PHP Classes

vCard Creator Full: Generate user contact files in vCard format

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Picture of Behrouz Pooladrag
Name: Behrouz Pooladrag <contact>
Classes: 2 packages by
Country: Iran Iran

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This class can be used to generate user contact files in vCard format.

It takes as parameter an associative array with the user contact details.

The class can generate and store the vCard files or serve them for download.

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Name: vCard Creator Full
Base name: vcard-creator-full
Description: Generate user contact files in vCard format
Version: 0.0.1
PHP version: 4.0
License: GNU General Public License (GPL)
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File Role Description
Accessible without login Plain text file README.txt Lic. README About
Accessible without login Plain text file VCard-PHP4-Example.php Example Example for PHP4
Accessible without login Plain text file VCard-PHP5-Example.php Example Example for PHP5
Plain text file VCardIFL-PHP4.php Class Class File For PHP4
Plain text file VCardIFL-PHP5.php Class Class File For PHP5

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