<?Php require('CreateFileByParsingDir.inc.php'); $createFileByParsingDir = new CreateFileByParsingDir;
// sets the extentions of file(s) you are looking for $createFileByParsingDir->setArrayOfExtensions('jpg, BMP, gif');
// set the base directory, from where this script should begin scanning. // if no arguments are set, the script will scan from the default web root directory // PS end the dir path with slash (either \\ for windows or / for Unix platform)
//$createFileByParsingDir->setRootDirectory("C:\\Inetpub\\wwwroot\\"); $createFileByParsingDir->setRootDirectory("C:\\Inetpub\\wwwroot\\", "http://www.domain.com//");
// creates the CSV file of the result $createFileByParsingDir->createCSVFile("\r\n", "rochak.txt", 'C:\\Inetpub\\wwwroot\\' );