PHP Classes

What is the best PHP scanned image to text converter class?: Extract scanned image to text file conversion code

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What is the best PHP scanned image to text converter class?


Picture of Arun by Arun - 21 hours ago (2016-05-18)

Extract scanned image to text file conversion code

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I need full code for extract scanned image to text file conversion using PHP in Ubuntu OS. If any plugin is there please give that link.

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1 Recommendation

phpOCR: Recognize text & objects in graphical images

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 13870 - 8 hours ago (2016-05-19) Comment

What you want is called OCR. Optical character recognition.

There is this old but useful package for that. It can be trained to recognize characters from sample images. Once it is well trained it can recognize that text in larger images.

Recommend package