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Classes: Social Networking

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Social Networking

Tools and components to integrate with social networking sites.

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  1 - 20   21 - 40   41 - 60  
  Files folder image Blip API PHP  
Author: Marcin Sztolcman <e-mail contact>
Execute actions with accounts of Blip.pl microblog

  Files folder image Bloggy API Class  
Author: Jamie Telin <e-mail contact>
Update and get statuses of Bloggy users

  Files folder image Classringa  
Author: v0ltr4n <e-mail contact>
Get details of users of the Taringa site

  Files folder image Context Voice php library  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2009
Number 7

Prize: One book of choice by Packt
Author: Dave Kinsella <e-mail contact>
Track conversation about URLs

  Files folder image Easy Facebook  
Author: Sandor Huszagh <e-mail contact>
Update a Facebook account

  Files folder image Easy Twitter Authenticaion Class - OAuth & Session  
Author: Shafiul Azam <e-mail contact>
Authenticate Twitter users using oAuth

  Files folder image Facebook Chat  
Author: De Rosa Luigi <e-mail contact>
Send chat messages to friends in Facebook

  Files folder image Facebook Connect  
Author: Huzoor Bux <e-mail contact>
Authenticate Facebook users using Facebook Connect

  Files folder image Facebook Custom Friend Selector and Search Form  
Author: mahabub <e-mail contact>
Select friends of the current Facebook user

  Files folder image Facebook Custom Friends Selector  
Author: Md. Mahmud Ahsan <e-mail contact>
Select friends on Facebook

  Files folder image Facebook Inbox Handler  
Author: Nurul Ferdous <e-mail contact>
Access the inbox of Facebook users

  Files folder image Facebook Integration for Zend Framework  
Author: Gary <e-mail contact>
Authenticate Facebook users with Zend Framework

  Files folder image Facebook Notification Class  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
December 2008

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Md. Mahmud Ahsan <e-mail contact>
Send e-mail and notifications to Facebook users

  Files folder image Facebook Open Graph Search  
Author: Roy Toledo <e-mail contact>
Search for content in Facebook with Open Graph API

  Files folder image Facebook Open Inviter  
Author: Amit Chavda <e-mail contact>
Get contacts of Facebook users by crawling pages

  Files folder image Facebook Page Album  
Author: Daniel Vasic <e-mail contact>
Retrieve and display albums of Facebook fan pages

  Files folder image Facebook Plugin  
Author: Viet Vu <e-mail contact>
Insert Facebook social plugins in Web pages

  Files folder image Facebook Twitter Linkedin status update  
Author: Md. Mahmud Ahsan <e-mail contact>
Update user status in social networking sites

  Files folder image FB App  
Author: carlos barrantes <e-mail contact>
Implement Facebook applications in an iframe

  Files folder image FBToolbox  
Author: raju mazumder <e-mail contact>
Facebook API wrapper

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