How to Create a PHP Captcha Decoder with PHP OCR Class: Recognize text & objects in graphical images

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Picture of Andrey Kucherenko
Name: Andrey Kucherenko <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: Ukraine Ukraine
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Innovation award
Nominee: 1x

Winner: 1x

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This is class can be used as a tool for optical character recognition.

It can recognize text in monochrome graphical images after a training phase. The training phase is necessary to let the class build recognition data structures from images that have known characters.

The training data structures are used during the recognition process to attempt to identify text in real images using the corner algorithm.

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Name: How to Create a PHP Captcha Decoder with PHP OCR Class
Base name: phpocr
Description: Recognize text & objects in graphical images
Version: 1.0.0
PHP version: 3
License: Free for non-commercial use
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  Innovation Award  
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
February 2006

Prize: One copy of the Zend Studio
Certain types of applications require reading text from documents that are stored as graphical images. That is the case of scanned documents.

An OCR (Optical Character Recognition) tool can be used to recover the original text that is written in scanned documents. These are sophisticated tools that are trained to recognize text in graphical images.

This class provides a base implementation for an OCR tool. It can be trained to learn how to recognize each letter drawn in an image. Then it can be used to recognize longer texts in real documents.

Manuel Lemos

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  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imagestorage (1 file)
Accessible without login Image file B.png Data B.png
Accessible without login Image file B1.png Data B1.png
Plain text file char.object.php Class char object
Accessible without login Plain text file config.php Conf. config
Accessible without login Plain text file example.php Example example
Accessible without login Plain text file example_1.php Example example #1
Accessible without login Image file M.png Data M.png
Accessible without login Image file M1.png Data Sample image
Plain text file OCR.class.php Class main phpOCR class
Accessible without login Image file plus.png Data plus.png
Accessible without login Image file plus1.png Data plus1.png
Accessible without login Image file W.png Data char data
Accessible without login Image file W1.png Data W1.png
Accessible without login Image file W2.png Data Negative example image
Accessible without login Image file Z.png Data Z.png
Accessible without login Image file z1.png Data z1.png
Accessible without login Image file z11.png Data z11.png

  Files folder image Files  /  storage  
File Role Description
  Accessible without login Plain text file readme Data Storage description

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