PHP Classes

Classes of Neeraj Thakur

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Picture of Neeraj Thakur
Name: Neeraj Thakur <contact> Neeraj Thakur Google profile
Classes: 5
Country: India India
Age: 37
All time rank: 103 in India India
Week rank: 252 Down23 in India India Down
All time users: 44462
Week users: 4
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  Files folder image AJAX Drop-down  
Update the options of a select input using AJAX

  Files folder image AJAX Grid Manage Data  
Manipulate MySQL records in a table using AJAX

  Files folder image AJAX Treeview  
Update tree view on demand without page reloading

  Files folder image PHP MS Word  
Edit Microsoft Word documents using COM objects

  Files folder image PHP Tic Tac Toe Game Code  
Tic Tac Toe game based on CodeIgniter

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