PHP Classes

RSS Writer class: XML-RSS feed generator for content syndication.

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StarStarStarStar 68%Total: 14,665 This week: 1All time: 66 This week: 69Down
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rsswriter 1.0.0BSD LicenseXML, Content management


Class that can generate RSS (Rich/RDF Site Summary) XML documents that are commonly used to distribute site feeds. It features:

- Extends the XML Writer class to generate human readable XML-RSS documents.
- Simplified definition of channel and item properties.
- Support to define optional channel graphic image and search form text input.
- Supports RSS specification versions 0.9, 0.91, 1.0 and 2.0 .
- Supports for use of namespace modules to extend document property set.
- Optional XSL stylesheet example to render automatically RSS documents as HTML pages in XML capable browsers.

Picture of Manuel Lemos
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Name: Manuel Lemos <contact>
Classes: 45 packages by
Country: Portugal Portugal


Searching for Web site to RSS solution
Convert HTML Web site into a feed

  • rsswriter.gif
  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Plain text file channels.xml Output RSS document output generated by the example script.
Accessible without login Plain text file LICENSE Lic. BSD License
Accessible without login Plain text file rss1html.xsl Data XSL stylesheet to let RSS 1.0 documents be rendered as HTML page in XML capable browsers
Accessible without login Plain text file rss2html.xsl Data XSL stylesheet to let RSS 2.0 documents be rendered as HTML page in XML capable browsers
Accessible without login HTML file rsswriterclass.html Doc. Class documentation file including an example script.
Accessible without login Plain text file rss_example.php Example Example script that generates a RSS document with this class.
Plain text file rss_writer_class.php Class RSS writer class 31KB
Downloadrsswriter-2010-05-16.tar.gz 29KB
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Needed packages  
Class DownloadWhy it is needed Dependency
XML Writer class Download .zip .tar.gz Base class used to compose and generate XML RSS documents Required
 Version Control Reuses Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
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This week:69Down
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7 years ago (muabshir)