PHP Classes

Access user Class: Site user registration and page access restriction

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  Author Author  
Name: Olaf Lederer <contact>
Classes: 10 packages by
Country: The Netherlands The Netherlands
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x

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This package is meant to manage the registration of users of a site and restrict the access to the site pages to registered users.

The main features that it provides are:

- User login authentication verification
- New site member user registration
- Remember login information
- Account activation by sending a verification e-mail to the member address
- Page access restriction to site member users
- Forgotten password recovery by sending a message with a new password member e-mail address
- multi language message reporting
- level based page access destriction
- A new feature (since 1.7) is the ability to store the users profile data in the database.
- Since version 1.8: Access levels and a simple admin panel

The class uses MySQL to store the member users information and PHP sessions to keep track of the authenticated users.

The package comes with example scripts to demonstrate all the main features

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Name: Access user Class
Base name: access_user
Description: Site user registration and page access restriction
Version: 1.0.0
PHP version: -
License: BSD License
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Group folder image Databases Database management, accessing and searching View top rated classes
Group folder image User Management User records, authentication and session handling View top rated classes


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  Innovation Award  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
October 2004
Number 2

Prize: One downloadable copy of PHPEd
Site pages access restriction to authenticated users is common need that many Web applications have, for which there are many solutions. However, there are very few that provide a complete set of features that most application developers need to include.

This class provides a complete site membership management solution, that not only provides restriction of access to site pages to site users, but also includes other not less important features such as member registration with e-mail address verification and credentials recovery for users that forget their user names and passwords, all in a generic package that can be used by many types of sites.

Manuel Lemos

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  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Plain text file access_user_class.php Class The (complete) class
Accessible without login HTML file access_user_doc.htm Doc. A user manual with examples
Accessible without login HTML file access_user_profile_doc.htm Doc. The manual about the use of the update profil extension
Accessible without login Plain text file activate_password.php Appl. Form where to submit a new (lost) password
Accessible without login Plain text file admin_user.php Appl. Admin script to change important user data
Accessible without login Plain text file changes.txt Data Notes about updates and changes
Accessible without login Plain text file countries_table.sql Data SQL statement and country list
Accessible without login Plain text file db_config.php Conf. Database configuration and some constant variables
Accessible without login Plain text file deny_access.php Appl. deafult page if access level is to low
Accessible without login Plain text file example.php Example An example how to protect a page
Plain text file ext_user_profile.php Class The extension which i used to handle the user's profile data
Accessible without login Plain text file forgot_password.php Appl. Example for a password recovery
Accessible without login Plain text file login.php Example Example to login an user
Accessible without login Plain text file login_local.php Appl. use this script login and set the applications (msg) language
Accessible without login Plain text file register.php Appl. Example to register users
Accessible without login Plain text file testpage.php Example Use this page to test the class with redirect
Accessible without login Plain text file test_access_level.php Appl. test script for checking the access level
Accessible without login Plain text file update_user.php Appl. An example for updating a user
Accessible without login Plain text file update_user_profile.php Appl. Update form for user's data and profile
Accessible without login Plain text file users_profile_table.sql Data The database table will hold the users profile data
Accessible without login Plain text file users_table.sql Data sql statement for the user table

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