Easy-to-use PHP Library for Instagram APIs (Beta)

> Note: Any app created before Nov 17, 2015 will continue to function until June 2016. After June 2016, the app will automatically be moved to Sandbox Mode if it wasn't approved through the review process. The Instagram API requires an access_token from authenticated users for each endpoint. We no longer support making requests using just the client_id.
Minimum Requirement
PHP 5.5+ and above
Below 5.5.0, this library won't work
To install, use composer:
composer require haridarshan/instagram-php
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Haridarshan\Instagram\Instagram;
use Haridarshan\Instagram\InstagramRequest;
use Haridarshan\Instagram\Exceptions\InstagramOAuthException;
use Haridarshan\Instagram\Exceptions\InstagramResponseException;
use Haridarshan\Instagram\Exceptions\InstagramServerException;
Authorization Code Flow
$instagram = new Instagram(array(
"ClientId" => <InstagramAppClientId>,
"ClientSecret" => <InstagramAppClientSecret>,
"Callback" => <callback_url>,
"State" => <state_param_value> // Optional parameter: if not defined it will generate a random string
$scope = [
// To get the Instagram Login Url
$insta_url = $instagram->getLoginUrl(["scope" => $scope]);
echo "<a href='{$insta_url}'>Login with Instagram</a>";
Get Access Token
try {
$oauth = $instagram->oauth($_GET['code']);
// To get User's Access Token
$insta_access_token = $oauth->getAccessToken();
// To get User's Info Token
$user_info = $oauth->getUserInfo();
} catch (InstagramOAuthException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
Request to Instagram APIs
try {
// To get User Profile Details or to make any api call to instagram
$user = new InstagramRequest($instagram, "/users/self", [ "access_token" => $insta_access_token ]);
// To get Response
$user_response = $user->getResponse();
} catch(InstagramResponseException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
} catch(InstagramServerException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
$media_comment = new InstagramRequest(
[ "access_token" => $insta_access_token, "text" => "{comment}" ],
$media_response = $media_comment->getResponse();
$delete_comment = new InstagramRequest(
[ "access_token" => $insta_access_token],
$delete_response = $delete_comment->getResponse();
Common Methods
// To get User Profile Details or to make any api call to instagram
$user = new InstagramRequest($instagram, "/users/self", [ "access_token" => $insta_access_token ]);
// To get Response
$user_response = $user->getResponse();
// To get Body part
$user_body = $user_response->getBody();
// To get Data part only
$user_data = $user_response->getData();
// To get MetaData part
$user_meta_data = $user_response->getMetaData();