PHP Classes

Classes: HTML

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HTML generation and processing.

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  1 - 20   ...   1261 - 1280   1281 - 1300   1301 - 1320   1321 - 1340   1341 - 1360   1361 - 1380   ...   1660 - 1671  
  Files folder image Ray Feed Reader  
Author: Md. Rayhan Chowdhury <e-mail contact>
Retrieve and display RSS feeds

  Files folder image RCalendar  
Author: Riccardo Brambilla <e-mail contact>
Display XHTML calendars of a given month

  Files folder image Redirection Detector  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2010
Number 6
Author: Jaroslaw Miazga <e-mail contact>
Check and retrieve the redirection URL of a page

  Files folder image Regin's Pager  
Author: regin <e-mail contact>
Show MySQL query results split in multiple pages

  Files folder image Regulate XHTML Text  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2011
Number 6
Author: Joseph <e-mail contact>
Encode characters in text in HTML tags

  Files folder image Rejilla  
Author: Alfredo Rahn <e-mail contact>
Datagrid from query with order and pagination

  Files folder image Rejilla::Mysql  
Author: Alfredo Rahn <e-mail contact>
Display MySQL query results in paginated listings

  Files folder image Reload Preventer  
Author: flaimo <e-mail contact>
Small class for preventing data being sent twice

  Files folder image Remote Form  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2009
Number 9
Author: Jon Gjengset <e-mail contact>
Retrieve HTML forms input values

  Files folder image Remote PHP Google Charts...  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
April 2022
Author: António Lira Fernandes <e-mail contact>
Show graphics using data got from Web service

  Files folder image Remove Border From Image  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
March 2009

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Author: Pawel Antczak <e-mail contact>
Crop images by removing common color borders

  Files folder image Rend Double Select  
Author: Rafael Rend <e-mail contact>
Select multiple form values using 2 select inputs

  Files folder image Render PHP  
Author: joerverson <e-mail contact>
Render PHP variable values as HTML

  Files folder image Render Table  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2014
Number 8

Prize: One copy of VS.PHP
Author: Martin Barker <e-mail contact>
Render HTML tables using list elements

  Files folder image Report  
Author: kai <e-mail contact>
Show MySQL results in pages updated using AJAX

  Files folder image Report generating and drawing  
Author: Alexander Selifonov <e-mail contact>
Generate reports from database query results

  Files folder image Report Generator  
Author: Andres Dario Gutierrez Poveda <e-mail contact>
Compose and generate MySQL query reports in HTML

  Files folder image Report in Table  
Author: Michel Gomes Ank <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML table reports from MySQL queries

  Files folder image Responsive CSS Class  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2013
Number 8
Author: adam berger <e-mail contact>
Output CSS and JavaScript to adapt to browser

  Files folder image Result Pager  
Author: Chris Pliakas <e-mail contact>
Split listings in multiple pages

  1 - 27   ...   1459 - 1485   1486 - 1512   1513 - 1539   1540 - 1566   1567 - 1593   1594 - 1620   1621 - 1647   1648 - 1671  
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