PHP Classes

Facebook Notification Class: Send e-mail and notifications to Facebook users

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Picture of Md. Mahmud Ahsan
Name: Md. Mahmud Ahsan <contact>
Classes: 4 packages by
Country: Bangladesh Bangladesh
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x

Winner: 1x

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This class can be used to send e-mail and notifications to Facebook users.

It uses the Facebook API class to access Facebook Web services server to request sending e-mail or notifications to one or more Facebook users.

The class can also display some statistics about the messages sent.

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Name: Facebook Notification Class
Base name: notification
Description: Send e-mail and notifications to Facebook users
Version: 1.0
PHP version: 5.0
License: Freeware
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  Innovation Award  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
December 2008

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Facebook became a very popular social networking site due to the possibility to extend it with user developed applications that extend its features.

This class uses Facebook API to send e-mail messages or notifications from applications to its users.

Manuel Lemos

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Plain text file Notification.class.php Class This class is helpful for facebook application. Using this class object you can send email, send notfication to facebook user

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