This class is written to enable offline radio making with php. My definition for offline radio is a set of recorded files that is played continuously after each other.
it can work with three different file types. The supported file types are mp3,wma and ra(real audio). A sample html file is included to show how u can play audio files with media player obeject in html.
unzip the downloaded file and make a folder in your webserver root directory. name it something like "radio". The index file is a simple html file that points to radio.html file and open it in a popup window. The reason is to open it in the small size for better view. After that u need to change either start.php or start_timetable.php file. replace localhost with your webserver name or ip address. do the same in radio.html or radio_timetable.html too. radio.html will play the list of sound files in the $playlist variable in start.php file. radio_timetable.html will play sound files according to the timetable.txt file. The structure of timetable.txt is very simple. it is a comma seperated file. the first column is the url of the sound files and the second column is the time to broadcast it at the end of each line I used return code ( chr(13) ) sign as a delimeter. It means that you should push the Enter button at the end of each line. The start_timetable.php checks to see what time of the day a user has requested the page and according to the timetable.txt will start broadcasting.
This program is free to use under the following condition:
The user of this program should send the url of the site that uses this program and write my email address in the meta tags of the page.
Please send any comments and questions to my email address: