PHP Classes

Classes: HTML

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HTML generation and processing.

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  1 - 20   ...   281 - 300   301 - 320   321 - 340   341 - 360   361 - 380   381 - 400   ...   1660 - 1671  
  Files folder image E-Mail Encoder Class  
Author: Armin <e-mail contact>
Encode mailto: HTML links to difficult harvesting

  Files folder image Easy Ajax Builder with PHP  
Author: pooya sabramooz <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML and JavaScript to send AJAX requests

  Files folder image Easy Calendar  
Author: Rupom Razzaque <e-mail contact>
Display month calendars using the cal command

  Files folder image Easy chart based on Google...  
Author: catalin <e-mail contact>
Generate HTML to show Google Charts using its API

  Files folder image Easy Data Grid  
Author: Reza Salehi <e-mail contact>
Display MySQL query results in an HTML table

  Files folder image Easy file upload  
Author: Sabin Cheruvattil <e-mail contact>
Display and process forms to upload multiple files

  Files folder image Easy Form  
Author: maher ben abdesslam <e-mail contact>
Output very simple HTML forms

  Files folder image Easy Form Bundle  
Author: Roni <e-mail contact>
Add custom form inputs for Symfony 2 form builder

  Files folder image Easy HTML Class  
Author: Fauzi Gomez <e-mail contact>
Compose HTML tags programatically

  Files folder image Easy Menu ACL Bundle  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2021
Number 5

Prize: 1 Year Subscription to NomadPHP Advanced PHP Learning
Author: Roni <e-mail contact>
Build menu showing items depending on the user

  Files folder image Easy Message  
Author: Claudio Eden da S. Junior <e-mail contact>
Display messages read from an XML file

  Files folder image Easy Navigator  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2008
Number 6

Prize: One book of choice by Apress
Author: Brandon Blincoe <e-mail contact>
Generate breadcrumbs navigation based on the URL

  Files folder image Easy Pagination  
Author: Steven Lewis <e-mail contact>
Generate navigation links to split lists in pages

  Files folder image Easy Pagination Class  
Author: mohsen movahed <e-mail contact>
Generate links to browse paginated listings

  Files folder image Easy Paginator  
Author: Hansen Wong <e-mail contact>
Generate links for splitting listings in pages

  Files folder image Easy Paging Class  
Author: Usman Didi Khamdani <e-mail contact>
Show navigation links for listings split in pages

  Files folder image Easy PHP Config Bundle  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
August 2023
Number 6
Author: Roni <e-mail contact>
Application configuration management using forms

  Files folder image Easy PHP Event Calendar  
Author: JN <e-mail contact>
Display a calendar with events

  Files folder image Easy PHP HTML Table Builder  
Author: Carlos Blanco Domínguez <e-mail contact>
Compose and generate HTML tables programatically

  Files folder image Easy Table Generator  
Author: Michele Andreoli <e-mail contact>
Display data from arrays in HTML tables

  1 - 27   ...   379 - 405   406 - 432   433 - 459   460 - 486   487 - 513   514 - 540   ...   1647 - 1671  
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