PHP Classes

Classes: Time and Date

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Time and Date

Time and date values, formats and conversion.

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  1 - 20   ...   81 - 100   101 - 120   121 - 140   141 - 160   161 - 180   181 - 200   ...   420 - 436  
  Files folder image Event calendar  
Author: Md. Aminul Islam <e-mail contact>
Draw Month Calendar Including Events

  Files folder image Event Story Manager Plugin  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2022
Number 7
Author: Maniruzzaman Akash <e-mail contact>
Manage and publish regional events in WordPress

  Files folder image Events Calendar  
Author: Ron Darby <e-mail contact>
Display calendars marked with special event days

  Files folder image Exchange Server Read Calendar  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2011
Number 7

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Robert Garrison <e-mail contact>
Get calendar events from a MS Exchange server

  Files folder image Execution Time Tracker  
Author: Md. Shahadat Hossain Khan Razon <e-mail contact>
Keep track of the time PHP scripts take to execute

  Files folder image Expire Class  
Author: Ming Choi <e-mail contact>
Generate an encrypted code that expires after time

  Files folder image Extended MKTime  
Author: András Zoltán-Gyárfás <e-mail contact>
Generate form inputs to choose a date and time

  Files folder image Find date  
Author: Ovunc Tukenmez <e-mail contact>
Add to or substract day from date

  Files folder image Fiscal Year Date Check  
Author: Edwin F. Sturt <e-mail contact>
Check if a date is in the same year of another

  Files folder image Form Builder  
Author: Andrew P. <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML and Javascript for displaying forms

  Files folder image Format timestamp  
Author: Olaf Lederer <e-mail contact>
Convert date and time between UNIX and ISO formats

  Files folder image Fortnight  
Author: Rafael Costa <e-mail contact>
Calculates the fortnight number of the year

  Files folder image frogDate  
Author: Moroz Yuriy <e-mail contact>
Manipulate Data format for convert beetven MySQL and PHP

  Files folder image Future Date  
Author: Reza Salehi <e-mail contact>
Calculates future dates given a time offset

  Files folder image Fuzzy File Times  
Author: Andrew Collington <e-mail contact>
This is a simple class that will return the created, modified and accessed times of a file (unix timestamp), and a slightly more fuzzy time string, such as "today at.

  Files folder image germandate  
Author: Peter Klauer <e-mail contact>
Generates German date strings using date() syntax

  Files folder image germandate_format  
Author: Jochen Kächelin <e-mail contact>
Formatiert einen Timestamp in ein lesbares deutschprachiges Format.

  Files folder image Get Futurist Date  
Author: NaiFPHP <e-mail contact>
Calculate a date adding a number of days to today

  Files folder image GMT Converter  
Author: Abdul Kader <e-mail contact>
Convert time between zones defined in a database

  Files folder image Google Calendar  
Author: Igor Macedo <e-mail contact>
Create events in a Google calendar

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