PHP Classes

MP3 APIC to Web from shoutcast DSP: Parse the shoutcast stream and extract the APIC

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MP3 APIC to Web from shoutcast DSP


Picture of James Ramsey by James Ramsey - 22 hours ago (2016-08-07)

Parse the shoutcast stream and extract the APIC

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I am designing a Web page for a shoutcast music site.

I can at this point redirect the music to the listeners WINAMP, VLAN or MS Mediaplayer.

I would like to insure the APIC part of the MP3 stream stays intact. So the album art is also displayed.

At the very least design a Web player the would show the title of the playing song, the artist all next to the picture embedded in the original MP3 via the APIC tag.

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1 Recommendation

ID3Tag Read and Write: Read and write the ID3Tag of MP3 files

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 14970 - 12 hours ago (2016-08-07) Comment

This class is old but it can extract the album cover picture from a MP3 stream on the PHP side, besides other types of information that it can extract from MP3 file.

Recommend package