PHP Classes
PHP Classes

Classes of Rahman Haghparast

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Name: Rahman Haghparast <contact>
Classes: 10
Country: Iran Iran
Age: 39
All time rank: 791 in Iran Iran
Week rank: 39 Up2 in Iran Iran Down
All time users: 21080
Week users: 6
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 2x


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  Files folder image Fetch Link Class  
This class extracts every link in a web page

  Files folder image Logging Class  
A class for logging visitor data

  Files folder image Persian Calendar  
Generate persian month calendar in HTML

  Files folder image PHP Image Crop and Resize  
Resize and crop images to a given size

  Files folder image PHP Live Radio Streaming  
Serve MP3 audio files to play from a playlist

  Files folder image Pie Chart Class  
An easy to use class for drawing pie charts

  Files folder image Radio  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2005
Number 5

Prize: One copy of DWeb Pro Lifetime License
Create an online radio for serving music playlists

  Files folder image timing class  
Measuring the time that code takes to run

  Files folder image Web Image Class  
This class searches web and downloads images

  Files folder image Where Builder  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2016
Number 3

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Create SQL WHERE clauses from request parameters

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