Live Chat on Building Your Own Business as a Software Developer

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Updated on: 2020-09-10

Posted on: 2020-09-10

Categories: Software Business

Many developers want to progress and have their own business as software developers instead of working just for the businesses of other companies.

Building a business is a complex process that takes a lot of work and a lot of time to make it happen.

Follow the live chat session with Manuel Lemos, the founder of the PHP Classes site in collaboration with Cloudways company on which many questions about business creation will be answered to help you get started.

The live chat will happen Thursday, September 10 2020 at 5PM CET or 10AM CST at Twitter or Facebook using hash tag #CWChat .

Read this short article to learn more about what this live chat will be all about.

In this article you can read about:

Why Would you Want to Have Your Own Software Business?

What Do I Need to Do to Move On to Have Your Own Software Business?

How Do I Get Started and Can Become a Software Business Owner As Soon As Possible?

Why Would you Want to Have Your Own Software Business?

In life you go through 6 levels as a professional in any business area:

0. Student: You learn from other people

1. Employees: You work exclusively in a company of other people

2. Autonomous worker: You work for companies of other people without exclusivity

3. Business owner: You work in your own company selling your own products and services

4. Investor: You invest on companies of other people

5. Mentor: You teach what you learned from other people

In levels 0, 1, 2 you have less control of what you can do as you need to obey orders.

In levels 3, 4, 5 you have more control of what you can do, thus having more freedom and autonomy. You can work wherever you are, whenever you are, at the time you want to work. In sum you can be happier and eventually make more money once you reach levels 3, 4 and 5.

What Do I Need to Do to Move On to Have Your Own Software Business?

Basically all you need is to have a good attitude to become a successful business owner in software or any other area.

1. You need to have faith on yourself and your capability to evolve being a better person every day.

2. Be humble and admit that you do not know everything to progress and need the help of others to learn what you need to know.

3. Be Honest and always tell the truth and keep the promises you make.

4. Be grateful to others that help you and try to retribute them as soon as possible, as well to the society that you live in.

5. Be respectful and accept the will of others even when you don't agree.

6. Be tolerant and accept non-intentional mistakes of others so they can tolerate your non-intentional mistakes.

7. Be persistent and do not give up your good intentions even when others do not collaborate.

8. Have the courage to start doing what you love to achieve the goals in life that you dream about.

How Do I Get Started and Can Become a Software Business Owner As Soon As Possible?

If you have the attitude aspects described above, the next step is to learn from others what you need to do. That is the purpose of the live chat of Manuel Lemos with Cloudways on creating your software business.

You can participate in this chat using the hash tag #CWChat either on Twitter or on Facebook. Follow this hash tag or read what was said during the chat later if you could not participate in the live chat session.

The live chat will happen Thursday, September 10 2020 at 5PM CET or 10AM CST at Twitter or Facebook using hash tag #CWChat . Check this countdown page to determine how much time it will take to start this event.

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