PHP Classes

Clear MBox Class: Clean mailbox from spam and unauthorized messages

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2006-06-03 (10 years ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot enough user ratingsTotal: 884 All time: 3,831 This week: 861Up
Version License Categories
clearmbox 1.0Custom (specified...Email
Description Author

This class can be used to cleanup a mailbox from spam and unauthorized messages.

It can access to one or more mailboxes via POP3 or IMAP, scan the messages in the mailboxes and delete those that do not satisfy certain requirements.

Currently it deletes all messages except:

- Messages from authorized domains
- Messages from authorized senders with known mail addresses
- Messages with a valid authorization code in the subject text

The class can also run in the testing mode, on which no messages are deleted.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2006
Number 7

Prize: One copy of DWeb Pro Lifetime License
Spam is one of the worst plagues of the modern days Internet. Trying to eliminate spam messages from mail boxes is no longer a viable activity to be performed manually by human users.

This package provides an automated PHP solution that can help to eradicate at least part of the spam messages that we receive.

Even though there is plenty of room for improvement, this package can be evolved and be used as a good basis for an automated solution to filter unsolicited messages that arrive in mailboxes used by PHP applications.

It can be useful not only for Web mail like applications, but also for instance in e-mail based trouble-ticket like support applications.

Manuel Lemos
  Performance   Level  
Name: Pierre FAUQUE <contact>
Classes: 11 packages by
Country: France France
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 4x

Winner: 1x

Clear MBox class

Today, spams are become a real calamity. And I am exasperated to see my
mailbox filled with spams with publicities for viagra, various medications,
sex or loan propositions.

My mailbox boosts of about 150/160 mails a day. A large part is mails from Korea.
It is difficult for me to have some holidays far from an Internet connection
because most of the time, if these holidays exceeds two weeks, my mailbox is full
and some expected mails may be returned back to the sender for this reason.

This PHP class isn't the absolute solution. But it do what I want. It is MY solution.
If you find some utility in it, maybe you can help me to improve it to run better.

For me, all mails are reputed to be spams. Except :
- only mails from some authorized domains are accepted
- if not, only mails from some authorized mail addresses are accepted
- if not, only mail with a correct "pass code" in their subject are accepted
- all the rest is deleted straight in the mailbox

A script using this class is executed by a webcron service each hour.
So when I fetch my mails I get only the undeleted spam during the last hour
which is acceptable.

The only important thing is to have a "green list" (authorized domain/address)
as exhaustive as possisble.

If you have some idea to make it better you're welcome...

Pierre FAUQUE,
NB: See my "pass code" at:
  • spammed_mbox.png
  • webcron1.png
  • webcron2.png
  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Plain text file README.txt Doc. Short goal of this class
Accessible without login Plain text file LISEZMOI.txt Data URL and author's PGP key
Plain text file class.clearmbox.php Class The class itself
Accessible without login Plain text file cmb.conf.php Conf. Configuration of the class
Accessible without login Plain text file greenvalues.txt Data File holding the green values (authorized domains/emails)
Accessible without login Plain text file listmbox.txt Data File holding the mailboxes to be cleaned
Accessible without login Plain text file passmail.php Aux. Script to generate a pass code to put in the subject
Accessible without login Plain text file as.php Example Example of script anti-spam :o)
Accessible without login Image file demo-mode.png Output Example in demo mode (or test mode)
Accessible without login Plain text file AFPL.txt Lic. Aladdin Free Public License

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