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PHP OCR Class | > | All threads | > | Fatal error: Class 'OCR' not found... | > | (Un) Subscribe thread alerts |
![]() PLEASE give a solution for the below quoted error.When i m running the example.php class it displays the following error.
clear(); $this->name = $str; $this->createImage(); $this->charObject->setName($str); $this->charObject->setWidth($this->width); $this->charObject->setHeight($this->height); $this->makeCharObject(); } /** * Learn systems to understand symbols form image * * @param string $path * @param string $name */ function LearnFromImage($path, $name){ $this->clear(); $this->name = $name; $im = $this->createImageFromFile($path); $this->image = imagecreatetruecolor($this->width, $this->height); imagecopy($this->image, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->width, $this->height); $this->charObject->setName($name); $this->charObject->setWidth($this->width); $this->charObject->setHeight($this->height); $this->makeCharObject(); } /** * Create char object from image object * */ function makeCharObject(){ for ($x=0; $x<$this->width; $x++){ for ($y=0; $y<$this->height; $y++){ $type = $this->getCornerType($this->image,$x,$y); if ($type!==false){ $this->charObject->setCorner($x, $y, $type); } } } } /** * Recognition method * * @param string $path * @return object */ function Recognition($path){ $this->clear(); $im = $this->createImageFromFile($path); $this->image = imagecreatetruecolor($this->width, $this->height); imagecopy($this->image, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->width, $this->height); $this->charObject->setWidth($this->width); $this->charObject->setHeight($this->height); $this->makeCharObject(); $d = dir("./storage/"); while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) { if ((eregi(".char$",$entry))){ if ($this->checkCharObject(implode('',file("./storage/".$entry)))){ return unserialize(implode('',file("./storage/".$entry))); } } } $d->close(); return false; } /** * Get inverce corner * * @param int $type * @return int */ static function getNegative($type){ if ($type>4){ return $type - 4; }else{ return $type + 4; } } /** * Clean up OCR object * */ function clear(){ unset($this->image); unset($this->charObject); unset($this->name); $this->charObject = new char(); } /** * Comare charObjects to congruous * * @param string $str * @param boolean $print * @return boolean */ function checkCharObject($str, $print = true){ $m = 1; $char = unserialize($str); if ($print){ echo "Check \"".$char->getName()."\" "; } $currentImagesInfo = $char->getImageInfo(); $imageInfo = $this->charObject->getImageInfo(); if (count($imageInfo)){ $m = 0; foreach ($imageInfo as $key => $value){ if ((isset($currentImagesInfo[$key]['type'])) && (($currentImagesInfo[$key]['type']!=$value['type'])&&($currentImagesInfo[$key]['type']!=OCR::getNegative($value['type'])))){ $m++; } } } if ($print){ echo "We have ".$m." errors "; } if ($m==0){ if ($print){ echo "It is \"".$char->getName()."\" "; } return true; }else{ if ($print){ echo "It is not \"".$char->getName()."\" "; } return false; } } /** * Save chars object to file in storage * */ function saveResult(){ $time = time(); $this->charObject->setTime($time); $fl = fopen("./storage/".$this->name.md5($this->name).".char","w"); fwrite($fl,serialize($this->charObject)); fclose($fl); } /** * Make image for learning * */ function createImage(){ $im = imagecreatetruecolor(100, 100); $white = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255); $black = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0); imagechar($im, 2, 1, 1, $this->name, $white); $this->getSize($im); $this->image = imagecreatetruecolor($this->width, $this->height); imagecopy($this->image, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->width, $this->height); } /** * get image size * * @param image $im */ function getSize($im){ $w = 0; $h = 0; for ($x=0; $x<100; $x++){ for ($y=0; $y<100; $y++){ if (($this->getBWcolor($im, $x, $y)==COLOR_WHITE)&&($w<=$x)){ $w = $x; } if (($this->getBWcolor($im, $x, $y)==COLOR_WHITE)&&($h<=$y)){ $h = $y; } } } if (($w>0)&&($h>0)){ $w+=2; $h+=2; $this->width = $w; $this->height = $h; } } /** * Get type of corners * * @param image $im * @param int $x * @param int $y * @return int */ function getCornerType($im, $x, $y){ $p11 = $this->getBWcolor($im, $x, $y); $p21 = $this->getBWcolor($im, $x+1, $y); $p12 = $this->getBWcolor($im, $x, $y+1); $p22 = $this->getBWcolor($im, $x+1, $y+1); $sum = $p11 + $p12 + $p21 + $p22; if ($sum % 2 == 0){ return false; } if (($p11==COLOR_BLACK)&&($p21==COLOR_WHITE)&&($p12==COLOR_WHITE)&&($p22==COLOR_WHITE)){ return CORNER_BP_LEFT_TOP; } if (($p11==COLOR_WHITE)&&($p21==COLOR_BLACK)&&($p12==COLOR_WHITE)&&($p22==COLOR_WHITE)){ return CORNER_BP_RIGHT_TOP; } if (($p11==COLOR_WHITE)&&($p21==COLOR_WHITE)&&($p12==COLOR_BLACK)&&($p22==COLOR_WHITE)){ return CORNER_BP_LEFT_BOTTOM; } if (($p11==COLOR_WHITE)&&($p21==COLOR_WHITE)&&($p12==COLOR_WHITE)&&($p22==COLOR_BLACK)){ return CORNER_BP_RIGHT_BOTTOM; } if (($p11==COLOR_WHITE)&&($p21==COLOR_BLACK)&&($p12==COLOR_BLACK)&&($p22==COLOR_BLACK)){ return CORNER_WP_LEFT_TOP; } if (($p11==COLOR_BLACK)&&($p21==COLOR_WHITE)&&($p12==COLOR_BLACK)&&($p22==COLOR_BLACK)){ return CORNER_WP_RIGHT_TOP; } if (($p11==COLOR_BLACK)&&($p21==COLOR_BLACK)&&($p12==COLOR_WHITE)&&($p22==COLOR_BLACK)){ return CORNER_WP_LEFT_BOTTOM; } if (($p11==COLOR_BLACK)&&($p21==COLOR_BLACK)&&($p12==COLOR_BLACK)&&($p22==COLOR_WHITE)){ return CORNER_WP_RIGHT_BOTTOM; } } /** * Get pixels color, understund only black or white pixels * * @param image $im * @param int $x * @param int $y * @return int */ function getBWcolor($im, $x, $y){ $rgb = @ImageColorAt($im,$x,$y); $r = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF; $g = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF; $b = $rgb & 0xFF; if (($r==255)&&($g==255)&&($b==255)){ return COLOR_WHITE; } return COLOR_BLACK; } /** * Output image * */ function outputImage(){ header('Content-type: image/png'); imagepng($this->image); } /** * create image for recognition * * @param string $img_file * @return image */ function createImageFromFile($img_file){ $img=0; $img_sz = getimagesize( $img_file ); switch( $img_sz[2] ){ case 1: $img = ImageCreateFromGif($img_file); break; case 2: $img = ImageCreateFromJpeg($img_file); break; case 3: $img = ImageCreateFromPng($img_file); break; } $this->width = $img_sz[0]; $this->height = $img_sz[1]; return $img; } } ?> Fatal error: Class 'OCR' not found in C:\wamp\www\phpocr-2006-02-10\example.php on line 14
![]() Just go to the OCR.class.php file and change the first <? to <?php
If you have a PHP5 server like Wampserver, it ignores the <? because it is not PHP 5 conform
![]() yea, that trick still fails dude, undefined function
imagecreatetruecolor on line 193
![]() yes change <? with <?php in the start of every php file found.Thank you for the information.
![]() Hi,
I changed <? to <?php in all php files but I still get the same error as deepa: Fatal error: Class 'OCR' not found in C:\wamp\www\example.php I'm grateful for any advice.
![]() ye make sure you have:
<?php // instead of <?php// there should be a space ' ' after the <?php or you won't be able to get anything
![]() Is this PHP OCR solution compatible with .NET framework?
I'm developing a project that need OCR technology and I tried one but it has some problems. Any suggestion? Here's the solution I've tried: ...
![]() You can try this free online ocr to convert image to text(
info at phpclasses dot org