PHP Classes

Classes: Time and Date

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Time and Date

Time and date values, formats and conversion.

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  1 - 20   21 - 40   41 - 60   61 - 80   81 - 100   101 - 120   121 - 140   141 - 160   ...   420 - 436  
  Files folder image Date Time Converter  
Author: Cale O <e-mail contact>
Convert dates and times between formats

  Files folder image Date tools  
Author: bobak <e-mail contact>
Manage date values

  Files folder image Date Util  
Author: Gurdeep Singh <e-mail contact>
Format and manipulate dates in several ways

  Files folder image Date Validate and Compare  
Author: Vijay Kiran Maddireddy <e-mail contact>
Validate and compare dates

  Files folder image Date validation  
Author: Muammad Naeem <e-mail contact>
Validates a date and displays an error message

  Files folder image Date Validator  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
November 2022
Number 2
Author: Francisco Núñez <e-mail contact>
Validate strings with dates to match a format

  Files folder image Date/Time Select Generator  
Author: Joshua Bettigole <e-mail contact>
Generate select inputs to choose dates and times

  Files folder image DateClass  
Author: ashwin suresh morey <e-mail contact>
Calculates the difference beween two dates

  Files folder image datecombobox  
Author: juergen kaucher <e-mail contact>
Creates a combobox with day, month and year

  Files folder image DateFormater  
Author: Nicolas <e-mail contact>
display a date with java date pattern

  Files folder image DateManager  
Author: djwo <e-mail contact>
Class to manipulate dates

  Files folder image DateObj  
Author: viaggiemiti <e-mail contact>
Perform operations to manipulate dates

  Files folder image DatePicker  
Author: Evgeny <e-mail contact>
Generation of date chooser form fields

  Files folder image Dates Utils  
Author: Daniel Andres Marjos <e-mail contact>
Parse and convert dates between different formats

  Files folder image DateSel  
Author: simon taylor <e-mail contact>
Graphical Date Selector in php and Javascript

  Files folder image DateSelect  
Author: Frits Bergman <e-mail contact>
3 boxes with datenumbers to send with a form.

  Files folder image DateUtil  
Author: Michiel de Roo <e-mail contact>
Parsing, missing values, internationalization, etc

  Files folder image Date_picker  
Author: Sandon Jurowski <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML form inputs to pick dates

  Files folder image Day Iterator  
Author: Michal Vrchota <e-mail contact>
Iterate the over the days of a range of dates

  Files folder image Day Tips Show  
Author: omid zarifi <e-mail contact>
Retrieve the tip of the day from a MySQL database

  1 - 20   21 - 40   41 - 60   61 - 80   81 - 100   101 - 120   121 - 140   141 - 160   ...   420 - 436  
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