

  Files folder image 203. Email Crypt  
Author: Julien PACHET <e-mail contact>
Convert email link to Javascript to avoid harvest

  Files folder image 204. Photo Show and Hide  
Author: Joseph Rubenstein <e-mail contact>
Output page with dynamically expansible thumbnails

  Files folder image 205. Youtube Video Search  
Author: Raj Kumar Trivedi <e-mail contact>
Search for videos in YouTube using its API

  Files folder image 206. autoformBQ  
Author: Uwe Stein <e-mail contact>
Generate Web forms from MySQL query results

  Files folder image 207. simple BBCode  
Author: Piotr <e-mail contact>
Convert BBCode formatted text to HTML

  Files folder image 208. PogProgressBar  
Author: Renan de Lima Barbosa <e-mail contact>
Display a progress bar for long tasks

  Files folder image 209. menu.class.php  
Author: Sebastian D <e-mail contact>
Create horizontal or vertical cascading menu

  Files folder image 210. Expandable Menu  
Author: Russell Nash <e-mail contact>
Generate an expandable menu of links

  Files folder image 211. OpenOffice 2 HTML  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
September 2005

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Piotr Malinski <e-mail contact>
Convert OpenOffice Writer documents to HTML

  Files folder image 212. Source Parser  
Author: Vagharshak Tozalakyan <e-mail contact>
Parsing text with BBCode style tags

  Files folder image 213. IDForm  
Author: Valentin <e-mail contact>
Compose HTML forms programmatically

  Files folder image 214. iH2H Menu  
Author: sandosh <e-mail contact>
Generate dynamic DHTML 2 level pull down menus

  Files folder image 215. colour  
Author: Sven Wagener <e-mail contact>
Class for converting color formats

  Files folder image 216. PHP AJAX RSS News Reader  
Author: Nitesh Apte <e-mail contact>
Convert RSS feeds into HTML links

  Files folder image 217. Clean Output  
Author: Jon Gjengset <e-mail contact>
Reformat HTML and XML documents

  Files folder image 218. Tab Class  
Author: Paolo <e-mail contact>
Display tab based interface similar to MS Windows

  Files folder image 219. Drop Down Menu  
Author: Marcos Thiago M. Fabis <e-mail contact>
Generate a drop down menu with HTML tables

  Files folder image 220. html.class.php  
Author: Alf-Red <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML document tags programatically

  Files folder image 221. Generate Paging  
Author: Ashish Vishwakarma <e-mail contact>
Display MySQL query results split nto pages

  Files folder image 222. MyPagina pagination class  
Author: Olaf Lederer <e-mail contact>
Show links to browse pages of MySQL query results

  Files folder image 223. PayPal Tabs  
Author: Peter Drinnan <e-mail contact>
Generate navigation tabs interface like in Paypal

  Files folder image 224. HTML Compactor  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2008
Number 6

Prize: One subscription to the PDF edition of the magazine by PHP Architect
Author: Oliver Lillie <e-mail contact>
Reduce HTML document size by removing white-spaces

  Files folder image 225. eBusiness Charts  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2004
Number 8
Author: Miran Zagar <e-mail contact>
Wrapper around eBusiness charts generation service

  Files folder image 226. File Display  
Author: Gregory Lane <e-mail contact>
Displays listings of files and directories

  Files folder image 227. BD Calendar  
Author: Samuel Aiala Ferreira <e-mail contact>
Output calendar with MySQL database integration

  Files folder image 228. File upload class  
Author: Andrey Yasinetskiy <e-mail contact>
Handle files uploaded via Web forms

  Files folder image 229. MySQL Paging  
Author: Adomas Žiaušys <e-mail contact>
Split MySQL database query results into pages

  Files folder image 230. Web Crawler using MySQL DB  
Author: vivek <e-mail contact>
Retrieve Web pages and store links in a database

  Files folder image 231. Multipage forms class  
Author: Manuel Lemos <e-mail contact>
Create and manage forms split over multiple pages.

  Files folder image 232. PHP AJAX pagination  
Author: Reneesh T K <e-mail contact>
Show MySQL query results split in pages using AJAX

  Files folder image 233. BabelKit  
Author: John Gorman <e-mail contact>
Multilingual universal database code table

  Files folder image 234. highlighting_skipphtml  
Author: Bas Jobsen <e-mail contact>
Highlight words of text in HTML

  Files folder image 235. xCalendar  
Author: Kimmo Lankila <e-mail contact>
Output an HTML calendar for a given month

  Files folder image 236. Key Highlighter  
Author: Setec Astronomy <e-mail contact>
Highlight keywords in current script output

  Files folder image 237. DB Schema  
Author: Mac Dude <e-mail contact>
Displays MySQL database schema in a tree type view

  Files folder image 238. ApPHP Data Grid  
Author: Chara Miteo <e-mail contact>
Display database query results in a HTML table

  Files folder image 239. Split Result  
Author: Gaidar <e-mail contact>
Split MySQL query results between pages

  Files folder image 240. classHTML  
Author: Daniel Andres Marjos <e-mail contact>
A simple HTML Generation class

  Files folder image 241. ListBox  
Author: Frits Bergman <e-mail contact>
A Listbox with database-support.

  Files folder image 242. Generic Easy Pagination  
Author: Olavo Alexandrino <e-mail contact>
Pagination of arbitrary listings

  Files folder image 243. Breadcrumb navigation  
Author: Mick Sear <e-mail contact>
Generate bread crumb like navigation bars

  Files folder image 244. csv2table  
Author: dasar <e-mail contact>
An easy to use PHP class to display a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file in

  Files folder image 245. HTML Generator  
Author: Er. Rochak Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Compose and output HTML documents programatically

  Files folder image 246. CRUD Class  
Author: Cesar D. Rodas <e-mail contact>
Generate pages to list and edit database records

  Files folder image 247. Google Text To Speech  
Author: Petter Kjelkenes <e-mail contact>
Convert text to speech using Google API

  Files folder image 248. Random Image from Folders  
Author: Andrzej Krokos <e-mail contact>
Display a random image from a directory

  Files folder image 249. Yet Another Pager  
Author: Andrioli Darvin <e-mail contact>
Database row pager with edit and search support

  Files folder image 250. Linked Select  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2004
Number 7
Author: Setec Astronomy <e-mail contact>
Create dynamically linked lists with select inputs

  Files folder image 251. Rejilla::Mysql  
Author: Alfredo Rahn <e-mail contact>
Display MySQL query results in paginated listings

  Files folder image 252. Kalender  
Author: Fidel Bravo <e-mail contact>
Display month calendars denoting holidays

  Files folder image 253. Rapid Form Builder  
Author: chris <e-mail contact>
Show and process database access forms using AJAX

  Files folder image 254. array2form  
Author: Mark Berube <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML forms from input parameter lists

  Files folder image 255. Grid  
Author: One Step Solutions <e-mail contact>
Display database query results in an HTML table

  Files folder image 256. moart3n's validateForm  
Author: Maarten Wierda <e-mail contact>
This class can be used to easily verify form data

  Files folder image 257. HTML Data Parser  
Author: Oleksiy Zubovskyy <e-mail contact>
Parse HTML and template files

  Files folder image 258. Automatic Drop Down Menu  
Author: Die Mitchell <e-mail contact>
Generate an hierarchic drop down menus of links

  Files folder image 259. Validation on General Form Fields  
Author: Ashish Vishwakarma <e-mail contact>
Output form with Javascript based field validation

  Files folder image 260. Grid class  
Author: Diogo Alexsander Cavilha <e-mail contact>
Display data in a table grid using Extjs

  Files folder image 261. CSS Comparer  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2008
Number 3

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Martijn Beulens <e-mail contact>
Compare two CSS style definitions

  Files folder image 262. RSS Read  
Author: Anthony Rogers <e-mail contact>
Parse RSS feeds and output as HTML pages

  Files folder image 263. Message Box  
Author: Vedanta Barooah <e-mail contact>
Generate Windows style message boxes in HTML

  Files folder image 264. HTML_TreeMenu  
Author: Richard Heyes <e-mail contact>
Easy aPI to produce a dynamic tree menu

  Files folder image 265. Cascading Menu  
Author: Scott Mattocks <e-mail contact>
Creating cascading pop-up menus

  Files folder image 266. File Uploading Web interface  
Author: M.G.Ranga Pathmasiri <e-mail contact>
Simple file uploading form handling

  Files folder image 267. XAJAX Grid  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2006
Number 2

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Jesus Velazquez <e-mail contact>
Edit data from SQL databases using AJAX

  Files folder image 268. Calendar  
Author: Frits Bergman <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML to display a calendar month

  Files folder image 269. Class.Table  
Author: Jason Lotito <e-mail contact>
This class allows you to create dynamic tables.

  Files folder image 270. ProgressBar  
Author: Mika Turin <e-mail contact>
Class to create progress bar

  Files folder image 271. TagCloud  
Author: Narendra Pal Singh <e-mail contact>
Generate a tag cloud from a list of links

  Files folder image 272. Simple Form Generator  
Author: Slavomir Mikolaj <e-mail contact>
Generate and validate forms

  Files folder image 273. Category Tree  
Author: abstract80 <e-mail contact>
Generate an HTML tree of a category items database

  Files folder image 274. Calendar generation class  
Author: Manuel Lemos <e-mail contact>
Calendar month HTML table generator.

  Files folder image 275. Crawler  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
March 2008
Number 7

Prize: One copy of Delphi for PHP
Author: Md. Shaiful islam <e-mail contact>
Extract links and images from remote Web pages

  Files folder image 276. Class.DateForm  
Author: Jason Lotito <e-mail contact>
Allows you to easily create and manage HTML Elements for display date information.

  Files folder image 277. DatePicker  
Author: Evgeny <e-mail contact>
Generation of date chooser form fields

  Files folder image 278. Auto complete  
Author: Dror Golan <e-mail contact>
Auto-complete text typed in a form input

  Files folder image 279. ULCSS multilevel menu  
Author: Kristaps Kukurs <e-mail contact>
Generate crossbrowser multilevel menus

  Files folder image 280. Link Extractor  
Author: Andrea Giammarchi <e-mail contact>
Extract links from a string, file or an HTML page

  Files folder image 281. Mail Man  
Author: Andrew Blair <e-mail contact>
Send plain text and HTML email messages

  Files folder image 282. ianaz Calendar  
Author: Silvio Rainoldi <e-mail contact>
Generate month calendars in HTML

  Files folder image 283. Remove Border From Image  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
March 2009

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Pawel Antczak <e-mail contact>
Crop images by removing common color borders

  Files folder image 284. Page Header  
Author: Leandro Antonello <e-mail contact>
Generate HTTP response and HTML page headers

  Files folder image 285. Base Calendar 2  
Author: Ammo <e-mail contact>
Dispaly two month and can insert appointment

  Files folder image 286. Enhanched UI  
Author: Setec Astronomy <e-mail contact>
A class library for an enhanced User Interface

  Files folder image 287. MySQL Form Generator  
Author: Tobie van der Spuy <e-mail contact>
Generate forms to edit data in MySQL tables

  Files folder image 288. Loading Div  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2009
Number 4

Prize: One downloadable copy of Komodo IDE
Author: Gianluca Zanferrari <e-mail contact>
Display an animation while a page is loading

  Files folder image 289. Meta tags fetcher  
Author: Eugene Panin <e-mail contact>
Fetches meta tag values from a given Web page

  Files folder image 290. SQL Table  
Author: Peter Klauer <e-mail contact>
Output SQL query results as HTML tables

  Files folder image 291. Tab Menu  
Author: Vedanta Barooah <e-mail contact>
Create tab menu for navigation using HTML and CSS

  Files folder image 292. Query result table display class  
Author: Manuel Lemos <e-mail contact>
Outputs tables with the result of database queries

  Files folder image 293. Simple Forum  
Author: Wojciech Napierala <e-mail contact>
Manages and displays the posts of a forum

  Files folder image 294. Basic CSS Form Generator  
Author: Darren Cline <e-mail contact>
Compose and generate HTML Forms with valid CSS

  Files folder image 295. XHTML Validator  
Author: marian <e-mail contact>
Validate XHTML and other types of XML documents

  Files folder image 296. myCalendar  
Author: gwee chek maan <e-mail contact>
Generate configurable month calendars in HTML

  Files folder image 297. Spider Engine  
Author: Radu Topala <e-mail contact>
Retrieve and process remote HTML pages

  Files folder image 298. Drop Down Select  
Author: Javier Gonzalo Gloria Medina <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML for drop down form select inputs

  Files folder image 299. PHP server-side web browser  
Author: Grigori Kochanov <e-mail contact>
Browsing the Web via PHP

  Files folder image 300. calendar.class.php  
Author: MT Jordan <e-mail contact>
Perpetual seven day calendar

  Files folder image 301. Form Builder  
Author: Andrew P. <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML and Javascript for displaying forms

  Files folder image 302. Forms  
Author: L <e-mail contact>
Class for generating forms

  Files folder image 303. 13 in a dozen db class  
Author: joris visser <e-mail contact>
Access MySQL servers and display queries in tables

  Files folder image 304. file2menu  
Author: Nick Pap <e-mail contact>
Read a directory and display the content as links

  Files folder image 305. DigiOz Datagrid  
Author: DigiOz Multimedia <e-mail contact>
Browse the data in a MySQL table using HTML tables

  Files folder image 306. Fetch Link Class  
Author: Rahman Haghparast <e-mail contact>
This class extracts every link in a web page

  Files folder image 307. Generator of the code  
Author: dzaiacuck <e-mail contact>
Generate PHP scripts for table manipulation forms

  Files folder image 308. Arvore Pastas  
Author: Paulo Afonso <e-mail contact>
Display directory file listing as a tree

  Files folder image 309. DHTMLDump  
Author: Ian Lord <e-mail contact>
Display a variable in collapsible tree

  Files folder image 310. PHP Scraper  
Author: Antonio Rodrigues <e-mail contact>
Extract structured data from remote HTML pages

  Files folder image 311. esiform  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2004
Number 5

Prize: One downloadable copy of Komodo Pro
Author: Tino Ehrich <e-mail contact>
Validate Web forms and execute follow-up actions

  Files folder image 312. Tree AJAX  
Author: Roberto M. <e-mail contact>
Show a tree of nodes opened dynamically with AJAX

  Files folder image 313. of_htmlarea  
Author: Vinay Yadav <e-mail contact>
Cross-Browser WYSIWYG Editor

  Files folder image 314. FormHandler  
Author: T. H. <e-mail contact>
Generate and validate Web forms

  Files folder image 315. HTML Bar Codes  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2007
Number 4

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: Mark W Ryan <e-mail contact>
Display bar codes using only HTML with CSS

  Files folder image 316. Date Chooser  
Author: Nigel Johnson <e-mail contact>
Outputs a calendar to let the user choose a date

  Files folder image 317. Autolink Keywords  
Author: Ver Pangonilo <e-mail contact>
Automatically creates links for content keywords

  Files folder image 318. DHTML TreeMenu  
Author: Carlos Falo Hervás <e-mail contact>
Crossbrowser dhtml TreeMenu based on XML data

  Files folder image 319. power Form  
Author: Juarez Junior <e-mail contact>
Compose and generate HTML forms and validations

  Files folder image 320. Page Counter  
Author: Russell Nash <e-mail contact>
Display a graphical page hit counter

  Files folder image 321. Spider Class  
Author: greg jackson <e-mail contact>
Crawl a site following and retrieving linked pages

  Files folder image 322. RSS HTMLizer  
Author: Llorenç Herrera <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML pages from RSS feeds using templates

  Files folder image 323. NiftyCube  
Author: Jon Gjengset <e-mail contact>
Generate rounded corners HTML pages without images

  Files folder image 324. QuickTemplate  
Author: Stefan Bocskai <e-mail contact>
Class home page changed: http://quicktemplate.

  Files folder image 325. DBtable2form  
Author: Gamaiel Zavala <e-mail contact>
Create a form from a MySQL table with 3 lines.

  Files folder image 326. Pager  
Author: Eugene Panin <e-mail contact>
Class library needed for displaying a big group of records in HTML page.

  Files folder image 327. PHP Report Generator  
Author: Hasin Hayder <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML report from MySQL query result data

  Files folder image 328. HTML to PDF  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2006
Number 2

Prize: One downloadable copy of Roadsend PHP Compiler
Author: Harish Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Convert HTML to PDF using Web services

  Files folder image 329. Easy Pagination  
Author: Steven Lewis <e-mail contact>
Generate navigation links to split lists in pages

  Files folder image 330. Date Picker  
Author: Dan Walker <e-mail contact>
Generate an HTML calendar to pick dates

  Files folder image 331. Tab Menu Generator  
Author: Roberto Turcios <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML tab menu with switchable pages

  Files folder image 332. StateList  
Author: Paul Schreiber <e-mail contact>
Provides a configurable list of US states, military bases, possession and Canadian provinces in a state-maintaining popup menu.

  Files folder image 333. Spider website  
Author: Karol Janyst <e-mail contact>
Crawl a site and retrieve the the URL of all links

  Files folder image 334. Build Form Class  
Author: razvan <e-mail contact>
Generate forms to edit MySQL table records

  Files folder image 335. CountryList  
Author: Paul Schreiber <e-mail contact>
Popup menu with list of countries

  Files folder image 336. path to vars  
Author: kumar mcmillan <e-mail contact>
turns a pseudo-path into variable values.

  Files folder image 337. array2combo  
Author: Stefano Gerosa <e-mail contact>
create HTML comboboxes from monodimensional array

  Files folder image 338. Data Displayer  
Author: Huda M Elmatsani <e-mail contact>
Display MySQL query result data in various formats

  Files folder image 339. Gallery  
Author: bmpc <e-mail contact>
This class creates a table "gallery" from an array

  Files folder image 340. Basic Table Generator  
Author: Andre Loquinho Costa <e-mail contact>
Compose and output HTML tables

  Files folder image 341. YAMC  
Author: Richard Munroe <e-mail contact>
Generate Encoded mailto links to avoid harvesting

  Files folder image 342. Class Cart  
Author: imran ahmed rahi <e-mail contact>
Manage the items of a shopping cart

  Files folder image 343. Progress Bar  
Author: Christopher Geisler <e-mail contact>
Graphical Real Time Progress Bar

  Files folder image 344. MySQL Paginator  
Author: Umesh Rai <e-mail contact>
Display MySQL query results split in pages

  Files folder image 345. Date Drop Down List Generator  
Author: Ellery Leung <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML form select inputs to pick dates

  Files folder image 346. PHP2HTML  
Author: svacant <e-mail contact>
Compose HTML documents programmatically

  Files folder image 347. Link Obfuscator  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2004
Number 5

Prize: One subscription to the PHP Magazine
Author: eikron morgauin <e-mail contact>
Obfuscate HTML links to prevent direct page access

  Files folder image 348. View Var  
Author: Andreas Mueller <e-mail contact>
Show the definition of variables in HTML tables

  Files folder image 349. Class Treeview  
Author: Ian Lord <e-mail contact>
Display a collapsible tree of documents

  Files folder image 350. MySQL Dialog  
Author: Giorgos <e-mail contact>
Execute MySQL queries and display results in HTML

  Files folder image 351. Html Form Parser  
Author: Peter Valicek <e-mail contact>
Parse an HTML page to extract forms information

  Files folder image 352. avantemplate  
Author: Naoki Shima <e-mail contact>
AvanTemplate is a template engine for PHP.

  Files folder image 353. ezhtml  
Author: Peter Klauer <e-mail contact>
Framework to generate HTML head, body and divs

  Files folder image 354. SkyApp Debug  
Author: Andi Trînculescu <e-mail contact>
Output debug information with visibility HTML link

  Files folder image 355. tag  
Author: David Lyons <e-mail contact>
HTML tags parser

  Files folder image 356. SVG Debug  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2004
Number 4

Prize: One copy of DWeb Pro Lifetime License
Author: Rafael de Pablo <e-mail contact>
Generate debug output documents in SVG

  Files folder image 357. Database Combo Box  
Author: mohammad keramatifar <e-mail contact>
Generate form select inputs from database queries

  Files folder image 358. Flexible Menu Maker  
Author: Mehdi Safavy <e-mail contact>
Generate menu of HTML links

  Files folder image 359. Cascading Vertical Menu  
Author: Scott Mattocks <e-mail contact>
Creation of vertical cascading pop-up menus

  Files folder image 360. Simple Paginator  
Author: Denis St-Michel <e-mail contact>
Generate links to navigate listings split in pages

  Files folder image 361. baaSelect  
Author: Barry Andrew <e-mail contact>
Generate dynamically linked select inputs

  Files folder image 362. CMC_form_validation  
Author: stuartc <e-mail contact>
PHP to JavaScript form validation generator.

  Files folder image 363. JPNavClass  
Author: Jon Pulice <e-mail contact>
Output a navigation bar with text, images or table

  Files folder image 364. class UpLoad  
Author: Wonder Alexandre Luz Alves <e-mail contact>
File upload handling with image preview support

  Files folder image 365. Paging  
Author: dev San <e-mail contact>
Generate paging links for listings split in pages

  Files folder image 366. MySQL_data_table  
Author: Moellers Oma <e-mail contact>
Generates html table from mysql data

  Files folder image 367. htmldoc  
Author: Tom Arnold <e-mail contact>
Wrapper class for htmldoc

  Files folder image 368. Magic HTML Parser  
Author: Mudessir Medgitov <e-mail contact>
Parse HTML documents and extract keywords

  Files folder image 369. BaseCalendar  
Author: William J Sanders <e-mail contact>
Displays side-by-side consecutive months of your choosing (defaults to this month and next month); highlights today's date

  Files folder image 370. Color Picker  
Author: Rafal Lidwin <e-mail contact>
Create color picker form fields.

  Files folder image 371. Tab  
Author: Rick San <e-mail contact>
Navigation links tab

  Files folder image 372. Safe keyword highlight  
Author: tony <e-mail contact>
Text keyword highlight within HTML tags

  Files folder image 373. Wysarea  
Author: Kaurov Eugene <e-mail contact>
Generate a WYSIWYG HTML editor form input

  Files folder image 374. Database Pagination  
Author: Ron Darby <e-mail contact>
Paginate database query result listings

  Files folder image 375. RTF Generator  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2004
Number 3

Prize: One book of choice by SAMS
Author: Thomas Graham <e-mail contact>
Create RTF documents from HTML

  Files folder image 376. Easy PHP Event Calendar  
Author: Jos Nutbroek <e-mail contact>
Display a calendar with events

  Files folder image 377. Send Mail Class  
Author: André Cupini <e-mail contact>
Send email with data submitted with HTML forms

  Files folder image 378. Calendar Component  
Author: Er. Rochak Chauhan <e-mail contact>
Generate calendar for a given month

  Files folder image 379. Table - OO Interface  
Author: Herman Veluwenkamp <e-mail contact>
Automatic generation of HTML for tables

  Files folder image 380. Pages Summary  
Author: gwee chek maan <e-mail contact>
Display links to browse content split over pages

  Files folder image 381. YumaForms  
Author: Marco van Hylckama Vlieg <e-mail contact>
Easy to use form-generation class to generate form elements that look good.

  Files folder image 382. form_handler  
Author: Max V. Moiseenko <e-mail contact>
This class allows easily to create the HTML forms, receive from them the data, check, forms the answer, at desire can generate SQL query, in the given example it creates the table and then sends it¸ as the e-mail.

  Files folder image 383. Smart Pagination  
Author: Marcelo Rodrigo Wiebbelling <e-mail contact>
Generate links to browse listings split in pages

  Files folder image 384. Cut HTML string  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
May 2009

Prize: One downloadable e-book of choice by O'Reilly
Author: prajwala <e-mail contact>
Cut an HTML excerpt with a given text limit

  Files folder image 385. PHP Oracle Grid  
Author: Tufan Baris YILDIRIM <e-mail contact>
Display Oracle query results in an HTML table

  Files folder image 386. Mailto Encoder  
Author: Konstantinos Dafalias <e-mail contact>
Encode email address links with character entities

  Files folder image 387. RSS Generator  
Author: Julien PACHET <e-mail contact>
Generate RSS 2.0 feed from an array of items

  Files folder image 388. Table wrapper base class  
Author: Manuel Lemos <e-mail contact>
Table wrapper base class

  Files folder image 389. CGrid  
Author: Ricardo Costa <e-mail contact>
Show grid with MySQL data order columns by click

  Files folder image 390. AEDEDL  
Author: Sjon <e-mail contact>
AEDEDL, Short for 'Add, Edit, Delete, Enable, Disable, Listing'.

  Files folder image 391. Pagination  
Author: Sujay Bhowmick <e-mail contact>
Result Set pagination with database abstraction

  Files folder image 392. Create Gradient  
Author: Michael Feinbier <e-mail contact>
creates gradient from two colors

  Files folder image 393. Poll Engine  
Author: Jure Merhar <e-mail contact>
Build and process polls stored in a database

  Files folder image 394. Panel_Fichas tab control  
Author: Alfredo Rahn <e-mail contact>
Deploys and handle HTML Tab Control using pure PHP

  Files folder image 395. Generate Javascript Validation  
Author: Md. Aminul Islam <e-mail contact>
Generate Javascript code for validation Web forms

  Files folder image 396. XML Menu  
Author: Luis I. Larrateguy <e-mail contact>
Generate hierarchic menu defined in XML using XSLT

  Files folder image 397. MySQL utility  
Author: Andres Dario Gutierrez Poveda <e-mail contact>
Multiple purpose MySQL database utility

  Files folder image 398. Simple Tabs  
Author: Patrick J. Mizer <e-mail contact>
Generate navigation bars using links in tabs

  Files folder image 399. Form auto Generator  
Author: Devta Singh <e-mail contact>
This class builds completely an HTML Form based in a description of the fields, it's ideal to avoid writing one form any new table you have to feed.

  Files folder image 400. Agenda  
Author: Alf-Red <e-mail contact>
Manage agenda to track items borrowed to people

  Files folder image 401. AJAXed list boxes  
Author: Panos Kyriakakis <e-mail contact>
Generate AJAXed linked select inputs

  Files folder image 402. wordDocumentHandler  
Author: Logan Dugenoux <e-mail contact>
Convert and clean MSWord documents to HTML

  Files folder image 403. Process Wait Screen  
Author: Vibert Bruno <e-mail contact>
Display wait screens to show during long processes

  Files folder image 404. SQL Highlighter  
Author: Andrea Giammarchi <e-mail contact>
Highlight text SQL statements

  Files folder image 405. adv_csv  
Author: Tomasz Malewski <e-mail contact>
Export and import data in CSV from HTML or MySQL

  Files folder image 406. Remote Form  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2009
Number 9
Author: Jon Gjengset <e-mail contact>
Retrieve HTML forms input values

  Files folder image 407. Little PHP Proxy  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
July 2008

Prize: One book of choice by Apress
Author: Andrey Nikishaev <e-mail contact>
Show remote pages as if they from the current site

  Files folder image 408. My Query Report  
Author: Simon Kuriakose <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML reports from MySQL query results

  Files folder image 409. RSS Reader  
Author: José Carlos Valente <e-mail contact>
Retrieve and parse RSS feeds extending feed reader

  Files folder image 410. Validate_Form  
Author: Güayoyo <e-mail contact>
Validate form field values

  Files folder image 411. Table Class Pro  
Author: Ronald van den Berg <e-mail contact>
This is a very easy to use class for making tables with various styles.

  Files folder image 412. Online Calendar  
Author: Reza Salehi <e-mail contact>
Output the calendar of a given month in HTML

  Files folder image 413. Report in Table  
Author: Michel Gomes Ank <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML table reports from MySQL queries

  Files folder image 414. Combo Box  
Author: Mumi Mania <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML form select inputs from MySQL data

  Files folder image 415. Plain Text File News Manager  
Author: Bob Breznak <e-mail contact>
Manage news articles stored on plain text files

  Files folder image 416. ai_DB_table  
Author: Andrea Iacoponi <e-mail contact>
Access and manipulation of MySQL table records

  Files folder image 417. CWebFXMenu  
Author: Dale Attree <e-mail contact>
Generate pull-down menus using DHTML

  Files folder image 418. Fast Split MySQL Result  
Author: Haibo Lin <e-mail contact>
Display MySQL query results split in pages

  Files folder image 419. phpQuery  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2008
Number 3
Author: <e-mail contact>
Manipulate HTML and XML documents like jQuery

  Files folder image 420. php_form_generator  
Author: Devta Singh <e-mail contact>
This program allows you to create fast a simple interface to manage the every day database querys so you don`t need to waste time in doing theese bore forms that insert, read, and list or delete recors from a database.

  Files folder image 421. Paging Class with AJAX or HREF  
Author: Jannerel Roche <e-mail contact>
Browse paginated query results using AJAX or HREF

  Files folder image 422. FF Form  
Author: Charles Siegrist <e-mail contact>
Generate Web forms filling with data from MySQL

  Files folder image 423. Tree menu  
Author: Sword Su <e-mail contact>
Class to generate tree like menus

  Files folder image 424. Active URL  
Author: derek keats <e-mail contact>
Manipulate links in HTML text strings

  Files folder image 425. Paginate  
Author: Britto Sebastian <e-mail contact>
Generate paginated navigation links

  Files folder image 426. CheckBox  
Author: Frits Bergman <e-mail contact>
Place an odbc-related checkbox.

  Files folder image 427. form.class.php  
Author: MT Jordan <e-mail contact>
Auto generate form inputs, menus, textareas

  Files folder image 428. csvtohtml  
Author: Srinivasan Ramakrishnan <e-mail contact>
Converts a CSV file into a HTML table

  Files folder image 429. BS XHTML Valid  
Author: BAANANAS <e-mail contact>
Validate HTML and remove forbidden tags and data

  Files folder image 430. File Uploading with Description  
Author: Adomas Rimeika <e-mail contact>
Manage file uploading forms with description texts

  Files folder image 431. DIV Based Table Generator  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
January 2009

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Muhammad Arfeen <e-mail contact>
Generate table like HTML layouts using only DIVs

  Files folder image 432. CachedFastTemplate  
Author: Jesus M. Castagnetto <e-mail contact>
Simple class extending CDI's Fastemplate Class

  Files folder image 433. PHP Printer Friendly Pages Generator  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2006
Number 4

Prize: One copy of DWeb Pro Lifetime License
Author: Stefan Gabos <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML pages adjusted for printing

  Files folder image 434. HTML Editor  
Author: Sergey Romanov <e-mail contact>
Compose and output HTML documents

  Files folder image 435. Paging Class  
Author: imran ahmed rahi <e-mail contact>
Display MySQL query results split in pages

  Files folder image 436. XML to HTML menu  
Author: Johan Barbier <e-mail contact>
Generate menus in XML and HTML

  Files folder image 437. VSFlexGrid XP  
Author: agus hariyanto <e-mail contact>
Compose and output a table like VSFlexGrid in PHP5

  Files folder image 438. class.autoform.php  
Author: Chetan Mendhe <e-mail contact>
Compose and display HTML forms

  Files folder image 439. HTMLparser  
Author: Lin Zhemin <e-mail contact>
This class is an HTML parser written in PHP4, by employing which you can parse a 'rather-standard' HTML stream into a tree-structure, that consitutes objects and properties.

  Files folder image 440. Array Table  
Author: Frits Bergman <e-mail contact>
Output a two dimensional array in an HTML table

  Files folder image 441. PHP5 Calendar  
Author: galen <e-mail contact>
Display month calendars with event days in tables

  Files folder image 442. class_form  
Author: MARY Matthieu <e-mail contact>
Create form objects

  Files folder image 443. PopupMenu  
Author: Paul Schreiber <e-mail contact>
Provides a generic function for creating state-maintaining popup menus.

  Files folder image 444. Nested Menus  
Author: Zak Johnson <e-mail contact>
Yet another menu-generation class.

  Files folder image 445. DBquery  
Author: dobleerre <e-mail contact>
Display MySQL queries results in HTML in one call

  Files folder image 446. class.Calendar  
Author: Jürgen Lang <e-mail contact>
Highly customizable calendar class.

  Files folder image 447. AutoFormFieldGenerator  
Author: Devta Singh <e-mail contact>
A Class to render automagically Form Fields Html code.

  Files folder image 448. DDcomboBox  
Author: Davis Muhajereen D. Dimalen <e-mail contact>
A list box class that uses PostgresSQL record set.

  Files folder image 449. basicMenu  
Author: Pierre Marceau <e-mail contact>
Classic two frame menu.

  Files folder image 450. E-Mail Encoder Class  
Author: Armin <e-mail contact>
Encode mailto: HTML links to difficult harvesting

  Files folder image 451. Mail Riddler  
Author: Jan Paepke <e-mail contact>
Encode email addresses in pages to stop harvesting

  Files folder image 452. DropDownMenu  
Author: Wojciech Zieliñski <e-mail contact>
This class allows user to generate drop-down menu for 2 levels (main menu and subitems).

  Files folder image 453. BBCode Parser  
Author: Mateusz Charytoniuk <e-mail contact>
Replace text with BBCode tags by HTML

  Files folder image 454. dyna_menue  
Author: Rafat Katta <e-mail contact>
Build an hierarchic menu with dynamic HTML

  Files folder image 455. Simple HTML form creation  
Author: Adomas Rimeika <e-mail contact>
Creation of HTML form

  Files folder image 456. Robopages  
Author: Colin Sandy Pittendrigh <e-mail contact>
Robotic, recursive website pages

  Files folder image 457. form-o-mat  
Author: codemonk <e-mail contact>
Generate and validate Web forms with few functions

  Files folder image 458. VSFlexGrid  
Author: agus hariyanto <e-mail contact>
Compose and output an HTML table

  Files folder image 459. link.class.php  
Author: MT Jordan <e-mail contact>
Auto generate URL and image links

  Files folder image 460. My Form  
Author: Tomek Topa <e-mail contact>
Generate and validate Web forms

  Files folder image 461. AutoForm  
Author: Roberto Aleman <e-mail contact>
Generate forms to edit MySQL table records

  Files folder image 462. RTF Parse class  
Author: Saorlina <e-mail contact>
RTF to HTML converter with latin character support

  Files folder image 463. coFormClass  
Author: Charles Ouellet <e-mail contact>
Generate and validate HTML forms

  Files folder image 464. FORM  
Author: li king <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML forms

  Files folder image 465. Charset to unicode translating  
Author: Romans Malinovskis <e-mail contact>
Simple class to translate strings into UTF-8 from your favorite charset.

  Files folder image 466. comboBoxList  
Author: Oliver Susano <e-mail contact>
Builds a form combo box field from database query

  Files folder image 467. HTML 2 PDF Report  
Author: Rupom Razzaque <e-mail contact>
Generate PDF documents from HTML pages

  Files folder image 468. message  
Author: Fred Benson <e-mail contact>
Generate simple HTML message boxes

  Files folder image 469. Form Validate Class  
Author: Abraham Salazar <e-mail contact>
Generate forms with Javascript based validation

  Files folder image 470. AMenuTree  
Author: Eugene Panin <e-mail contact>
Try to simplify and improve Sword Su's menutree class

  Files folder image 471. Form Maker  
Author: juliano lopes millidiu <e-mail contact>
Generate forms to edit database records

  Files folder image 472. GrCharts  
Author: Garry Lachman <e-mail contact>
Generate share bar charts in HTML

  Files folder image 473. YahooUI-Menu  
Author: Losev-Pahotin Ruslan <e-mail contact>
Generate a menu from MySQL database data using YUI

  Files folder image 474. Toolbar  
Author: Jairo Pereira da Conceição <e-mail contact>
Generate a toolbar with icon images and HTML links

  Files folder image 475. AJAX Tree view class  
Author: Thomas Jakober <e-mail contact>
Display a tree view from MySQL data that uses AJAX

  Files folder image 476. wrappedtext  
Author: Bas Jobsen <e-mail contact>
Word wrap class (that skips html tags)

  Files folder image 477. Content Leecher  
Author: Leandro Palmieri <e-mail contact>
Retrieve and process contents from a given site

  Files folder image 478. Email Code  
Author: Phil Ingram <e-mail contact>
Generate Javascript email link to avoid harvesting

  Files folder image 479. TreeMenu  
Author: ROZEBAB <e-mail contact>
Output an HTML hierarchical menu

  Files folder image 480. Another HTML Generator  
Author: Ruben Espadas <e-mail contact>
Compose HTML forms programmatically

  Files folder image 481. AzDGMailCrypt  
Author: AzDG <e-mail contact>
Very simple, but very powerfull class for mails

  Files folder image 482. Auto-Gen CSS Forms  
Author: Keven Ages <e-mail contact>
Generate forms to edit MySQL table records

  Files folder image 483. HTML Forms Objects  
Author: David Mukasey <e-mail contact>
Create a form drop down list

  Files folder image 484. HTMLfee  
Author: Christian Smietana <e-mail contact>
Generate and maintain web pages

  Files folder image 485. XHTML Table generator  
Author: Oddleif Halvorsen <e-mail contact>
Generates HTML tables conformant with XHTML 1.0

  Files folder image 486. Html_dner  
Author: seingh haccoski <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML composed programatically

  Files folder image 487. multi  
Author: sujith nair <e-mail contact>
This class allows to populate the select form field with multiple choices

  Files folder image 488. Tree Node  
Author: mzaenalm <e-mail contact>
Display a collapsible tree of links

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