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File: passmail.php

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File: passmail.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Script to generate a pass code to put in the subject
Class: Clear MBox Class
Clean mailbox from spam and unauthorized messages
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 1,516 bytes


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// may 2006. Pierre FAUQUE,
// Generate a random pass code for the current month
// It have to be present anywhere in the subject of the message
// example: 'Subject: [SL0SBwUlQ0] I need help about PHP classes.'
// or: 'Subject: Spams are really exasperating (SL0SBwUlQ0)'
// In a page about you, you can have :
// require("passmail.php");
// echo "pass mail: " . passmail() . "<br/>";
// to have a text such as : 'pass mail: SL0SBwUlQ0'
// See example at
function passmail() {
$mcoefs[1] = array(94571,'unSal4b5MutXV');
$mcoefs[2] = array(59618,'BQytzbPJ6Z9X3');
$mcoefs[3] = array(98716,'1JBdxceGfs28r');
$mcoefs[4] = array(86497,'0ELBlSQ1wUtVj');
$mcoefs[5] = array(73441,'gu6qYsxYFh38l');
$mcoefs[6] = array(90031,'0V6Mkm22m7VPk');
$mcoefs[7] = array(76543,'psd3f6vuEarwK');
$mcoefs[8] = array(59835,'g1nXrCwJPKEqF');
$mcoefs[9] = array(81107,'41hA5Y2r80wmN');
$mcoefs[10] = array(71053,'Q4DoOW81lMTEQ');
$mcoefs[11] = array(69039,'DBVN40mTD21vn');
$mcoefs[12] = array(90102,'V1kDEXBh1O0vJ');

$annee = date("Y"); $mois = date("m");
$code = $mcoefs[($mois*1)][0] * $annee * 3;
$pass = "";
$n=0; $n<=strlen($code); $n++) {
$num = substr($code,$n,1);