PHP Classes

Classes: Time and Date

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Time and Date

Time and date values, formats and conversion.

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  1 - 20   ...   141 - 160   161 - 180   181 - 200   201 - 220   221 - 240   241 - 260   ...   420 - 436  
  Files folder image Laravel Hijri Date Conversion  
Author: Ahmed Abdulla <e-mail contact>
Convert dates from the Hijri to Gregorian calendar

  Files folder image Leap year checker  
Author: Ellery Leung <e-mail contact>
Check whether a given year is a leap year

  Files folder image List Days  
Author: Paul <e-mail contact>
Retrieve the list of all days between two dates

  Files folder image Literal Time  
Author: Bryan Smith <e-mail contact>
Spell time with English words

  Files folder image Little Benchmark  
Author: andrea bernardi <e-mail contact>
Measure RAM amount, total and partial script time.

  Files folder image Little Timer  
Author: Andrey Nikishaev <e-mail contact>
Measure the time a script takes to execute

  Files folder image Localized Date/Time Strings  
Author: Ingvar Stepanyan <e-mail contact>
Manipulate time and dates based on a given locale

  Files folder image Make Days List  
Author: maran emil <e-mail contact>
Generate arrays of dates between two given days

  Files folder image Manage Time  
Author: Aaron <e-mail contact>
Convert dates and times

  Files folder image Manipulate date and time  
Author: Gerardo Miguel Ballena Descalzo <e-mail contact>
Add and subtract a period to a date

  Files folder image max_LoadChecker  
Author: Maxim Maletsky <e-mail contact>
Calculating the time a functions takes to run

  Files folder image MDS Debug  
Author: Sokil Dmytro <e-mail contact>
Dump variable values and count script running time

  Files folder image MetaMagik  
Author: kiran <e-mail contact>
Plugin to add custom form fields for Kanboard

  Files folder image mezon PHP Date and Time...  
Author: Alexey Dodonov <e-mail contact>
Manipulate date and time values

  Files folder image Mezon PHP Date Time...  
Author: Alexey Dodonov <e-mail contact>
Perform useful operations with date and time

  Files folder image microtime  
Author: Lukas Mestan <e-mail contact>
Measure the time that elapses in microseconds

  Files folder image Ministry_Calendar  
Author: Egorov Stanislav <e-mail contact>
Output month calendars in HTML

  Files folder image ML_Cal  
Author: scott barrow <e-mail contact>
Generate month calendars denoting event dates

  Files folder image Modify Date and Time  
Author: adam berger <e-mail contact>
Add time to dates using the DateTime object

  Files folder image Moon Phase  
Author: kumar mcmillan <e-mail contact>
Calculates the phase of the Moon

  1 - 27   ...   190 - 216   217 - 243   244 - 270   271 - 297   298 - 324   325 - 351   ...   432 - 436  
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