 David Grimwood - 2006-09-04 12:02:55
I have been using this class on my local test server (CentOS4.3,apache,PHP5,postfix...) I have no problems with email and notifications inside my local network however none go external. It is a problem only with this package. All other apps function normally.
Any help appreciated.
 Olaf Lederer - 2006-09-04 12:36:24 - In reply to message 1 from David Grimwood
There are too much ads on this (slow) site...if you visit my own site, there is on the page about this class a link to a special support forum, please ask your question there, I'm sure we can help.
 danhhung - 2006-09-07 21:41:59 - In reply to message 2 from Olaf Lederer
Hello David,
HOpe all is well i will like you to going me online so i can tell u more about this websit.you can add me to your messanger aluwe1234@yahoo.com or send me and Email,
Thanks Alot
 danhhung - 2006-09-07 21:42:32 - In reply to message 1 from David Grimwood
Hello David,
HOpe all is well i will like you to going me online so i can tell u more about this websit.you can add me to your messanger aluwe1234@yahoo.com or send me and Email,
Thanks Alot
 Olaf Lederer - 2006-09-07 22:20:49 - In reply to message 4 from danhhung
what website?