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File: vendor/mikey179/vfsStream/CHANGES

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File: vendor/mikey179/vfsStream/CHANGES
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Class: PHP Tic Tac Toe Game Code
Tic Tac Toe game based on CodeIgniter
Author: By
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Date: 8 years ago
Size: 5,785 bytes


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1.1.0, 2012-08-25 ================== - implemented issue #11: add support for streamWrapper::stream_metadata() vfsStream now supports touch(), chown(), chgrp() and chmod() - implemented issue #33: add support for stream_truncate (provided by - implemented issue #35: size limit (quota) for VFS 1.0.0, 2012-05-15 ================== - raised requirement for PHP version to 5.3.0 - migrated codebase to use namespaces - changed distribution from PEAR to Composer - implemented issue #30: support "c" mode for fopen() - fixed issue #31: prohibit aquiring locks when already locked / release lock on fclose() - fixed issue #32: problems when subfolder has same name as folder - fixed issue #36: vfsStreamWrapper::stream_open should return false while trying to open existing non-writable file, patch provided by Alexander Peresypkin 0.11.2, 2012-01-14 ================== - fixed issue #29: set permissions properly when using vfsStream::copyFromFileSystem(), patch provided by predakanga - fixed failing tests under PHP > 5.3.2 0.11.1, 2011-12-04 ================== - fixed issue #28: mkdir overwrites existing directories/files 0.11.0, 2011-11-29 ================== - implemented issue #20: vfsStream::create() removes old structure - implemented issue #4: possibility to copy structure from existing file system - fixed issue #23: unlink should not remove any directory - fixed issue #25: vfsStreamDirectory::hasChild() gives false positives for nested paths, patch provided by Andrew Coulton - fixed issue #26: opening a file for reading only should not update its modification time, reported and initial patch provided by Ludovic Chabant 0.10.1, 2011-08-22 ================== - fixed issue #16: replace vfsStreamContent to vfsStreamContainer for autocompletion - fixed issue #17: vfsStream::create() has issues with numeric directories, patch provided by mathieuk 0.10.0, 2011-07-22 ================== - added new method vfsStreamContainer::hasChildren() and vfsStreamDirectory::hasChildren() - implemented issue #14: less verbose way to initialize vfsStream - implemented issue #13: remove deprecated method vfsStreamContent::setFilemtime() - implemented issue #6: locking meachanism for files - ensured that stream_set_blocking(), stream_set_timeout() and stream_set_write_buffer() on vfsStream urls have the same behaviour with PHP 5.2 and 5.3 - implemented issue #10: method to print directory structure 0.9.0, 2011-07-13 ================= - implemented feature request issue #7: add support for fileatime() and filectime() - fixed issue #3: add support for streamWrapper::stream_cast() - fixed issue #9: resolve path not called everywhere its needed - deprecated vfsStreamAbstractContent::setFilemtime(), use vfsStreamAbstractContent::lastModified() instead, will be removed with 0.10.0 0.8.0, 2010-10-08 ================= - implemented enhancement #6: use vfsStream::umask() to influence initial file mode for files and directories - implemented enhancement #19: support of .. in the url, patch provided by Guislain Duthieuw - fixed issue #18: getChild() returns NULL when child's name contains parent name - fixed bug with incomplete error message when accessing non-existing files on root level 0.7.0, 2010-06-08 ================= - added new vfsStream::setup() method to simplify vfsStream usage - fixed issue #15: mkdir creates a subfolder in a folder without permissions 0.6.0, 2010-02-15 ================= - added support for $mode param when opening files, implements enhancement #7 and fixes issue #13 - vfsStreamWrapper::stream_open() now evaluates $options for STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS 0.5.0, 2010-01-25 ================= - added support for rename(), patch provided by Benoit Aubuchon - added support for . as directory alias so that vfs://foo/. resolves to vfs://foo, can be used as workaround for bug #8 0.4.0, 2009-07-13 ================= - added support for file modes, users and groups (with restrictions, see - fixed bug #5: vfsStreamDirectory::addChild() does not replace child with same name - fixed bug with is_writable() because of missing stat() fields, patch provided by Sergey Galkin 0.3.2, 2009-02-16 ================= - support trailing slashes on directories in vfsStream urls, patch provided by Gabriel Birke - fixed bug #4: vfsstream can only be read once, reported by Christoph Bloemer - enabled multiple iterations at the same time over the same directory 0.3.1, 2008-02-18 ================= - fixed path/directory separator issues under linux systems - fixed uid/gid issues under linux systems 0.3.0, 2008-01-02 ================= - added support for rmdir() - added vfsStream::newDirectory(), dropped vfsStreamDirectory::ceate() - added new interface vfsStreamContainer - added vfsStreamContent::at() which allows code like $file = vfsStream::newFile('file.txt.')->withContent('foo')->at($otherDir); - added vfsStreamContent::lastModified(), made vfsStreamContent::setFilemtime() an alias for this - moved from Stubbles development environment to bovigo - refactorings to reduce crap index of various methods 0.2.0, 2007-12-29 ================= - moved vfsStreamWrapper::PROTOCOL to vfsStream::SCHEME - added new vfsStream::url() method to assist in creating correct vfsStream urls - added vfsStream::path() method as opposite to vfsStream::url() - a call to vfsStreamWrapper::register() will now reset the root to null, implemented on request from David Zuelke - added support for is_readable(), is_dir(), is_file() - added vfsStream::newFile() to be able to do $file = vfsStream::newFile("foo.txt")->withContent("bar"); 0.1.0, 2007-12-14 ================= Initial release.