PHP Classes

Classes: Databases

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Database management, accessing and searching.

  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  
  1 - 20   ...   481 - 500   501 - 520   521 - 540   541 - 560   561 - 580   581 - 600   ...   1980 - 1980  
  Files folder image flashPash  
Author: Simon McKenna <e-mail contact>
Database automation for Flash and PHP

  Files folder image Flexible Laravel Migration...  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2024
Number 4
Author: Alun <e-mail contact>
Provide a Laravel migration data seeder class

  Files folder image Flexible pagination class  
Author: mano kalousdian <e-mail contact>
Split MySQL query results in multiple pages

  Files folder image FlexiReport  
Author: Grant Rodney Paton-Simpson <e-mail contact>
Generate tabular HTML reports from database data

  Files folder image floPageLock  
Author: Joshua hatfield <e-mail contact>
Restrict page access with password authentication

  Files folder image Flow Chart  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2006
Number 6
Author: Shannon Wynter <e-mail contact>
Generate help desk questions work flow

  Files folder image Form auto Generator  
Author: Devta Singh <e-mail contact>
This class builds completely an HTML Form based in a description of the fields, it's ideal to avoid writing one form any new table you have to feed.

  Files folder image Form Classic  
Author: Julien PACHET <e-mail contact>
Generate the HTML for forms with common inputs

  Files folder image Form CRUD PDO  
Author: Mostafa Abd-El-Hamid <e-mail contact>
Insert, update, delete database records using form

  Files folder image Form Maker  
Author: juliano lopes millidiu <e-mail contact>
Generate forms to edit database records

  Files folder image Form Table Generator  
Author: Michael Burgess <e-mail contact>
Generate forms to add or edit MySQL table records

  Files folder image Form Table PgSQL  
Author: carex <e-mail contact>
Generate Web forms to access PostgreSQL tables

  Files folder image formAt  
Author: Javier Flores Ibarra <e-mail contact>
Generate forms to edit data in MySQL tables

  Files folder image FormE  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2017
Number 5
Author: Fabio Pintore <e-mail contact>
Build form and manage MySQL table records with XML

  Files folder image Formitable  
Author: Gamaiel Zavala <e-mail contact>
Create a submit-ready HTML form from a MySQL table

  Files folder image Forms class  
Author: Andres Dario Gutierrez Poveda <e-mail contact>
Create HTML forms to submit MySQL table records

  Files folder image Forms generator for MYSQL  
Author: Andrea Bersi <e-mail contact>
Generate forms to edit MySQL table records

  Files folder image Formslib4PHP  
Author: Alex D. <e-mail contact>
Generate and validate Web forms

  Files folder image Formularios  
Author: Eric Sakamoto <e-mail contact>
Manipulate database table records using Web forms

  Files folder image form_db  
Author: Frank Eblinger <e-mail contact>
Creates a form from DB-record and updates changes

  1 - 27   ...   649 - 675   676 - 702   703 - 729   730 - 756   757 - 783   784 - 810   ...   1971 - 1980  
  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z  

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