 matthijs - 2005-11-30 16:05:21
Hi Olaf,
Just started looking at the code to see if it could be usefull (I'm sure it is), and saw 2 things of which I think can/might be improved.
In the class:
1) function ins_string($value, $type = "") {
$value = (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) ? addslashes($value) : $value;
Wouldn't it be better to use a db specific escape function (mysql_real_escape_string())? As far as I know, that's the recommended best practice (see f.e. NYPHP.org phundamentals)
2) $this->ins_string(md5($first_password))
As far as I can understand there are stronger hashes available then md5 nowadays, like SHA256, and it is recommended to use those or at least add a random token to the hashed password.
What are your thoughts about this? I could also give you some sources if you would like.
 Olaf Lederer - 2005-11-30 22:19:50 - In reply to message 1 from matthijs
Hello Matthijs,
The function mysql_real_escape_string() is for sure not a bad addition. In the meantime the current situation should be sql-injection proof. Check the php manual too. I used the md5 hash because it's also used in other languages too and this will make it transportable if someone use an old user database. But I think it's a good idea to offer different "hash" options that the user can decide which he want to use.
Thanks for your suggestions.
gr. Olaf
 matthijs - 2005-12-01 11:16:02 - In reply to message 2 from Olaf Lederer
Hi Olaf,
Thanks for taking the time to reply.
About my suggestions. Are you considering adjusting the class for these 2 issues in the next revision?
I have read the phpmanual on addslashes and mysql_real_escape_string functions. That's why I asked this question. From the manual:
" Using mysql_real_escape_string() around each variable prevents SQL Injection. This example demonstrates the "best practice" method for querying a database, independent of the Magic Quotes setting. "
And from NYPHP phundamentals (http://www.nyphp.org/phundamentals/storingretrieving.php) :
" The main reason for using mysql_real_escape_string instead of addslashes is that the former will handle many more characters that require special handling.(See: http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/String_syntax.html.) Addslashes will only escape " (double quote), ' (single quote) \ (backslash) and NUL (the null byte) with a backslash. Mysql_real_escape_string will take into account the character set of the current connection, and escape characters as needed."
"All of the database-specific functions (e.g., pg_escape_string) include these kinds of special cases for the particular database, whereas addslashes does not. For simple data it will work, but there is the possibility you may end up in a situation where addslashes alone will fail."
So from what I know a db specific function is a bit more secure.
As for the second issue: indeed, for backwards compatibility/transportability it is usefull to have md5 alone. Your idea to have the option of choosing betweeen different hash options is a good one. That way, you can choose the best solution for your specific situation. I think if one would build an application from scratch and security is an important issue (when not?) one can choose to use the safer option available, like sha-256. If one does not have that possiblilty, for example when passwords are allready stored/hashed a certain way, one can stick with md5.
Please consider this only as suggestions, I'm just trying to think along. Your work is appreciated.
Cheers, Matthijs
 Olaf Lederer - 2005-12-04 08:02:33 - In reply to message 3 from matthijs
yes the first one for sure is easy to integrate and will not harm :D
the second one is more tricky, but I will check this soon.